Some online questions...



Hi there, after coming back to playing after a couple of years theres a couple of questions I have.....

"Server Uses protocol 80" How do I get round this, or dont I?!

Some game types on Gamespy list games as "OSP Free For All" whats this mean as it seems to be stopping my playing.....

:( Cheers in advance


OSP is a game mod that is generally used for various gametypes: FFA, CTF, TDM etc rather than BaseQ3 as it offers better options and cheat protection than vanilla Q3.

You can get the full download from here:

As for the other problem: Which version of Q3 are you using?

And what server is it you're trying to connect to?

The latest version of Q3 (1.31) uses protocol 67, so if a server's telling you it's using protocol 80 then something's amiss somewhere.


OSP is a mod, that has cheat protection, netcode and other good things, like differant gameplay modes(instagib, etc). Download the client files from

Afaik, the protocol for the 1.31 release is 67... If you're being told that the server uses 80, then i'd guess it's running a mod(some mods use a differant protocol version, i think); Find out what mod it's running, and download it.

Beat me to it, Sar :(

I noticed 3 of us reading the forum before i replied; I think that when someone asks a question in the Q3 forum, people are desperate to be the one to make teh reply, since there's so few questions asked... :D



guys :) Ill try and think of some more questions to keep you from being bored ;)


Re: Cheers

Originally posted by bar_fly
guys :) Ill try and think of some more questions to keep you from being bored ;)




Sorry to jump in and hijack this thread, but I also have a question about this that needs answering?

I have recently bought the Q3A/TA Gold pack from Game and installed it. Then I installed the OSP mods and the v1.32 point release. Yet often when I am trying to join servers it gives me the error message:

"Server uses protocol version 43/60/62/67/etc."

Now I don't get this when I choose to connect to a v68 protocol server, but what is happening when I try to connect to a server running an earlier version??

Thanks in advance!!



Originally posted by [RG]DoctorWho?
Now I don't get this when I choose to connect to a v68 protocol server, but what is happening when I try to connect to a server running an earlier version??

You can only connect to a server which is running on the same version as you are. If it's on another version, it's not possible to connect. Bizzarely there are server providers out there that are not running at the most recent version. I don't know why ..... maybe they are just mental ;)

If your desperate to play on these 'sub-standard' servers ;) you could try this


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