Sorc pets



While browsing the VN boards, which are most of the time pretty crap cause Americans write on them... I read that apparently Sorc pets are no longer debuffed when charmed.
You can follow this link but basically equal lvl mobs have close fights with the sorc pets, and a lvl 49 isolationist pole armsman can kick serious but one on one with a tank.
My question is, when did this bug fix come live? They talk about a month ago, but no idea what patch, etc... Pretty important, specially as the following link mentions that pets will no longer chase stealthed characters. Shame, as this was not really such a big bug like the LoS of pets, etc.. but Mythic never had their priorities straight :p
Anyway, anybody some info?
Regards, Glottis


the 'debuffed on charm' I've never seen any good logs/evidence about... I've heard enough anecdotal stuff but it sounds to me like it's just one or two occasions that a monster has got lucky or whatever...

it might be the combat code works diffrently for pets than normal monsters though...


Charm two telamons to check they are the same lvl. Recharm one and make them fight to the death. Gasp in disgust at the results.



Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Pretty important, specially as the following link mentions that pets will no longer chase stealthed characters. Shame, as this was not really such a big bug like the LoS of pets, etc..

It is a big bug and continues being so until fixed...

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