Something extraordinary showed up when..



i was about to sell some loot i had in my vault.

Then i saw i had a Elder Runed Scroll(heat/cold/matter: 2%, +9pie) jewel.. so i gave the "use-item" button a try.
By any chance did i expect that some cryptic crap popped up: Screenie

This gave me a sudden interest, so i checked some futhark(norse rune-language-thing) sites and found some alphabet, it seemed every word in that scroll means a letter. so this is the letters that was in that scroll:
h e y/j r a t h e t t a t r o l l i n t h a u s e m i h e l l i n u m v/w a r u

After some analyzing of those letters there are some words that are easy to find.. but i really have trouble finding out what the other words are, so this is what i got so far:

hey rat hetta troll in thau semi hell in umwaru

I am trying to analyze that text abit, but it is not as easy as i thought :)

anyways, inputs/suggestions/corrections are welcome.. this text cannot plainly be something totally useless wich goa/mythic implemented just to annoy peeps. perhaps it leads to some map where something can be said/done to achieve something and/or get something.


Interesting. :eek:

Icelandic maybe. Must be some nordic variant.


I have made some progress with analyzing the text.. all these words exists in the icelandic dictionary, i just need to get them translated to norwegian/english as most of the words are different in common languages :eek:

anyhow, here are the words i have come up with:

heyr at hetta troll in thau semi hellinum varu


Try typing it and saying it ingame...hell..might be that uberspell everyones talking about.


A puzzle at 10am, just what I need :D

I managed to dig out a few icelandic words from that series of letters. Some overlap each other however and one should also assume that Mythic has made misstakes in regard to the spelling of them.


Let us begin with the four first identifiable words:


Original H E J/Y R A
Icelandic HEYRA
English LISTEN

Original T H E
Icelandic ÞÁ
English THEN

Original H E T T A
Icelandic HETJA
English HERO

Original T R O L L
Icelandic TRÖLL
English TROLL

As you see if you read the original post, the words THE and HETTA are overlapping. Perhaps when placed in sentence like that, the words are indeed meant to overlap, or perhaps it is merely a misstake on Mythics part or... I am no professor in Icelandic and other old norse languages sadly, so am only guessing.
Considering the three words LISTEN THEN HERO form a perfect sentence, leads me to believe this is a correct translation so far.
So, what we have so far is:

Listen then hero troll

After this follows five other fairly easily identifiable:

Original I N
Icelandic INN
English IN

Original T H A U
Icelandic ÞAÐ
English IT / THAT

Original S E M
Icelandic SEM
English WHICH / THAT / WHO

Original H E L L I / E L L I
Icelandic HELLIR / E L L I
English CAVE / OLD AGE

Original W/V A R U
Icelandic VAR

This last one is a tough nut to crack...
The words overlap each other and neither alternative make up the buildingblock shaping a "perfect sentence" of the four words.
So what we can form here is;

in that which old age
in that that old age
in that that cave

followed by either

aware of
conscious of

As it stands now, the full sentence reads:

Listen then hero troll in that that old age aware of
Listen then hero troll in that which old age conscious of
With small variations of the two possible.

Neither is a hrammatically correct sentence though, but languages change and the translations I have found might be too modern to include other meanings of the words that are no longer used.

Anyway, I say we have a good start.
Now someone go find a really old dictionary and dig up any alternative meanings of the words there :D


Originally posted by Pixie.Pebr
A puzzle at 10am, just what I need :D

Listen then hero troll in that that old age aware of
Listen then hero troll in that which old age conscious of
With small variations of the two possible.

Ooooh, good work!

I'm going to put a wee mathematical spin on it, using my incredible power of logic....

Looking at the stats on that item, I would say it was around the same level as you might expect to be in Varulvhamn.

Now, if we take the words to be:

listen then hero troll in that which cave aware of

Ok, so that doesn't make too much sense. But put a comma after hero:

listen then hero, troll in that which cave aware of

Rather than having a troll-hero, we could have a hero, who is being told about a troll.

Now, given that the ancient languages are a bit wierd, I think it's fair to say we can swap a few of the words around,

listen then hero, in that cave troll which aware of

Could we perhaps change aware to beware? Similar meaning, but it starts to make more sense.

listen then hero, in that cave troll which beware of

And add a few 'small' words so that the sentence makes sense (as you often have to when translating any language into English).

listen then hero, in that cave lies a troll to beware of

Now, we have a sentence which is talking about you (the hero) and is warning you of a troll living in a cave.

Gien that the item level is around the same level as the Varulvhamn depths (original poster may want to comfirm this by posting the level on the scroll), we have a sentence which is warning people about old King Hresselvar - the king of the werewolves, who hides his true form under the guise of a troll.

(in game, King Hresselvar spawns as a troll mob, yellow con to 50, and when you kill the troll, something interesting happens....I won't say what because I don't want to ruin it for those who haven't tried it yet!)

So, in my opinion, the scroll is warning the reader;
Beware of old King Hresselvar!


Very interesting.

Might be worhtwhile looking out for other strange stuff.

Is it a standard drop or did you get it as part of an event?


Damn we are good :D

Next scroll be in hieroglyphs please, so we have a real challenge ;)


Originally posted by *Hienrich*
Very interesting.

Might be worhtwhile looking out for other strange stuff.

Is it a standard drop or did you get it as part of an event?

I believe it was dropped by some mob in vanern swamp. I cannot recall if it was from Forest spiders or not, but i most certainly remember i got it _while_ hunting forest spiders.


If I were to translate those letters you posted to a bit more modern Icelandic it would go like this: Heyra þetta tröllin, þau sem í hellinum voru.

In english a direct translation would be something like this: hear that the trolls, that in the cave were.

But you had some good theories going on :)


Hressvelg or something i thought it was, since the name is from Northern Mythology, cant remember who Hressvelg were, but im looking into it.

btw, very sweet theory about the WW king, it may actually be true since it give a good meaning to it :)

Lambs, sure it didnt drop of a ww that you killed when killing forest spiders? if so, it gives it a meaning, cause i cant see the meaning of a spider warning you about a werewolf king...


Originally posted by kinag
Lambs, sure it didnt drop of a ww that you killed when killing forest spiders? if so, it gives it a meaning, cause i cant see the meaning of a spider warning you about a werewolf king...

I'm quite positive, because i remember i was looking for some axe that was dropped by those spiders, i never got it, but i got Elder Runed Scroll and some Jewel of envenom.

So yes, i got that scroll ages before even varulvhamn and other dungeons was expanded, and it was in Vanern :)

IF i don't remember entirely wrong, both me and Sortbane tried this in the early days aswell, and i do believe we read it and didn't understand shit, so we put it on permanent hold.


oh, then im pretty sure it dont have something to do with the ww king :p

can it be Gjalpinulva? or hmmm, im gonna shut up, i actually have no idea :)


If mythic/goa were trying to make the scroll in icelandic they did a horrible job :)


No they didn't. They made a pretty good job actually.


tbh seems very weird this, could be part of an event mythic planned but didnt take off


Doh!!!!! I think I sold one of those thinking it was just loot :-(


Picked up 4 or 5 of those scrolls one day - cant remember the exact name of the mobs that drop them but its in vanern at a camp near the jotuns down near one corner and they are all different char classes like spiritmasters, runies, thanes and zerkers


Originally posted by findannain
Heyra þetta tröllin, þau sem í hellinum váru 'The trolls, those who were in the cave, hear this'

got it from here
look for the word "sem" and there you will see it

for those who wonder the "þ" stands for "th"

That is correct. It is from a saga called Egil One-hand and Asmundar Berserksbane. An english translation of the saga can be found in the book "Seven Viking Romances". The old norse version is on the web here:

The address goes to page 5 which has the line from the Elder Rune Scroll at the third sentence. :) (sorry, I can't post it as a link)


Same thing happend to the Icebound Spellbook from Raumarik when we were patched to SI below is what it reads;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Icebound Spellbook reads: "Fehu : Ehwaz Kenaz Mannaz Uruz Nauthiz Hagalaz Wunjo Ansuz Raido Kenaz Isa Berkana Laguz Othila Teiwaz Ansuz Hagalaz Ehwaz Laguz"

The Icebound Spellbook reads: " Othila : Othila Kenaz Sowulo Wunjo Ansuz Wunjo Ansuz Raido Gebo Ehwaz Raido Teiwaz Sowulo Ehwaz Mannaz Uruz Fehu Ehwaz Raido Laguz Othila Nauthiz Gebo Berkana Ansuz Eurz Dagaz Raido
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I tried making some sense of it, but had to give up... maybe you guys have better luck :)



Look here for a translation tool:


Alltho i have quit playing daoc now for a month or so, this woke my interest again, not for the rvr-part of the game, but the roleplaying part of me suddenly woke up. Im going to read that saga where Mythic took a small part out of, and try to find out whats their purpose with this, if there are some hidden stories/quests that we don't know of, that would be cool. If they just added this to the game because it might "look cool", then so be it, i'll still have fun trying to decrypt it :) Please post all material/information you find about this, and i'll try to write it all down and get a bigger picture of this as a main goal..

If you discover any more items with "inscriptions" like this, and other oddities, please tell me :clap:

Edit: oh, an if we ever get a roleplay-server on euro-daoc, i'll most likely start to play there rather than on excal.

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