Something's bad.



Having my first major and expensive PC problem at the moment

Here are the symtoms:

My computer boots up fine, seems ok running Windows for a while, but when I try to do something that requires a 3D display, the game Window (the game is Dark Age of Camelot) starts flickering, then my monitor starts flickering between being blank and the "no imput detected" display and then my computer shuts itself off. I cannot boot up my computer again unless I take out the power cable at the back, wait 10 seconds and then put it back in.

As an update, I don't even have to be playing Dark Age of Camelot for things to turn sour.

So my computer configuration currently is:

Motherboard: MSI KT2 Combo (VIA KT266A chipset)
CPU: Athalon 1.2Ghz
GFX: GF4 Ti4200
OS: Windows XP

Thus far I have replaced:

The motherboard
The graphics card
The RAM (which is why its so low)

I'll have a go at scavaging the PSU from my other computer and trying that out tomorrow, but I am running out of ideas of what I can replace :(


Try doing an anti-static discharge:
Unplug everything from the back of the PC except for the monitor cable (everything even the power and modem cables) and also the power cable from the monitor (if it's moulded in then unplug it from the wall). Make sure that things are disconnected and not just turned off at the switch.
Then hold the main power button on your PC in for about 30-40 seconds. plug everything back in and test.
From the symptoms you've described I'd have initially suspected the graphics card but as you say you've replaced it and are still getting the same problem then that probably rules that out. The other thing could be a dodgy monitor cable or even a dodgy monitor although it's unlikely o cause the symptoms you've given.


The monitor is fine, it works happily with another computer, also the fact that my computer shuts itself down as if suffering a critical error suggests that its not the monitor.

I tried your suggestion, it didn't do the trick. Thanks though!


In that case I'd go with the power supply. What you just said and the fact that you got the self test signal on the monitor before (where it says 'No Signal') pretty much rules out the monitor.
Try running with the side of the case off, all the fans unplugged (except the cpu fan obviously) and all non essential drives disconnected from their power connectors and see if that makes a difference.


Hmph. Now my computer won't power up. I'll stick with my original plan and go to bed - will try it with another PSU tomorrow or saturday.


VIA motherboards are aboslute shite at power management m8 so it might be that thats causign the problems

Also the latest drivers for your gfx card might not always be the best ones i would think about down grading them also


Sounds like a prob i had some days ago, but my display says " Out of range ", in the nvidia settings you can force screen to have certain hz in diffrent resolutions, force your card to go 60 hz in the resolution you play the game in. work fine for me.

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