Sorc questions


Molten Lava

Lots of sorcs threads lately but I think I missed the answer to this question....where to lvl after tanglers (43+) I am (as some might no by now) a whining lvl 43 sorc with 100% mind (ok its stupid...but hey i;m stuck to it for now) what can i do?

trees? what is the use of sorcs there..cant mezz these I'm afraid)
DF? to much aggro for my naked-paper-armour
DM? bit less as in DF but bad XP??
Quit the game? ;)



Tanglers solo with a tank and cleric to help in the group TONS of exp and yes u can mez trees at about lvl 43 up


Tanglers in small groups are great.

not very social though

DF is a bad place for a mind sorc of 43 seasons
CC is not strong enough for those purple conns that give the real sweet exp


If you get a good tree group you ought to be able to manage - yes, you WILL get some resists, but have the cleric stun the ones that slip through and try again to mezz, and in a worst case scenario have one of the main fighters watching your health and watching for resists ready to dive in and hit it ;)

Small tanglers groups can be good - at 43 I'd suggest maybe a 5 would be safest, but the xp should still be good even then. Lunar and I are both 48, and for a night off we did 2 man aqua pulls using her lesser telamon pet. Our pull rate wasn't fantastic, but we did manage to gain some xp despite dying (apologies to those we turned down - rare for us and no offence to anyone who wanted to join us).

If you can get a lesser telamon pet, then you can also use that to solo telamons or normal goblins.... the pet HP regen is so fast in this patch that this is much better than it used to be.

Hope this helps,

Good luck,

Molten Lava

hehe ok

Ok's my cry for help...which tree group wants to help a lvl 43 sorc tonight (can wait till I have lvl 44, largest AoE mezz in the game)

Msg me ingame
Anything Mezzed or


yep, thats the real bugger.
getting into groups is a pain in the ass
and getting into treegroups at 43 is just plain impossible without a whole lot of luck


I tried trees at 43 and had *horrible* resists (I'm 34 spec Mind had a few +Mind items at the time).

Resists are supposed to be level-based not spec based, so presumably it would be the same for a full-Mind spec.

Tried them again at 46 and it was a lot easier, although tbh I reckon a Mincer can do trees better (chain!)

I slogged it out at Tanglers till 45 then did a few DF / DM hunts till 46.

My Sorc is kinda shelved atm, although I guess Trees would get me another level or two if I wanted.

I can solo Arch Tanglers now (that 35 Body spec Nuke is nice hehe) but it's often so camped down there it makes it hard work.


I didn't start at trees until 44, did gobs up until then.

The best exp you will get will probably a group of 3 lvl 47s, you, a wizard and a minstrel at the wall (arch is it nowadays?) tanglers. Stick in that group of 3 and you should be able to make 47-50 in a 3/4 days (but be prepared to be mad with boredom).


or find some friends and go hit Dartmoor :) fun!


Definately Tanglers friend,

Get yourself a good theurgist, let him pet pull and the rest is easy.
Mez the incoming pack, both stand close to eachother and start autotarget nuking, remez or aoe root after 5 or so goblins and continue to slaughter.
If you feel uncomfortable in duo try getting a wizard to group, the exp is still great anyway.

After 40 playing days and having seen most things and hunted most things i really wanted 50 badly, i started tangling at 43 and hit 50 in 5 real time days, so its really worth it but be prepared to get bored like hell and get alot of bad reactions cause most people see duo or trio as very unsocial, maybe they got a point too. I never felt guilty doing it however, there is a huge lack of nice 40 plus exping spots and us sorcerers cant help it that we happen to excel in hunting at the most frequented.

I'd say goodluck and meet u in the frontiers soon i hope,

Afun Mindbreaker


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
Tanglers solo with a tank and cleric to help in the group TONS of exp and yes u can mez trees at about lvl 43 up

Tanglers in a smaller group is dead right.
However... mezzing trees at 43? Mmm... i can tell you never played a CC class Lone :p
At 43 i was able to just about sort-of almost do an acceptable job of mezzing trees. Even then, i would get multiple resists on every single target. At 44 it's a bit better, but still pretty bad.
Basically a sorc trying to do the same would be dead 90% of the time due to resist and dying in 1 or 2 hits.


Not sure if this bears out but from what I've seen:

single target root > single target mezz > aoe mezz
for resists...

might just be bread landing butter side up ;) but seems that roots stick easier than mezzes... and that single target is easier than aoe...

although that might just be the 'minstrel mezzes, resist, survives' 'sorc aoe mezzes, resists, dead'


single target root > single target mezz > aoe mezz

Actually, I've always thought this too, but assumed it was my imagination. Many times when the AE mezz has been resisted, I've nailed it with the single target mezz.

I didn't start trees until level 45 and, even then, with a mind spec of 38 I think at the time, I had far too many resists for comfort. Even at level 49 now, with a mind spec of 42, I still get resists and it can be a pretty stressful experience when you are desperately trying to mezz the tree thats attacking your cleric, assuming that you havent already died, as we all know that the first one that a mezz resisted mob goes for is the mezzer.

I much prefer tanglers to trees at level 49 also. I hardly ever get resists and, if you are in a small 2 - 3 man group the xp can be amazingly good, particularly if you have a tank with you who likes to body-pull.

The down-side is, of course, all the people you have to turn down from the group. This is amazingly hard, it make me feel very guilty and I always try to explain why, as I dont want to be seen as an xp hungry elitist.

Hell, at 47 days played (at least) and still level 49, I'm hardly a powerleveller, but the fact is, we have very few places where the last final slog to 50 can be made in relative safety and decent speed.

I'd love to xp somewhere else, I'm sick of the sight of goblins, but you show me another place where I can get up to 100 milllion xp on nice, safe, easy to kill, blue con mobs each pull, and I 'll go xp there.


Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow

Actually, I've always thought this too, but assumed it was my imagination. Many times when the AE mezz has been resisted, I've nailed it with the single target mezz.

I didn't start trees until level 45 and, even then, with a mind spec of 38 I think at the time, I had far too many resists for comfort. Even at level 49 now, with a mind spec of 42, I still get resists and it can be a pretty stressful experience when you are desperately trying to mezz the tree thats attacking your cleric, assuming that you havent already died, as we all know that the first one that a mezz resisted mob goes for is the mezzer.

I much prefer tanglers to trees at level 49 also. I hardly ever get resists and, if you are in a small 2 - 3 man group the xp can be amazingly good, particularly if you have a tank with you who likes to body-pull.

The down-side is, of course, all the people you have to turn down from the group. This is amazingly hard, it make me feel very guilty and I always try to explain why, as I dont want to be seen as an xp hungry elitist.

Hell, at 47 days played (at least) and still level 49, I'm hardly a powerleveller, but the fact is, we have very few places where the last final slog to 50 can be made in relative safety and decent speed.

I'd love to xp somewhere else, I'm sick of the sight of goblins, but you show me another place where I can get up to 100 milllion xp on nice, safe, easy to kill, blue con mobs each pull, and I 'll go xp there.

Yup.... there you have it, and niely put if I may say so, my Lady


I'd like to add my own apologies to those of you out there who we've turned down in the past couple of days. I hate doing that but experience has shown that if you want the xp bar to actually move once in an hour having just a couple of people in the group is the only way to do it. Like Lunar, I can hardly be described as a power leveller at +50 days /played myself...

I'll not try to remember all the names, but a special <chuckle> for Najwa with some crazy messing about on Saturday and then falling asleep (we think) yet still not getting in.... sorry Naj and thanks for the rezzes ;)

Lunar is now 49, I will hopefully ding 49 tonight and then hopefully its just a few more days before we're out of there and freeing up a camp spot. Until then, apoogies in advance for those we turn away :(



Solarflare, Golladia and Najwa (thanks for making us laugh) are the three names that stick in my mind.

These three have valiantly tried to group with us several times now, and I'd like to specifically apologise to them :)



49-50 can solo at tanglers, just take MCL and youll be just fine :D


Tanglers all the way to 50 imo I'm afraid. At the trees you'll either be reduced to the role of backup mezzing / debuffing, or primary CC and dying 1 pull in 10 because of the ridiculous resist rates on trees. And that's with a fairly decent group who will pull the aggro off you.

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