some warrior loving



Here's a quote from the 8 May release notes for
Version 1.50:

"Midgard Warriors now are granted the Intercept ability at level 12. Any Warrior currently over level 11 will be converted and given the skill."

maby not much but its still very nice to get intercept can be a life saver

Brannor McThife

Still some way off, but what's "intercept" do anyway?



You intercept a blow aimed at someone else, lets a tank suck up damage to protect healers and casters.


you take one hit from someone in your group when a mob or player attacks it can be used once every 30 minutes i think not sure


if timed correctly the intercept ability allows "tanks" to jump in front of the one they used it on and absorb one hit , which does more damage then one hit you would get since you lose some or all armor

Brannor McThife

ONE blow? ONE blow!?!



I guess it can be useful...just think it's stupid...



one blow may sound like stupid but it can be the diffrence betwean a dead healer and a living healer


problem is that it doesnt actually work in this patch.


eerrmmm..... I used it the other night in Dartmoor on a caster to save our pbt. :) (oh and him of course ;) )


Intercept works in this patch, and it worked in 1.45 and 1.36 too ;)


FYI the blow you intercept hits you as if you had 0%absorb, no AF, and as hard as it would have hit the guy you're intercepting for.


So anybody any ideas on how it's used then? The question was asked here some time ago and no one could come up with a real answer. Just switch it on like protect and it works automatically? Or activate it manually?


select the person you want to intercept for and hit the intercept button.

You do have to be close to that person (duh!) and it wears of after a fixed amount of time (not sure how long) so you'll have to renew if after a while.

wish the é#!|@ vnboards had a search-function , there was quite a good thread about it there


So it's used like guard and protect then? Because I read somewhere that you have to time it right, not be in combat-mode and what the hell else.


Excerpt from Shield Hero guide written by Jarkas Trolltosser and found on the Camelot Stratics site ...

"Intercept is another non-shield related skill that tanks get. This skill allows the tank to make a desperate attempt to dive in front of a party member and intercept an attack made by a creature or enemy invader. To use it, you must select a party member by targeting them (or their name in the group window like I do) and then hit the intercept key. You get one shot at it, and that is it. The refresh timer on the skill is 1 minute. And, intercept is only good for 1 attack. So, how is it useful?
Intercept is the life-saver. This single skill is what separates the good tanks from the great tanks and you will learn to love tanks who can do this successfully and intelligently. As you all know, when grouped with 7 or 8 people, and when fighting reds or low purples, many casters cannot withstand more than 2 hits from a creature before they die. Or, how many times have you seen a healer cast a heal on someone just as they died, and the heal is wasted? Intercept is the ability to alleviate all of that. Some suggestions on how to use Intercept.

Position you windows/interface in DAoC so that it is very easy to select a group member and then select this skill. The way I have mine set up, I have my chat window in the bottom left. Along the bottom, right next to the chat window is my window with my own health and such. Right next to my window is my group mini window. Right above these 2 windows (and centered on my screen), I have my Hotkey Bar going horizontal across my screen (not up and down). My intercept key is positioned perfectly above my group mini window. This allows me to quickly select a group member, and then hit the intercept key just above. I also have hotkeys made that allows me to target anyone in my group with a single push of a keyboard or mouse button. This is important because like I said, casters will die in 2 hits. 2 hits is NOT enough time for a healer to get a spell off to save them. Imagine: The entire group is grouped up, and packed in close together in a dungeon atmosphere. You are attacking a couple of monsters. The eldritch throws a nuke that draws the monster's attention. The monster makes a couple of steps and then clobbers the eldritch. Instantly, the healers will select the eldritch and begin casting their healing spells. Spells have casting times on them, and most of the time, they are too slow to prevent a 2nd hit from the monster. However, the Intercept ability is instant. As soon as the eldritch is hit, you must target them (while moving close to them) and then hit the intercept ability. The very next attack made against the eldritch should be absorbed by you, and just after this, the heal spells will get to the eldritch, and they will survive. As soon as you intercept, remember to start attacking again (since you cant intercept another blow) and try to taunt it off.

The rules to intercept are as follows:

1) It refreshes every minute, but only if it is used. You can target someone and then hit intercept. The very next attack that would have hit that person will be intercepted by you. If this happens, you cannot intercept another attack for that person or anyone else for another minute, and even then, you have to target them and hit intercept again. If the monster dies for some reason, or doesn't attack that person, then intercept does not get used.

2) You need to be relatively close to the person, much like guard.

3) You cannot attack while intercepting, obviously, since you will have a group member targeted."

Sounds like hard work :)


I know this guide and posted it myself a while ago. Seems not to work this way now. I hear it was changed in a patch. Looks like I will have to try it myself.


it is hard work, its difficult, and you cant really fight at the same time.

BUT, my tank girl saved casters like this numerous times. It means that the heal, that the healer is doing, has time to work, and other tanks can take the aggro off the caster.

oh, and it hurts, even for a tank :p
its what Bodyguards do.

(im aware, that this might have been said in the looooooong excert from the guide thingy. i just couldnt bother reading it all)

Brannor McThife

Sounds like a PvE skill really... still doesn't do squat for us in RvR...prefer Guard and Engage. Engaged a keep lord before...rather that than intercept.

Just my view.




Click on someone (caster/cleric usually... but sometimes you might wanna use it mid-fight to save that tank thats on a sliver of life waitin for the 3s of heal to cast...)

click on intercept.

Next hit you'll take for them.

Once it 'fires' it takes another minute before you can intercept again.

It's like guard - you can stick it on someone and forget about it till later in the fight.

I think you take damage as if you had the same defense as the person you're protecting...
Could be wrong here but it seemed like I took a lot more damage if I was intercepting for a mage than if I were intercepting for a cleric in chain...

You usually take more damage than normal though. Oh and you have to be clsoe to the person you're intercepting for :)

And it's useful in RvR :) (doesn't work on perforate artery... but might stop the creeping death after it?)

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