Soooo whats up with Gorre?



Ok the English gorre page says its down but is using the internal test database...... The german and french gorre web pages say its up and using the excalibur database.

It appears to be up using the internal test database....why?


Just been on (thought it was in english) and it wasnt, was in french....

But it was slightly bugged for me, was talking to someone there, and i couldnt reply to them, it kept saying ' you cannot reply untill you have received a message' [or something like that].

Weird thing was that bit of wording was in english, where as everything else was french...

Oh well..... :m00:


There are many bugs that pop up if you connect to a daoc server that is running a different language than the one your client is set to. For a long time I played on Excalibur with the french client: R does not work for reply, control-D and control-S don't work for destroy item and sell item... things like that. I finally got fed up with it and downloaded the english client since I stopped playing on the french servers altogether. The most annoying bug that I know of is that assassins can't climb keep walls if they have the wrong language - strange but true, as a german guildmate found out.


Reading the news, it looks like they're happy with the patch now, so have they taken Gorre down to plan for the PvP server now?

If they have, great! (sarcasm)

So Gemans get at least a week to test the patch, French get at least a week (in fact, I think they both got more than this), and what do we get? one day? ONE LOUSY DAY??

Since I work, and had problems patching last night, I ended up with just two hours to test my ideas for respec. How is anyone supposed to get a feel of what they think might be a new configuration in that time?

I know this is a bit of a whinge, and I'm not normally one for such complaints, I know we should be glad that the patch is finally here and all, and I know that Prydwen database didn't even get the day that Excal got, but I can't help but feel cheated on the chances I had to figure out how, if at all, I'd like the possibility to try out a new spec template for my Excal characters, and once again it seems that GOA treat the players on the english servers (yes, even Prydwen, since no english players trying out these spec ideas means you do not learn either through the forum) as meaningless!

Please someone tell me that Gorre will be available on the Excalabur database for at least a few days after the patch! Looking on the website thats supposed to keep us informed is also out of the question, since there is nothing there about the situation with the Gorre server!

Come on GOA, we pay as much as the French and Germans do!


Don't want to piss on your bonfire Solarius (although I am going to...). Please think about what you type.

There are 2 English servers. This means 50% of English players had the bonus oppurtunity to test respec.

There are 3 French servers, only 1 of which was copied to Gorre, meaning only 33% of French players had the bonus oppurtunity to test respec.

There are 4 German servers, only 1 of which was copied to Gorre, meaning only 25% of Germans players had the bonus oppurtunity to test respec.

So statistically, GOA gave a higher percentage of players on the English servers a bonus oppurtunity to test their respecs.

Theres an old Australian joke. Goes something like "How do you know a jet from the UK has landed at Sydney Airport,....because the whining carries on after the engines have stopped".. True, so very true.


sadly it's very true as well it. esp lately with Gorre and respec


Ok, I knew it was a whine. I said so in the post. I'm not saying that both english servers should have been patched to Gorre so that all the players on the english server could try out respec.

But we are all recieving these warnings about careful respeccing, and Gorre was the one opportunity to play around with your ideas without gimping your character with no chance or reprieve, and with only one day for us to do this, as well as testing the bugs that may have enmerged in the combination of 1.51 and 1.52, translation et al. You point out that only 33% of the french servers and 25% of the german servers were patched to gorre, and yes, thats true. But at least the players who did get the chance also had time to try out their respecced characters for a few days, to get the feel of it. Did we? Did we get that chance, chesnor?

Statistics can be tailored to say whatever you want them too. Here you use them to make me out to be some kind of selfish, xenophobic moron. Thanks for that gem. Oh, don't forget, the english servers are also for the scandinavians, and anyone else who wants to play in an english-speaking environment.

Does anyone else feel that the time we got was a little to short to be of any use to us? Or am I the only person on the english server that would like a few more days? Does everyone else on the english servers think the time we've been given was deserving, considering the overall population we contribute to the game as a whole?


the english server?
hello! there's 2. one of which did NOT get a chance to test

Gorre is there for GOA to iron out the last remaining bugs. it is NOT your personal testing ground for respec. live with it.


Everyone would have liked Gorre for longer. But Gorres purpose isn't to allow those players lucky enough to play on 3 of the 9 servers to test respec. It was to test 1.52 works as a whole. The fact that some could experiment with respec was a bonus.

Would you have applauded if GOA said "We are going to delay the patch for a week, to allow players on the Excalibur server to fiddle about with respec until they get the uber-spec"? Would Prydwen players have tolerated this?

Apply some common sense. The time a patch spends on Gorre should be as small as possible. This not only means GOA are getting better at translating, but it means everyone, all the players on all 9 EU servers can enjoy the patch. Not just the chosen few.

And I wasn't implying you are a whiner or xenophobe, I am just a bit annoyed with people on Excalibur moaning about the fact they only got 2 days to test respec yadda yadda, when some of us, most of us in fact, didn't get that luxury at all....


I do understand what you have written, yes the testing is for patch bugs, yes, it should be short as possible, and yes, most people don't get the golden opportunities that some of us enjoy.

I'm one of them after all, since I'm unfortunate enough to work, so I got precious little time as well. And I don't want to seem ungrateful, since I did manage to see the respec command, and did learn something about autotrain. That was about it though :p

I guess I'm just a little peeved, since I was under the impression that gorre would be up for another day, but it's not, ahh well such is life.

I'd say a little more, but it seems I'm alone in my opinion, so I guess I'll shut up.

I just hope that there isn't an influx of people complaining on this forum after the patch because they've respecced and it's gone foul on them, because I'm sure, knowing human nature, that the first person/persons these will blame will be GOA, Gorre will play a major part in thier complaints. I'm personally going to avoid respec right now, since it's a loaded gun that noone knows where it's pointing.

End of comments, I'll leave you in peace now.

And I'll even start the celebrations for you...



I agree with Sol, 1 day was not enough to test anything.. Respec or bugs, simple as


the respecs are for fixing character mistakes, and reacting to all the changes in the previous patches we've had, not testing out uber l33t templates.


Hate to break it to you meatballs but it all coincides. Adapting to the changes and fixing mistakes requires testing too. I for one (as Cleric) was forced to spec an entirely different way, into an entirely different playstyle, for this to work out most smoothly I would have liked the chance to test out and see if it really did what I wanted it to. It's not a minor change for me here, it's an entire change of character and which spec that suits me the most really does need testing. Not about a l33t spec but one I can actually get used to playing.

GOA themselves are warning you about how revolving and wrong it can get to respec your character into something entirely different, in many cases this might be considered inadvisable, in my case it's unfortunaly forced.

Gorre is obviously not anyones personal test server, but the testing can work both ways. They could take us into consideration and give us some form of heads up on how long the server could stay up. In my case I was testing the nerf of my old spec which I felt had to be done, was about to try the respec when the server just dropped. Not very cool.


well there are other places to test figure out these things than the test server, ie learning about what its' going to be like first does a lot.

obviously just looking at the numbers wont tell you everything, but it worked well enough for me with regards to respeccing to pure mana, tested it on gorre just to make sure and have to say i was very very impressed with it, and although drastic, having played the new style i'm quite sure it's a good choice.

now i could have been thinking of respeccing to light instead, but the simple fact was that i already knew there was really nothing i wanted from taking light as a primary, which is why i chose my respec to mana, basically all i'm saying is that you really never need to do more with the respec test than just use it as a way of making sure, because you can make your choice from just learning about the different specs.

gorre isnt there as a players test server, its' not even there for us to "make sure" were making the right choice, it's purely there so that we can go on there in order so that the devs can get early warning about any possible bugs which may crop up when everything's patched, if we happen to get lucky and are able to test a respec on it during that time, then great! but it's not something were actually entitled too. gorre isnt ours, handy bonus but that's all it is. :)

EDIT yes i'd have liked them to wipe the char database so i can test a gazillion different respecs, but what i'm saying is that, that's not why it's there, get used to it :p


Its not going back either, got a reply from Kemor. They got what they wanted (it working fine with english) so now there going on to do pvp testing, thats why its been using the internal database

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