Sorcerer: lead group or /stick ?



In your opinion:

does a sorc:

lead the group like a bard or healer


/stick on a groupleader



depends alot on opinion really, when i played my sorc, briefly in rvr i was always /stuck and had time to move the camera about to check around where the group was going, behind us and stuff..

although if your leading the group you prolly got a better chance of getting mez off before enme sees your group comming.

if u at the back and group runs in you got the chance to mez and or unmezz group members...

both have benefits i guess...


the mezzor should always run point, unless trolls are available

if you have a troll, use him at what he's best at....

..... dying :p


What real advantage have you got when leading? Why does leading mean you've got a better chance of getting a mez off? You see the incoming enemies at the same time as everyone else in group, not as if being slightly further back will delay you at all.

Me being on stick to someone else means I've got only one job to worry about - mez. I don't have to worry about if the group is all on stick, someone else gives the essential commands/instructions to the group.

Sorcerer has the range to stay quite far back when mezzing. Leading a group makes you the first target, sticking to someone else may increase your survivability just a bit.


Originally posted by -GReaper-
What real advantage have you got when leading?
- Easier to target enemies. (IMO)
- More chance of getting mezz off when facing an enemy with insta-mezz.


I don't know why but i somehow prefer to lead a group.

I think sticking to someone might be better but I'll need some other's opinions to make me do that. :p


only 1 way mates
sorcs stay behind outside range and mezz.



sorc to fragile to be in teh 'f8 zone'


Originally posted by Xeanor
- Easier to target enemies. (IMO)
- More chance of getting mezz off when facing an enemy with insta-mezz.

Can be slightly easier to target enemies if you're in an awkward spot, however if the leader of the group knows not to take the awkward routes constantly then its possible to avoid them a bit. You do have the advantage of turning the camera more if you're not leading which compensates for this.

You've still got a similar chance of getting a mez off when facing someone with instamez? If you're delayed slightly by being unable to target, the extra time wasted isn't going to make enough difference against something which is instant cast? If you stop the second you see the enemy while the rest of your group keeps on moving forward, surely the chances of instamez landing on you are reduced slightly? Instamez is most likely to be cast on someone at the front of the group, if they keep on moving forward you might be out of the instamez range varying on how slow the reactions of the other CC'er are.


personally, i dont really care if im front or stuck. both have advantages and disadvantages. if there's a proper driver present, being on stick might actually be best.

being in f8 zone doesnt matter. if i'm close enough to be autotargeted, my group is already mezzed and i've failed.

If i do get a mezz off, i'll die anyway, as every single enemy has me targeted from the mezz, and will go straight for me when it breaks.

What i find the best tactic, actually, is to mezz em all, root the purger's, then die and get a rez. that way, people leave me alone to do other stuff like debuff demezz nuke etc.

That requires a proper cleric of course. one that knows how valuable a sorcerer is, even if rez sick


CCer should always lead.

It keeps CCer awake during runs (no wathching TV while leading or /gc kick)


hehe yea , death will most likely come walking to the sorc nomatter what.

Green and purple nice huuuge discolights

Inconnu or Saracen

Someone trying to blend in too much ;)

Only caster in grp in Emain? ;)

A sorc is seen from miles away, if u run at back you cant hide, if you run at front u cant hide. Nomatter what you do against tanks with high det and aom you will die if they aint killed first. Can only be avoided if the group plays like SoTL did when walkie was leading, jump walkie and wham bam slam etc... or when BoF /SoS is up, since it will allow sorc to live a little longer at least.

It increases chanses for survival to run a little to the back, but only against the random grps I think since everyone else know the signs of sorcs and know they are great sources of evul ;)

That said, I think Sorc need a change... awful class to play atm due to the survivability.


Originally posted by Shike
That said, I think Sorc need a change... awful class to play atm due to the survivability.

Same for any non-pet casting class really. Wizzies, runies and eldritches aren't faring all that well either. And at least you guys get a bit of extra range to work with :)


Originally posted by aveh
Same for any non-pet casting class really. Wizzies, runies and eldritches aren't faring all that well either. And at least you guys get a bit of extra range to work with :)

I know casters have it rough now in general due to their fragility but sorc have it worst since they get autotargetted because of the swirls and when they cast a mez. They simply cant escape it :)


Dont lead, he will get chewed to bits.

Minstrel leads, sorc stuck so he is harder to spot

Roo Stercogburn

When running as group mezzer as Roo, I always ran at the front.

I say ran, as opposed to run, because I refuse to do CC any more as a Spirit Master. See various mez related rants for details :D


Originally posted by kr0n
CCer should always lead.

It keeps CCer awake during runs (no wathching TV while leading or /gc kick)


I prefer to lead, but only if you trust the rest of your group to be pretty alert, so as to know when to get off stick and rush the enemy (on the assumption that I'll have gotten the mez off by the time they get there)

Failing that, getting a high determination tank to lead has worked pretty well for me, plus you get a bit more freedom to swivel the camera around! (If you can find one who isn't lazy and is willing to do something other than /stick and wait for enemies to magically appear with little 'z's over their head. Oh. do I sound a touch bitter? :) )

With a slow reacting group, it's near-suicide to lead ;/ By the time you have stopped to cast, a fast moving enemy group will have run up and thrown an insta at you.

All IMO.

Blue Ix

I like it when the enemy cc leads, it makes my life a whole lot easier. At the beginning of each fight I will target what I think is the enemy main cc and snare it at 1500 range to interrupt the first castable cc, and then mez it if it's a sorc trying to qc another mez. If the sorc or bard isn't up front it takes me another 1 second or so to find and target them, usually.


Usually i have the sorc im grouping stuck to me and its usually works pretty good. You xeanor are the only one that wanted to lead.


Originally posted by faderullan
Usually i have the sorc im grouping stuck to me and its usually works pretty good. You xeanor are the only one that wanted to lead.

I thought it was better :p

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