Sorc mez



Is it just me or do the new lowbies in Alb not realize a sorc is a decent mezzer?

I just started a new sorc, Dreama lvl 19 as of tonight, and it seems to me that ALOT of people in groups are saying the same thing. We need a minstrel so we can have a mezzer. Ok, I know it's a VERY low lvl :rolleyes: but alot of ppl at this lvl are alts.

So just to let it be know...Us skinny Sorcerers can mez a bit to



sorc mez > all other mez in albion. I dislike sorcs though as I end up being a mana battery which is boring beyond belief. :p


If a sorc plays it right, and the group knows the sorcs job is to mez, then the sorc shouldn't go below half power. I cripple then mezz then sit. (For some reason I get less risist if I cripple first) I only throw in nukes when I know spawn time is gonna take ages or when the group is gonna go down if I don't.

But anyhow, the point is, why don't the low lvl alts of the high lvls know about my mez? I am constantly heaing "We need a minstrel to do those mobs, for the mez" while I'm jumping up and down saying Hey guys, look at me lvl 19 with a 33 sec aoe mez!

lol, or maybe I'm being a picky girl again! hehe


picky or not your mez failed last night, good thing Liaras res didn´t :p

(me is in a weird mood, admins has cut off daoc access now :()


Dont worry about it mate

Once u hit low to mid 30's EVERYBODY wants you.

At 37 I run in Lyonese and get between 2-4 PMs before i can even reach the Dunters.

Gobo groups all know that Sorcerers are the most usefull class for crowd control and they want u Bad.

It can be sickening seeing people begging you to stay when it is time to Log.

All in all it i think 30-40 has been some of the easiest levelling for me in a long time.

As for mana a good sorcerer will never drop below 50% if he is doing gobo's. I tend to run at about 65-80 % mana during a chain. Only if the poo its the fan do you really get caught for mana doing crowd control

Keep the faith

It gets better

I could run higher if i didnt debuff as much


Originally posted by Elryrith
Dont worry about it mate

Once u hit low to mid 30's EVERYBODY wants you.

At 37 I run in Lyonese and get between 2-4 PMs before i can even reach the Dunters.

Gobo groups all know that Sorcerers are the most usefull class for crowd control and they want u Bad.

It can be sickening seeing people begging you to stay when it is time to Log.

All in all it i think 30-40 has been some of the easiest levelling for me in a long time.

As for mana a good sorcerer will never drop below 50% if he is doing gobo's. I tend to run at about 65-80 % mana during a chain. Only if the poo its the fan do you really get caught for mana doing crowd control

Keep the faith

It gets better

I could run higher if i didnt debuff as much

yada yada yada Elry, you just trying to conceal the fact that you really wanted to be a friar :p

on a "little" more serious note though I will NEVER turn down a sorc for my group I love the mez as it is usually a downtime savour (well maybe not last night had the greatest experience, which I will tell you about now ;))

we where

Jeradon 25 Paladin (started as 24
Coaxmetal 25 Armsman (started as 22 or 23
Numenor 24 Paladin (started as 22
Liara 24 cleric (started as 23
Octanion 25 paladin (started as 24
Toenuker 25 Wiz (started as 24 I think, joined laters

when we first arrived in the antroom (- toenuker)
it was full, our group cleared the room in below 5 mins and had no downtime even after and just kept on pulling blue/red cons, had a laugh and good fun for 3 hours :)

thanks to toenuker for joining us although he sat down most of the time trying to regain mana ;)


Well, at 38 you'll be PM'ed for tangler groups...

And you'll soon find out if you're made to be a sorc... I've been in a few groups where the sorc just didnt 'know' how to mezz... Now you might say 'its easy', but the trick with tanglers is, mezz as many goblins with 1 mezz...

Each mezz halfs the duration, some forget that... Got me killed several times :rolleyes:

Because in the early 40's, you need those goblins to stay put for as long as possible ;)

But hey, I dont get it either, I've had a heard a few low level sorcs complain about problems getting groups... Oohwell, all we say is, it'll all turn around at 30+ ...

And I'll never turn down a sorc either, if I have room in the group ;)


You will do 40-50 no problem Sorc's are essential in Tangler groups!!!

You NEED to spec well in mez or ur just be a pointless sorc, best to exploit ur classes best feature, namely MEZZING


Well, one of the best Sorcs that albion has (Veeshan) only has between 20 and 30 spec points in Mind (the mezz-spec)... (You could argue about the fact if she's the greatest sorc or not, but she's one of the few with RR5)

If this is true, then mind is defenitly not needed to be a successfull sorc...

Oohwell, I'm just a simple armsman, so what do I know :clap:


Yeah mezz failed...yada yada....happens to the best of us...(Oh and my mezzes would last longer is Xenaa the mezz killer didn't aoe stun every 20 seconds):eek:

Anyways...I was just getting it off my chest that I forgot how much I loved, and hated, the low lvls....


sharielle maybe we (group mentioned earliere) go again tonight, nothing certain though if we do I give you a msg :) mez would be nice in catas :)


Veeshans no good if u ask me she just happened to be the one of the lucky sods who is on DAoC constantly, and managed to get pwr lvled to 50 by most the high lvls at the time namely Royal Bavarians

The only reason she is RR5 is because no one else has the patience to go for it or has not hit RR5 because they want lvl 50 first

There I said it!

[edit] Christ I better say that this post is sarcasm or someone will kill me I am sure


Yeah, Toenuker was in my group earlier. Our group broke up and left 2 or 3 of us in ant room alone (thanks guys)....I died getting out and got a rez by your rezzer (thank you yet again) Have I told you how much I hate Gremlins/goblin agro asses!

wow, did I get off subject on this one or what!


LMAO, I've seen Veeshan in action... She's good...

I wouldnt be supprised if she's the leading RP holder of Albion... Getting level 50 doesnt make you good, getting RR5 (in my eye's) makes you good(I see her run a lot around solo, group leeching doesnt seem to be her 'thing')...

Mezz doesnt make a sorc 'good', it only helps others kill a large number of ppl... But when you see a single sorc take out a group of 8 (or more), and see that more then once...

Oohwell... I'm just a lonely tank, hope to make RR3 someday(actually hope to get that within a month), and may be even eventually RR4 ... Most ppl will have more RP's in the end, although I'm not doing bad in the RP area (seeing I'm still far from 50)...

Anyways, back to the subject... A sorcs mezz owns, doesnt need full mind spec (in my opinion), but it helps... And if I see a sorc, LFG, I'll invite them if I can ;)

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