something about emain and sorces



ive got a 50iesh sorc
and for some reason i avoid emain as much as possible
im freakin fed up with the all-round alb mentality
not only towards the rp zergin/farmin
charge, kill some, die, release, teleport, charge, kill some, release,
and so on
wtf is the fun of this??

back to the sorc issue
ppl expect us to be able to mezz all enemies who r inc so they can rp farm mezzed midz or whatever

first of all : we hardly get any chance to QC mezz due the insta mezzes on bards and generlly way more intelligent gameplay of midz n hibz
for some reason they always charge sorces first
and albs on the other hand wouldnt bother to protect our sorces what so ever
never saw one frekkin tank tryin to kill a mid whos tryin to kill me
the only thing albs think is kill kill rp rp

most of us act like they got the AI of a tangler gobo
no excuse me goboz r much smarter:
first they go after the mezzer and in battle they go immediatly after the healer if he starts to heal

dont forget our race is doin u a favor all the time
we get no RPz what so ever for mezzin -while its all we do and immediatly die for- so u guys could have as much rpz as posible before releasin and comin back
we however always die first aka we get no grp-rpz whatso ever cuz no one even bothers to rez a dead sorc cuz their services r no longer needed

mayb a lill tip on all teh sorces out there wich seems te be quit effecient for me:
put of ur cloack and epic vest to start
search out the uglyiest vests sleeves leggins and whatsoever
and color them in a veeery nooby color
stand way out of range when albs start to charge/zerg
and only show ur face when combat starts
insta ae str/con debuff-> ae mezz -> mezzdebuffz or start nukin
cuz if u start castin ae mezz right away ull be killed instantly


i agree with most of your thread but to say mids/hibs are more inteligent at rvr imo is a pos :) all realms have there great rvr's and all realms have there dumbfooks who dont even know which medalion to buy to go there :) its cc that makes mids/hibs more succesfull . insta this insta that = albs lose :)


I've said pretty much all this to everyone on the receiving end of my rantings.

Players seem so ingrained in the gobbo mentality ('cause sorcs never die there...) that it takes a lot of training to realise the whole new set of rules for RvR. You would alse think that the amount of sorcs all saying the same thing would have some effect, but no. Of course there are some people that do things perfectly and the sorc will still get slaughtered, so even with the best players we have to deal with the below average survival rate. I'm coming off like a bitter old sorcerer here dammit.

Just remember, sorcs need lovin' too, and we sure as hell aren't gonna get it from Mythic....


You dont get into the right groups then ... When I get into a group the first thing I do is find a caster to guard or cleric then I ask the other tanks who they got Guard/intercept on and if we have Polearms they Charge the bards/healers/chanters

If we have Paladins they always rezz mid battle and if possible a cleric 4 sec rezz :)

The problem is Albs dont really know how to use Sorcs in RvR tbh .... if your group let u die without a tank trying to save u or without rezz mid battle < if possible> then ther ungrateful and basically mean

Although you do look on the totally bleak side some of what u say is true and yes thats sad but ther are some ppl who dont have tangler brains :D and will protect you and generally work as a team . I am sorry to hear that you get treated this way because Sorcs over 40+ are rare enough :( ...... my advice is only grp with ppl u can depend on or guildies / allaince.


Or just group with other sorcerers in RvR, and a few Smart People tagging along.

I love you Quibleeeeeeeeeeeeet.



Despite what I've heard about casters never being protected in rvr, every time I've tried to put guard on a sorc recently they have already been guraded by someone else.

Never think that you aren't appreciated. We're fucked without you and most of us dont expect you to be able insta mezz everything within a 1500 radius.

Sorcs rule!!!(apart from Apathy :p)


That's harsh, Drunky. ~weeps~

Just for that, I am going to be a sorcerer in PvP and spend all my time sending charmed bogmen after your ass.



yeah ppl always put guard on a caster, like a sorc, but guard only works if you stay next to him, not run off and try 1 hit a moose o_O

What ideal should happen is a tank sits with the caster and slams any inc enemys, guard dont do much if the casters in melee.

Prob is that leaves the fighting to be done by .. . um hmm ;)

course if albion cc had decent armour or our casters got a nice stun to cast we wouldnt need slam tank guards ;).


Use Intercept instead of guard then, personally I find it works much better when trying to protect a caster in rvr. Of cause it hurts like hell but thats why we're tanks.

However whilst we're baby sitting our casters who's killing the enemy casters ? You know the ones that everyone else is screaming at us tanks to kill first in every other 'alb is shit in rvr' thread in this forum.


Best defence for a caster is to either have about 3 people stacking BT (e.g. Alox Psyche Kurik - air theurgs, go!) or a slam tank with a small shield, or a minstrel concentrating on stunning people inc to the caster.
Or any combination of the above. :)


if I go RvR and I see a caster is under attack I guard him and slam the mid/hib who's attacking........but FIRST you ask if someone wants to be guarded, some say yes, some say no.......but then they cant blame ya eh......but guarding a caster by ya self is VRY hard.

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