Sorc spec after 1.59b....



Through the last weeks, i have spend so much time thinking of how to spec my sorc after patch 1.59b, with my body spec being the most gimped of all times, and the new spells in mindspec, i dont really what to do, else than getting rid of my bodyspec,,, but i have thought out a few templates, and wants to hear what u guys think of it...

Grouplove sorc
49 mind
22 matter
the grouplove sorc with all the kinky new stuff from mindspec, and a little DoT and DD with snare, matter not really useable as it is too low...

Not so much grouplove sorc
44 mind
31 matter
Gets the last aoe mez, but wont get last powerregen, self-mez duration and group-mez duration, but better DD and DoT

One thing i know for sure is that im not taking mind under 44, and if anyone got any experience with the matterline please write about it, i hope that u guys can help me out on this :D


look at your class as support
29 body /46 mind

-debuff heat for wiz or cold for theur gimps will do more dmg then your dot
-best mez
-best powerregen
-best insta AE con/str debuff

even amnesia is a better way to keep you busy after mez then single dotting enemies.


its was more some information about the DD with snare in matter line i wanted some information on...

and Aussie, i have never used the resist debuff, when i have debuffed/mezzed, Fatalitys have already killed most of them before i can cast a resistdebuff on them :D

my problem is the body vs. matter issue, both got pro's and con's

and btw.. body nuke was 250 (-120) before patch, now its 250 (-200) i hate bodyspec :D


With 41 matter / 34 mind, my snare DD does between 200 and 250 damage after resists, there is no 1 min imunity timer on snare.

But if you still got your respec, wait for it till 1.59 arives, becouse there is rumor that the mezz resist buff/chant are getting nerved.

Some usefull links:

Sorcerer forum
Initial Impressions: 49 Mind / 22 Matter
Level 40 - time for decision
mezz range test ( 1.60B)

BTW those patches wont make us a lot better in RvR, they only give use a better chance against insta mezz.


wow, thx for the good links :D

btw.. have u tried corporal disintegration ?


I had CD a long time, but respecced out of it.

Get CD if you like big zergs, mg stand offs, and keep seiges.

Else get purge or moc for group vs group combad.


Don't get CD. Wastes 14 RA points.

I am going 46 mind at least for the top mezz, self-buff, str/con debuff and PoT. This will also get the 10% group chant.

The only difference between 46 mind and 49 mind is...5% on the group chant. That's it. Not worth it.

I may put the rest in Body for less variance on lifetaps. I use the resist debuffs a lot in RvR, actually, and they are always worth doing. But the first tier may not really be worth it. I'll have to see.

Matter would make an interesting secondary spec. Since 46 mind means no AoE root, having a DD snare would be nice. That would give AoE mezz, single mezz, single root and single snare. There are rumours of the lvl 19 body root being made AoE, though...

Anyway. No REAL reason to move away from 34m/41b. Maybe go 36m for the second best PoT and keep the rest in Body and hold onto the same nuke you have. Would mean you don't have to learn a new style of play.

As a full mind sorc, which is what I will end up as, it will take some adjusting. No more nuking, AoE rooting, debuff/dot combos...just mezz mezz mezz PoT PoT PoT. It does mean, though, that I can use amnesia without losing half my power bar. :p

I love amnesia and so should you! TOTAL LOCKDOWN!



No! Go 41 matter, 34 body!

I'd love to try that spec...



Increased Radius on lvl 24 AE mezz... cant resist going back to it :p


hmm 44 mind and 31 body for ae root but not the last self mezz buff (power regen 4 is fine, albs have rarely had power regen 5 anyway :) ) or 46 mind 28 body//matter (you might as well go 46 mind if you can't reach 30 body).

Well i only have a theurg, and i know ae root is useful in some situations, but is it useful enough. The level 20 body spec root should really be ae, wtf is the point of putting a single target root in the spec line when its in the baseline. If it was made ae then 46 mind 28 body would be the spec I would choose for sure.


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
No! Go 41 matter, 34 body!

I'd love to try that spec...


don't tempt me ;)

currently pondering either 50 matter 20 mind ;) or 41/34

not really analysed it with the new spells though.

Of course, I'd need to actually _get to 50_ with a character for that too...


Single root is 20 body mr Apathy.
and i have no idea what that spel does, baselinse single root has alot more duration.


< currently aiming for 41 matter 34 mind

49 mind looks interesting, i really dont think any less than 40+ matter/body will be worthwhile as the nukes are already underpowered :(


i believe the man is going for 36mind, cant remeber exactly what he said about it...


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
< currently aiming for 41 matter 34 mind

49 mind looks interesting, i really dont think any less than 40+ matter/body will be worthwhile as the nukes are already underpowered :(

actually looking at the new spells 40 matter 36 mind is better bet

(35 for Steel Mind, 36 for Cognition of Power)

will probably aim for that :)

might go matter/body if they do something wacky with those lines....


Matter is a nice line but I think that if you can get the second tier of resist debuffs, second last nuke and second AoE root, then that's worth than a spec DoT, a DD snare and...five million dex/qui debuffs.

Of course, I only say so because I have been playing my body/mind spec so long that I don't think I could cope with any changes at all. I respecced out of CD because not only was it crap, it was taking up time in my head during fights. "Should I use CD now? What about now? Maybe now? Would CD be a good thing to use here? Can I use CD when I am dead?".

50matter/20mind would be too gimped! The reason for body/matter is to get the matter debuff. Most people won't have matter totally capped and the 30% debuff will wipe out what they do have. I've never seen any bard using the matter resist chant, and group with a shaman with 38 aug running the matter resist will still only end up with something like 12%...

I think it's one of those test server specs anyway so I won't say any more.

Post-1.59, any spec with at least 36 mind is going to be decent. I expect there will be lots of dragon raids going on after the patch and I am going to grab as many respec stones as my carrying limit of 12 will allow.

And yes, Mr.Aussie, it's at 20, not 19. Working from memory. Tsk.



Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
Matter is a nice line but I think that if you can get the second tier of resist debuffs, second last nuke and second AoE root, then that's worth than a spec DoT, a DD snare and...five million dex/qui debuffs.

Thats the attraction of matter/body

dex debuff (matter)
dex/qui debuff (telekinesis)
aoe dex/qui debuff (telekinesis)
aoe dex/qui debuff (disorientation)

don't mezz with mah dex debuffing!

(shame they don't stack, isn't it)

I demand pbaoe and gtaoe dex/qui debuffs now!!!!!

(that and they need to fix the level 20 body root, and the cabalist lower level snare which should be aoe too, not that anyone ever specs spirit anyway)


I also want castable versions of all dex/qui debuffs too. Instants are just not always the best thing!

Here's the spec you want - 30 body, 31 matter, 32 mind.

Best charm, third best resist debuffs, third best AoE root, third best body DD, fourth best spec DoT, third best snare/DD, third best AoE mezz, third best str/con debuff.

But that's not all! You also get...the third best of every spec dex/qui debuff! That's three of the third best.

Take the casting time of mana chanters up to 10 seconds, str/con debuff them and start whacking them with your staff!

(A note - str/con and then str debuffing a PBAoEr is very fun. "You want to PB there? FINE! You can stand there for the next minute.")



Hm, a shame that you'll only get lowlvl spells, spell lvl vs playerlvl would give you alot of resists wouldn't it?


Originally posted by Tranquil-
Hm, a shame that you'll only get lowlvl spells, spell lvl vs playerlvl would give you alot of resists wouldn't it?

he's advocating that spec on the amount of dex/qui debuffs you get...

methinks he's joking ;)

34 mind
28 body
31 matter

that's what you want ;)

aoe mezz, dd/snare and a matter debuff. lubly


Yeah but the mezz in that spec would distract you from the important tasks of debuffing and dotting. Mezz is lame anyway and I am sick of mezzing. Root > mezz. At least, it would be if people went for the casters instead of the nearest thing with a spear. Some people can't resist whacking an enemy tank in the blind belief that they are taking them on one-on-one and...winning. Twats!

That's the thread that confirmed what I've been planning for a while - the body/matter spec. It all began some months ago when I realised I had matter-based DoTs and...a matter debuff!

I mean, mezz can be powerful but there are too many people only too happy to fuck up your work. And at 46 mind, I'll only be able to AoE mezz. No AoE root, only single target. I've relied on AoE root in the past stop two tanks on me/another caster; God knows how many times it's saved Tilda's ass. :p

Uh oh...moving into whingy sorcerer territory!

Come to me, sweet respec stones! COME TO ME!



Little piece of advide from Pcentella here: don't use dragon respec stones yet. Things (meaning spells) on USA DAoC are changing much in these patches, with all the new spells added to mind, and the blot-range mez; but I think they haven't finished. I think we may see the lvl20 spec root becoming AoE at last, and that is a MAJOR thing, as we could have maxed mind and still have an AoE root (though resisted quite often).

And maybe they add something to matter, I don't know. If I remember well, sorc's teamleader says we may get some form of AoE damage, some way.

And I think respecs will come when they finish this big balancing patches (though don't take it for granted).

Patience is a virtue :)


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion
I respecced out of CD because not only was it crap, it was taking up time in my head during fights. "Should I use CD now? What about now? Maybe now? Would CD be a good thing to use here? Can I use CD when I am dead?".
Awww, Mr Sorcerer, an AoE DoT is useful in just about any situation! :D


Yeah but chances are you will only be able to use it in two of those situations in any hour. :p



45 Body 29 Mind

Mez has taken it up the ass for too long now, I'm sure that soon most resist types will see the same as Body is currently - ie Matter.

I seem to see a lot of 'Nerf AoE DoT!!!' type posts on VN, so knowing Mythic they'll do something about it.

Soon my 24 spec AoE Mez will have 350 radius and maybe 1875 range!

RvR is about damage . . . I'm a Support damager :)


lvl 24 spell = LOTS of resists

But... why am I saying this if I already have 45 body? :p


Not that many resists, I try to chain-cast it in case it happens.

Anyway, there's always that big-ass root if mez fails :D

- Fedaykin -

Sorc with most RP's on excal = Grymulv = 50 body - Its not that gimped tbh, im 34 mind 41 body atm and have no problem mezzing or throwing 300 dmg dd's in there now and again to make sure i get some rp's - make sure your groups know not to break mezz - it's elementary stuff but most albs forget it

I mezz tanks = casters still about = our tanks go for casters = win - in theory

what actually happens is:

I mezz tanks = casters still about = 15 skalds and sblades gank me :(


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