Sony NGS


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
With the right price (lol) it could be a success. It will probably be about £500 and flop.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
Aye,m the OLED screen isn't going to be cheap (unless they make it at a loss). Gotta wonder what the battery life would be like running that too.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The hardware seems amazing. I wonder if Sony will really charge an insane amount for it considering the bad press they had with the PS3.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
What is nintendo's latest handheld console?


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Bit of a shameless link here but The Specifications | Console Forums

It actually looks like quite an interesting bit of kit. However my original PSP was an interesting bit of kit but was only any good for playing Super Mario Brothers.

The touch back is a fucking load of old bollocks as well imho. Anyone can mash the X button quicker than they can one hand clap (the effective motion of the touchpad). I can't see it being any good except when except maybe a driving game where braking isn't required and you don't want to hold a button down. It's got that strong "developers will require you to use it at certain points in certain games to justify its existence" vibe about it.

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
To be fair to the PSP, they made mistakes with the rediculously power hungry UMD format and the MMD cards, but there were some very good titles on the PSP and the PSOne games availagble for it were usually the good ones and it sold in silly numbers in Japan. Over here, games developers lost interest in it quite quickly simply on the grounds that it was hacked constanly and had terrible security - a mistake I doubt Sony will be making again.

Nintendo have an unquestionable lead here obviously, but the 3DS isn't without its problems. Apparently because of the unique way the top (3d) screen works, it has twice the power consumption of the lower screen, giving it a 3 hour battery life with the backlight turned up - which is apparently necessary in daylight conditions.

Presumably, Sony is going to start moving into the apps market with this device. They recenly announced a PSP phone, so I doubt it will be long before we see a full blown phone version of this too. If they can solve the silly battery life that always plagues handheld consoles and they market it at a competitive price, they could have a huge hit on their hands here.

Edit - Noticied I put NGS instead of NGP in the thread title, sorry. Could a Mod change it please? Thx.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
It does look like a great piece of kit. Heard 'Newsbeat' on Radio 1 talk about it yesterday, they never do any research as they said' It will face stiff competition from Smart phones because of the graphics' Really Smart phone graphics are no-where near the level of 3DS or PSP2 or even PSP for that matter. I would want one but I would have a job to find a reason to use it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
its a pretty massive bit of kit too, wonder what heat of it will be like.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
It does look like a great piece of kit. Heard 'Newsbeat' on Radio 1 talk about it yesterday, they never do any research as they said' It will face stiff competition from Smart phones because of the graphics' Really Smart phone graphics are no-where near the level of 3DS or PSP2 or even PSP for that matter. I would want one but I would have a job to find a reason to use it.

You say that, but smartphones with the Nvidia tegra dual core processor are starting to be released in the coming months, they'll have some serious gaming power and quite possibly matching that of the PSP. No idea about the PSP2 though but it's not *that* ridiculous a comment.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Bit of a gamble from Sony here. People voted with there £££ over the PSP vs DS and they did not pick the console with the bleeding edge tech they picked the cheap one with the quirky fun games. Even after they make a loss which they have said they will do i don't see this costing under £250.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Am I being racist or is this new gadget pronounced 'NIGS'?


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
You say that, but smartphones with the Nvidia tegra dual core processor are starting to be released in the coming months, they'll have some serious gaming power and quite possibly matching that of the PSP. No idea about the PSP2 though but it's not *that* ridiculous a comment.

PSP2 supposed to have near enough the power and graphics of a PS3 so Sony say, but until I see it infront of me I am not sure. In the end it doesn't matter how powerful Smart Phones get, touchscreen controls are terrible for any fast paced gaming. Its fine for simple games like Untangle or Angry Birds, but I have seen people play Wolfenstein and the like on the iPhone and it looked like a snail was playing. You will need proper gaming buttons or Bluetooth pad to play games properly and then you may aswell get a dedicated handheld console.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
PSP2 supposed to have near enough the power and graphics of a PS3 so Sony say, but until I see it infront of me I am not sure. In the end it doesn't matter how powerful Smart Phones get, touchscreen controls are terrible for any fast paced gaming. Its fine for simple games like Untangle or Angry Birds, but I have seen people play Wolfenstein and the like on the iPhone and it looked like a snail was playing. You will need proper gaming buttons or Bluetooth pad to play games properly and then you may aswell get a dedicated handheld console.

They are probably lying mate as they are claiming it has similar pixel crunching power based on resolution which will for the NGP will be a hell of alot lower than the PS3's 1080p. I have heard numbers such as 4x the GPU performance of Tegra2 and well if that is the case you can expect the battery to last 60 mins when gaming, everything I had read so far just doesn't add up and so I am eager to read some proper hardware specs and a review.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
It does look good, gonna hold off until we see proper hardware specs though because we all know Sony have a history of moving the bar before launch. If the GPU is as powerful as they are saying then battery life is going to be a major issue, look how fast an Ipad drains power running 3D games and then compare it against this with higher graphical detail due to pixel shading, high resolution textures and extra geometery detail.

We all need to remember that battery technology has not significantly improved and so Sony will need to manufactuer the silicon in this at something like 28nm or lower to power draw / heat dissapation down to acceptable levels.

One important thing to remember, this cannot be considered a true portable if it cannot run games without a power adapter for more than a couple of hours.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
To get over the Power problem Sony will release the Solar Jacket, made up for solar panels that charges the PSP2 and any Sony Ericsson phone. It will cost £150 and be a must for all PSP2 owners. Though thinking about it more that's not a bad idea or maybe a geometric dynamo battery that charges from the momentum of walking or moving of the human body.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Though thinking about it more that's not a bad idea or maybe a geometric dynamo battery that charges from the momentum of walking or moving of the human body.

I can only see that working with Hentai games.

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