I've been a subscriber to BW for one reason, and one reason alone - the servers (in particular the BF1942 servers). When the demo was first released there was great interest and the servers where always full, but over time the interested has dwindled to almost nothing.
To try and combat this, the liason(s?) organised games for the subscribers to take part in. I enjoyed these games and so did almost everyone who took part. It filled the server up so much that people actually had to queue to get in.
Now, what I'd like to know is, where have these organised games gone? Infact, where has the liason gone. I've not seen anything from him for ages, there has not been a post on the forum about organised games since before Christmas. And as I understand it, the last organised game was actually put together by a subscriber and not the so-called liason.
The whole support for the BF community has been poor, worse than poor, it's been laughable. Where are the bookables? Where are the leagues? I'm sure I'll get the standard 'it doesnt fit into our blah blah blah blah' response to my questions. God forbid you actually do some work and attempt to make it fit - or at least explain why it doesnt fit.
As I understand it our current liason is playing AC2 - which is nice.
As a subscriber - I want a new liason.
I want a liason that is active in the game he's meant to be the liason for. I want a liason who organises games. I basically want a liason to be hired who does what he's meant to do - not toss it off playing another game.
I wish to put Scooba Da Bass' name forward to take the position of liason for the BF Community.
If the situation doesn't change, I don't see the point in continuing my subscription to BW.
I've been a subscriber to BW for one reason, and one reason alone - the servers (in particular the BF1942 servers). When the demo was first released there was great interest and the servers where always full, but over time the interested has dwindled to almost nothing.
To try and combat this, the liason(s?) organised games for the subscribers to take part in. I enjoyed these games and so did almost everyone who took part. It filled the server up so much that people actually had to queue to get in.
Now, what I'd like to know is, where have these organised games gone? Infact, where has the liason gone. I've not seen anything from him for ages, there has not been a post on the forum about organised games since before Christmas. And as I understand it, the last organised game was actually put together by a subscriber and not the so-called liason.
The whole support for the BF community has been poor, worse than poor, it's been laughable. Where are the bookables? Where are the leagues? I'm sure I'll get the standard 'it doesnt fit into our blah blah blah blah' response to my questions. God forbid you actually do some work and attempt to make it fit - or at least explain why it doesnt fit.
As I understand it our current liason is playing AC2 - which is nice.
As a subscriber - I want a new liason.
I want a liason that is active in the game he's meant to be the liason for. I want a liason who organises games. I basically want a liason to be hired who does what he's meant to do - not toss it off playing another game.
I wish to put Scooba Da Bass' name forward to take the position of liason for the BF Community.
If the situation doesn't change, I don't see the point in continuing my subscription to BW.