Someone nerf Hoster?!~



Nice to see a caster whine. Try making a tank and run up to a caster that have seen you miles away.


Well he PA'ed matt for 1442 once and i am not kidding you but i was sitting and probably grey at the time:p


Got hit today by a tank with 1h weapon for 2x 350, concerns me, albs tanks usually hits my RM for 250 with 2h


Originally posted by Fafnir
Nice to see a caster whine. Try making a tank and run up to a caster that have seen you miles away.

My level50 ice wizard, casting dd/w resist decrease (lvl47), then needed 11 dds (lvl50), to finish off one Level50 Celt (Blademaster i think it was). I caught her off guard, at nearly max range, in the bushes outside benowyc, got 3/4 nukes in before she even realised where I was.

The only reason I survived the encounter was because I ran towards benowyc after she IP'd and charged me (she broke off when I got too close), I then used dd/w snare (lvl50) to run after her again and nuke her whilst she tryed to run.

11/12 fucking level50 fullspec (i've got like 62 lvls in ice with items and rr) for one tank? FOR ANY FUCKING CHARACTER?


Originally posted by Fafnir
Nice to see a caster whine. Try making a tank and run up to a caster that have seen you miles away.


Trelawney Hope

Hi guys /salute

Azal - you've PAd me for 1078 before - not bad, but not today's champ me ol' chum ;)

Sorry -about the whine - usually the first to have a laugh and /salute those in RvR i've cooked or allow them to do the same before releasing. Sheesh there's always a critic out there :rolleyes:

The issue wasn't one of dying or being bested - Hoster did the business as the pro he is ( da git ;) ). It was one example in a long list of record 1-hit deaths - something i've not experienced since before L50, although technically possible - just v v uncommon these days.

Just after 2 days solid post patch playing, we all know if something ain't right, and as it happens my post was prophetic it seems.

Mid, Alb and Hib caster posts reporting similar issues, namely casters getting hit for insane damage from any mob or enemy player, and even the Fri news GOA admit to receiving many complaints - so maybe we're all whining...

Fingers crossed all gets fixed soon. In the meantime, it's a tank's life out there ;)

Cheers and don't eat yellow snow!

Trelawney Hope


yub but that pa was without a proc or crit :)

when i hit crits i pa casters for about 1.5k or so usually


Death and Azal PA to hard, if they land one on me i just run around in cicles until i die, unless i am trying to get somewhere then i SoS away (if i have moethen 2/10 HP)

The thing i am seeing more and more is SB's hunting in groups, you get PA'd by one, then another one comes, and another, and another ... :)

Trelawney Hope

Thread kinda turning the subject into "How much can (x) hit for" instead of the issue of "How come (casters) are now getting killed by (near or) cap damage" i.e. 1.52 introduced game bug.

Azal i've hit a Yellow con Kobbie caster for 1011+879 in 1 bolt once, - but that wasn't my issue.

Search the Mid Alb and Hib forums to see the same major problem bewing reported everywhere.

In the case of the Kobbie, in his defence he saw the bolt coming, and although the damage was obscene it was a very very rare thing to occur.

Now with these regular 1 hit kill PAs (which used to happen very seldom), we just can't enjoy the game as much when we're fully buffed, doing all the usual things - just to be dead with no warning.

Not even aimed just at SBs or Infis (after all casters are a staple RP diet) - now any class in combat with casters will find they can kill them with consummate ease. Kinda one sided fun I guess - but casters will soon just not bother to play just to be RP fodder.

Bit like playing CounterStrike vs an opponent with a hack - unenjoyable and pointless. in this case it's a bug crippling us, but the end result is the same. Not fun.

I really hope GOA pull their finger out and locate/fix this bug with Mythic - and i'll be back to enjoy the party then.

Update: Kemor's latest acknowledgement sounds encouraging:

Trelawney Hope


I can imagine it sux to have a bugged AF but no Caster can ever complain about their dmg output....its plain silly much. Aswell as caster says NERF Assasins!!...I can say Nerf casters!! :smile:

and casters comlpaining about getting PA´d running alone from pk to mg :sleeping:....many whine posts there...

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