Some questions



After finaly getting the confermation that my game has been shipped, I was just wondering if someone could explain what each of the professions do. So far, all i can seem to find is information on what skills they can get, which isnt overly helpfull if you have no idea what they do.

So, if anyone could be so kind as to point me in the direction of something that says, or give a quick run through of what they do, i would much apreciate it.


I could put up a load of links, but its easier to type the basics:

You have 3 types of Professions, Basic ones, Elite ones and Hybrid ones.

Basic professions grant basic skills.

Elite professions are the advancement of one Basic profession into a certain area, for example Medics can become Doctors, its a natural advancement for the Medic basic skill tree.

Now there are also Hybrid Professions which require you to learn from more than one basic profession, an example would be Bio Engineer (my profession) which requires some Scout and some Medic skills.

Here is the full run-down.

Basic Professions:

Scout - A scout can learn how to set traps, mask their scent from animals, harvest resources from animal corpses and set-up camps.

Advanced Profession from the Scout Basic:

Creature Handler - Currently in the process of getting "fixed" the creature handler has the ability to tame and train wild animals, the CH is the "Pet-using" class.

Ranger - This class is not fully complete yet, the ranger is an advanced scout with improved skills currently, but it is due to be adressed and re-vamped soon (maybe).

Medic - A medic learns how to cure wounds, replenish health and craft medical supplies also Medical Forage, but that skill is useless at the moment.

Advanced Professions from the Medic Basic:

Doctor - The ultimate medic, makes the best medicines, and is fast and efective at using them.

Brawler - Brawlers can learn how to fight with non-projectile weapons and melee styles without weapons.

Advanced Profession from the Brawler Basic:

Fencer - one handed sword specialist.

Pikeman - 2-handed polearm specialist.

Swordsman - not sure about this class, but it differs to fencer so im told.

Teras Kasi Artist - The ultimate unarmed combat specialist.

Artisan - An artisan can learn how to survey for resources, and use these resources to create weapons, tools, armour etc (long list) as well as material harvesters.

Advanced Profession from the Artisan Basic:

Architect - Makes houses, factories and other structures for players to buy.

Armoursmith - Makes armour and deflector shields (so im told)

Chef - Makes foods

Droid Engineer - Makes droids (duh :))

Tailor - Guess what? :)

Entertainers (Basic) can become Musicians, Image Designers and Dancers.

Marksmen (Basic) can become Carbineers (masters of the carbine), Pistoleer (guess :)) or Rifleman (oohh, ohh, i know this one!!!).

Hybrid Professions are the more diverse professions, they include:

Bio-engineer - A mixture of scout and medic skills. A BE harvests DNA from wild animals in order to make templates from which to clone them. Many issues currently with BE's tho, very bugged class.

Bounty Hunter (yay) - Master Marksman and Master Scout needed to obtain this, bounty hunters are mercenary hunters. Profession is unknown to me im afraid.

Combat Medic - A mixture of marksman and medic, combat medics are specialists in keeping combat groups alive.

Commando - A mixture of Marksman and brawler skills, Commando's are masters of the Flamethrower and other heavy weapons.

Smuggler - Smugglers are a mixture of brawler and marksman basic skills. Smugglers manufacture skill enhancing spics, slice (hack) terminals, weapons, armour etc. Afraid they dont actually smuggle anything as of yet tho.

Squad Leader - Marksman + Scout skills needed here, a squad leader is a natural leader who's very presence improves the group's morale and abilities.

The most important thing with SWG is that you can be ANY profession to ANY degree, your character is infinitely customiseable (if thats even a word). If you try a profession and dont like it, then try another, no big deal. One character can theoretically go through every profession there is, however you only get 250 profession points to spend, you can surrender skills to get back the points at any time or mix-and-match to your hearts content, this is to stop one character gaining mastery of too many professions simultaneously.

Phew :)


Thanks alot, that gives me some idea about what i want to be :)

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