Sorc maybe for sale



Out of couriosity how much would you pay for an account with a lvl 43 sorc on it? Mind specc of course.

or maybe I want to trade accounts with someone...anyone interested?


Another day, another person gets bored i guess :rolleyes:

Ill start the bidding at 1 cent ;)


Originally posted by Draylor
Another day, another person gets bored i guess :rolleyes:

More like another day, another person reads the 1.52 release notes :(


Personally i'd feel 'odd' playing someone elses character. Its just not the same if its not your hard work thats got you there. Don't think I could ever face to sell my main either, just wouldn't feel right, or maybe im just too sentimental about my characters lol.

hmmmm 2 cents and a :m00: ?


Yep, read the notes, got pissed. Hate nerfing, the logic of nerfing is so flawed. As I see it now the best char for RvR is an infil (alb side). Tanks seem to think they have it bad...casters get gutted way to easy...clerics got smite nerfed...It just seems to me that instead of nerfing a char they should boost the lesser chars. Nothing makes a person want to leave the game more that being nerfed. On the other hand, nothing makes a person stay in the game more than seeing patch notes with a char boost comming in 1-2 months. I don't mind the cure rez...I do mind the timer on mezz being messed with at the edges of my AE..people break mezz so much that RARELY does my 59 sec ae mezz last more than 5 seconds. Bah, I'm just mad cuz every char I play gets nerfed and it's getting annoying. Maybe a disclaimer on the create new char..Warning, this char, whatever it may be, will inevitably be nerfed to the point that it is no longer fun to play.


I admit as a tank im happy mezz is being nerfed, but on the other hand I also agree with you on the principle of nerfing in general.

I hate nerfs, I have in all games I play and quite agree that rather then nerf one class, they ought to improve the other class to compensate. It makes sense, after all the other classes are happy as they get a boost and the formely going to be nerfed class has nothing to complain about.

However in this situration I don't see any other way they could get around mezz being the all powerful winnder in rvr.

I agree the sorceress is not overpowered by any means, however mezz itself is all powerful in rvr, and has to be dealt with somehow. Its just unfortunate that the sorceress has no other bonuses to compensate.

As a personal opinion I would say maybe that Mythic should of given the sorceress some more powerful DD spells or some other damage boost to compensate for this as a sweetener, something the all mind types could respecc to if they wished.

Just my thoughts.


Ah, you want to be nerf proof?

Play a tank - we cant get much worse ;)


While I don't agree with nerfing as a rule, the problem with DAoC is that it was released with two major imbalances, stealth and Mez/Stun. Both are badly conceived ideas that ruin the RvR ideology behind the game. Mez in particular was obviously never thought out in detail, it's there to protect casters from maurading tanks, but it's use has been reversed from a defensive ability to the most potent offensive ability in the game. If Mythic had thought it through to the end originally we probably wouldn't have all the messy nerfs we are getting. Mez should be replaced with a repel or something, a spell that stops the tanks in question from attacking the caster, but doesn't stop them completely in their tracks like mez does now.

On the question of selling accounts, I'd never do it. I want to take my selected names from one game to another, I wouldn't want my name taring by someone with a bit of cash. People aren't going to distinguish between the old player and the new, I certainly don't, to me it's one player throughout I'm not going to be responisble for remembering who sold what and when ;)



Originally posted by Talifer
While I don't agree with nerfing as a rule, the problem with DAoC is that it was released with two major imbalances, stealth and Mez/Stun.

actually three (or four).

mez/stun, CC in general.

all of them being too effective, or putting the user at little risk.


Ah common, range isnt too powerfull... A wizard that gets guarded by a shield tank will never get hit by an archer if he stays near the tank...

And in no way can an archer take out a tank thats in a group...
(guessing your talking about that range, since range of a caster should be powerfull, what other protection should a caster have)

If they wanted mezz to be a 'safe exit' for casters, they should have made its duration WAY lower, but 60 seconds of standing still, looking at the sky (dunno, craft a bit?), is just no fun for tanks... (or any class that got 'mezzed', but tanks are hit the hardest by it)

No battle should be won by a single person that managed to get less lag and mezz the fastest... And thats currently the way it works...

But without colision detection, it'll be hard to balance it all... A way would be to increase the damage tanks do to other tanks, why, that way they can take out a tank before it gets to a caster... But instead of doing that, they lowered it, making it harder for tanks to protect casters from other tanks...

You could also make cloth more resistant against physical attacks, but that would make solo casters too strong...

So what would be a good solution? No one knows, but personally think the mezz 'nerf' might be a good idea... (Spec body + mind and get mezz + root + dd's, granted not wizzie damage dd's, but still pretty damn good)


Stick with it until 1.52 dreama and respec to body :)

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