Some response would be nice...




I've been a subscriber to BW for one reason, and one reason alone - the servers (in particular the BF1942 servers). When the demo was first released there was great interest and the servers where always full, but over time the interested has dwindled to almost nothing.

To try and combat this, the liason(s?) organised games for the subscribers to take part in. I enjoyed these games and so did almost everyone who took part. It filled the server up so much that people actually had to queue to get in.

Now, what I'd like to know is, where have these organised games gone? Infact, where has the liason gone. I've not seen anything from him for ages, there has not been a post on the forum about organised games since before Christmas. And as I understand it, the last organised game was actually put together by a subscriber and not the so-called liason.

The whole support for the BF community has been poor, worse than poor, it's been laughable. Where are the bookables? Where are the leagues? I'm sure I'll get the standard 'it doesnt fit into our blah blah blah blah' response to my questions. God forbid you actually do some work and attempt to make it fit - or at least explain why it doesnt fit.

As I understand it our current liason is playing AC2 - which is nice.

As a subscriber - I want a new liason.

I want a liason that is active in the game he's meant to be the liason for. I want a liason who organises games. I basically want a liason to be hired who does what he's meant to do - not toss it off playing another game.

I wish to put Scooba Da Bass' name forward to take the position of liason for the BF Community.

If the situation doesn't change, I don't see the point in continuing my subscription to BW.


Sadly shouting while no one is around isn't goning to help you cdr ;)

Perhaps emailing bigfoot etc and pointing them to the BF forum might help.


I agree wholeheartedly with CDR.

I subscribed to BW for the BF servers alone, on the strength of the public demo and the servers being well populated. Of course the subscription has cut the size of the community down, but aside from that, support for BF has been almost non-existent.

As for BF "not fitting into our blah blah blah", isn't BW supposed to be a *games service provider*?

Let me repeat that.


Games - apart from BF. "Quite happy to recognise new online games as they come out (see 007 Nightfire), but we won't bother making a good go of one of the most popular online team based games, even though it blatantly appears that there is demand for said game"

Service - Yes, thanks for having a forum where we can all sit and complain about the support, and you're kind enough to leave us along to do it. I'm very tempted to post a link to goatse here and see how long it lasts. And thanks for taking the time to give serving BF a good, hard think through. Hey! Lets pay to run a few unpopulated servers! After all, we've already got the subs money ... why should we care if they aren't used! Hey! It'll probably work out better for us that way anyway! Hey! Let's not let our paying customers book them! Hey! It looks like you're shooting yourselves in the foot, BW. Again ....

Provider - One that makes something, such as a service, available. See service.

In summary? I've paid good money for almost nothing in return. I know twelve pounds a year isn't a great deal of money, but if I want to give my money away to people, I'd rather they were upfront and told me that I wouldn't get anything back.

I'd love to attend a meeting sometime and talk to the people who actually run this company - I think I've got a "running a public facing service company 101" book around somewhere.

As for Scoobs for liason, if he will take the job, he's got my vote. He's a regular in the forums, and perhaps more importantly, he is actually active in the game itself.

Baal had the right idea, cancelling his sub so early on. There's going to be a mass exodus when renewall time comes up.



You still don't get it, you're still shouting in an empty room....otherwise you might as well keep reading that book "Having a rant while no ones around".

You/others still need to point the chiefs this way since they don't normally drop in to the BF forum. They do normally change things if they get pointed in the general direction of problems etc, normally done by liasons but as we know Dav AWOL which is the a large part of the problem.


However saying that it seems a Bigfoot has dropped in, well he is browsing :)


In answer to your questions regarding leagues and bookables, these have been answered many times on the forums. Until EA and DICE make the game's rcon work properly, it doesn't work with BarrysWorlds GM3 server management software.

Without this control, bookables can not exist since the server can not be configured on the fly using GM3. The server admins have experimented with hacking the game config to work with GM3 and have had no success so far.

With regard to my commitment as liaison, your points are duely noted. I will go and post Nat my resignation as liaison - may you find someone more suitable to replace me. I'm sorry I haven't replied to this thread sooner, but I have been unable to read these forums directly since the move to website and only knew of this thread because someone gave me a direct link.

Thanks for all the fun while it lasted



Thanks for the response, and thanks for your help in organising the games last year, Dav.



Fuhhh if anyone should be resigning as a liaison it should be Starman. What exactly has he done? Sure Davross hasn't been all that active recently or something but has Starman ever been active at all?


Who's Clown?

He doesn't even own a copy of BF.

Lou's got it right about Starman, I'm not sure I've ever seen any activity from him. If Dav doesn't think he can commit as a mod and/or liason, though, then someone else should step in.

Really, all I'm asking for is an active mod / liason to help organise things. It's nothing personal to Dav, or even Starman, but I think there's a degree of responsibility that comes with the title.


Scooba Da Bass

/mode +b #clangreen Clown*@*

I've stayed out of this up till now simply because I didn't want it to seem like I was involved in this, especially as the guys asking for a change are from my clan. My name has been bandied around as a possible replacement, however that's obviously up to BW, I'd like to reiterate cjc's point that it's not a personal thing against Davross, and indeed before Xmas he was as active as we could have hoped. However, things have been slipping recently with no organised games, and no real sign of progress. I think I speak for everyone when I say all we really need is an active admin, who is around on IRC and the forums, and is prepared to invest the time required in arranging things for the community.


hi guys,

Just a officialish response to your concerns. Firstly, the tech...we want bf1942 bookables as much as you do. But the fact is Dice have made such a bodgit job of server management and the way it runs that this is nearly impossible to do. We're working on hacking the exe's ourselves to be able to run bf1942 in an automated environment but it's taking some time. You'll notice not many other GSP's have bf1942 bookables either (or clan servers). At the moment our publics are run totally manually - ie. we have to log on to the box manually and start them up via a DOS box. in the 21st century this total lack of being able to manage a server successfully with any number of monitoring and management tools is ridiculous.

Secondly, liaison...i've not seen an email from Davross yet but I take it from the above he has resigned his position. From comments it seems nobody has seen Starman around either. So, the position is open. At least until GAME subs are launched in stores (soon), and other GSP's move to subscription models, the servers will still be quiet, so we need a liaison who is keen enough to do what davross satrted to do and pre-arrange game nights on the servers. If you're interested in the role, drop me an email at

We'll also endeavour to keep you updated on any progress we make on getting bf1942 bookables via this forum.

Any other q's, just shout here.



Scoobydoo, (sorry) seems you're interested m8 so drop me an email :) Anyone else is welcome to as well, or you can object too ;)


He bullies us when we do badly in games. I want him to be given a nice and fluffy makeover before you give him any power.;)


By the way, I'm keen for an organised game having recently discovered the delights of bf1942.
Mind you, i'm sick and tired of the 3D Jerkovision™ Game engine and I sometimes wonder if I'd get more fps if they mailed each one to me instead.


Oh and I should also say a big thanks for Davross for his time as liaison - while in the job he worked as the sort of pro-community enthusiastic gamer we wish we had more of. Liaisons are a voluntary role and for him to make the effort to try and get people organised and enthusiastic should be applauded. Cheers m8 :)


It's pretty smooth for me Ted, you sure you're not getting so old its not just the synapses in your visual cortex slowing down?


I agree, Davross was good while he was active. I think Louster summed things up well.

And Ted, quite often its the soundcard slowing down your FPS. Try reducing sound settings, or turning down the amount of hardware acceleration.


Nat - I mailed you directly after I posted above, but I guess its taking its time to get to you :( Sorry didn't really want you to find out via a forum post but swift action was required!

Thanks for all the pro comments guys - I dont take any of it personally... while I had the time, I tried to organise things, but with no real progress on the rcon issues, and dwindling numbers even on the organised sessions, I guess my interest and enthusiasm dropped off.

Couple that with time being more precious these days (work and AC2 wise :) and the valid complaints posted here, it's become very clear that I am not fulfilling the role. Apologies to all concerned for taking to long to pass the batton.

Good luck to whoever gets to scoop it off the floor :)



Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Davross, and I apologise if my post seemed that way. He did do a fantastic job before Christmas, but like Scoob said, it's been a bit slow over the last few weeks.

Ted - take Hardware accel off in the Sound Options, also drop down the # of channels / quality of the sound. It's a case of tweaking until you get the balance of decent sound and speed. Also use the last Driver pack thingy from Creative (if you have one of their cards), as the MS Updated ones that you sometimes get thro Windows Update, cause problems.


I too agree Dav did do a good, as he has in many other areas of BW.

PS I take it the new liasons will become Mods here too ;)

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