Soooo empty...


Cap'n Sissyfoo

Where is everyone?

Last month or so when I was making my wizard I had no trouble finding groups at the low levels. This was not because of my inate coolness and natural abilities to blow the shit out of things (it was only part of the reason) it was because there were lots of groups running around.

Now, a month or so later, I find myself building a sorcerer character but I'm having a lot more trouble finding groups.

The plains are practically deserted save for some small groups running around, Keltoi never seems to have more than 18 or so people in it at any one time and the far the record number of people in there recently was 10!!

With Sissyfoo I could run around the Catties pestering several group leaders for a space but with my sorc there only ever seems to be one GL in the whole dungeon. In Keltoi there used to be loads of people, 2 groups in the ant room, 2 groups camping the banisher room and another couple running around near Gwerth, not to mention the people who were either LFG or soloing.

Where the HELL is everyone? Has this game stopped attracting many new people or is that damn PvP server drawing too many people away?


Oh well, back to soloing Bogies...again.


Cats is going to stay empty, DF has taken its place pretty well. Keltois taken a brunt for this too.
The game moves in cycles, sometimes there are lots of people bored with their mains leveling new ones, and then there are people leveling their earlier alt that are in 30's etc. PvP crap is going to make it a bit more empty for awhile untill those 500 players that can actually make it there are selected through darwinian process. Daoc still is growing, but don't expect as many people at leveling as you used to, many will puke if they have to lvl to 50 again and again.

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