some one please answer



someone help me with this please...
now i want to RvR asap round about a fairly low RvR lvl. I like to snipe but i heard that assasins (or infs to be more prescise) can solo a red?!? that cant be true can it?

also i like the duel weild/posion daggers and climbing walls stuff but still like sniping.
whats should i choose? which is best in solo/groups and RvR all rounder, also is it possible to beaf up ur cross bow skill to become a fairly sniper assasin?


Originally posted by Rohirrim
now i want to RvR asap round about a fairly low RvR lvl

lvl 30+ is best to begin

I like to snipe but i heard that assasins (or infs to be more prescise) can solo a red?!? that cant be true can it?

That's is totally not true :) We even have a hard time to kill yellows, only classes that can solo reds are theurgists

also i like the duel weild/posion daggers and climbing walls stuff but still like sniping.
whats should i choose? which is best in solo/groups and RvR all rounder, also is it possible to beaf up ur cross bow skill to become a fairly sniper assasin?

Assassins can't specc their crossbow skill, armsman is the only non-sniper who can spec a type of bow... You need to choose or assassin, or sniper, you can't do both... Best in groups would be scout, they can pull for the group and they find groups easier than infiltrators.

For rvr, assassins have it harder in rvr than scouts, scouts do same dmg as assassins but from a range, assassins has to be in melee range


@ Ibaun

of course an infil can solo a red, he´s talking RvR not PvE, as long as he sticks to clothbearers he wont have any trouble soloing reds, secondly

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