Well, I decided to wander around exploring the hibernian frontier, and so I ran up to the gorge.
After getting very lost I finally found the gorge realm gate. I was surprised to see several red con middies there. So I thought, bah, I'm fed up, I wanna go home, so I charged in.
Strangely enough, I died. But then I noticed the CELT that sat down near my corpse as I released, happy as pie in the cluster of middies.
Can any of these players:
Bear in mind, that's half of the people that were there. I can only note down the ones I actually saw attacking me, at the time, I didn't quite realise what was going on, I just wanted to get home
Explain what was going on there before I assume the worst and decide you were RP farming?
You certainly weren't on a rampage, I had to hit one of the red norse before they retaliated which I did think was a bit wierd at the time. If I'd noticed the celts I would have stopped to watch for a while.
Awaiting a plausible explanation, please.
After getting very lost I finally found the gorge realm gate. I was surprised to see several red con middies there. So I thought, bah, I'm fed up, I wanna go home, so I charged in.
Strangely enough, I died. But then I noticed the CELT that sat down near my corpse as I released, happy as pie in the cluster of middies.
Can any of these players:
Bear in mind, that's half of the people that were there. I can only note down the ones I actually saw attacking me, at the time, I didn't quite realise what was going on, I just wanted to get home
Explain what was going on there before I assume the worst and decide you were RP farming?
You certainly weren't on a rampage, I had to hit one of the red norse before they retaliated which I did think was a bit wierd at the time. If I'd noticed the celts I would have stopped to watch for a while.
Awaiting a plausible explanation, please.