Some ideas to get better RvR



1. Give stealthers the climb tree ability back
A bit strange we can climb walls but not climb a tree..

2. Provide climb points at MG's... nothing worse then beeing at the unpassable camped MG... with eg. 2 necros (pets) in the upper chamber and doors beeing AE'd or stealthcamped

more ideas to make RvR better? post here plz :m00:


are you stealthers finding the game too tough?


This thread should be retitled

'How to make Assasins even more overpowered'


Rangers can call in airstrikes.

A full group of 8 lurikeens (any class) can combine to form Voltron.

Elves can shoot lasers out of their eyes.


/me fumbles around in his pockets...

How about a tank?


Originally posted by Alrindel

A full group of 8 lurikeens (any class) can combine to form Voltron.

That would be way overpowerd, make it a FG of mini mooses


Originally posted by Cronn
This thread should be retitled

'How to make Assasins even more overpowered'

I think you should be retitled fuckwit tbh.


Originally posted by Validus
are you stealthers finding the game too tough?

nerf Bashir the lvl 50 THANE's stealth...


Originally posted by Cronn
This thread should be retitled

'How to make Assasins even more overpowered'



said the gimp that plays the necro-supporting-los-cheater-realm :m00:


Give champions speed 5, give champions pbaoe,give champions plate,give champions stealth k , and nerf blademasters


Assasins should definately be able to climb milegate walls imo.


err just cos we are alb dont mean we support personaly sick of them and want them all to die!


I'll be very glad when they fix the LOS bugs...

but till then it's legal - cheesy yes, but no more so than enchanter pets (or to a lesser extent GTAOE or PBAOE through walls)


Ain't the whole idea of GTAE and PBAE to be able to ignore LOS? With restrictions of course... GTAE was created to counter PBAE, especially in keep defenses and such.


1. Remove IP
2. Siege Towers

3. Battleground Type Areas With A Quota On People Allowed In, E.g. once 8 mids are in no moremids can port in. The doors don't open untill every realm has filled its quota.

4. Remove See/Detect Hidden, give assasins a TS type ability on the same timer.
5. Remove all mobs from the frontier zones, or atleast the area near the PK's
6. Remove the hard caps from stats, if a troll has a naturally higher strength why should he lose his edge because 300str does nothing else? likewise with Luri's and other races with a high starting stat
7. Move Hybrid tanks onto the seer HP table. (Thats between rouge and tank)

8. Linked to #3, guild battlegrounds. No quota but the area is 'Bookable' allowing for guilds to arrange battles between other guilds. Posability of allowing non-guild players to enter at non-targettable shades

Would be nice to see more changes making battles more stratigic than a simple 'hope we have more people' approch that is linked to the zerg.


Originally posted by Archeon

3. Battleground Type Areas With A Quota On People Allowed In, E.g. once 8 mids are in no moremids can port in. The doors don't open untill every realm has filled its quota.

But then you couldn't get all the buffbots in.



Originally posted by Archeon

5. Remove all mobs from the frontier zones, or atleast the area near the PK's

Yes! Nerf sorcerers!



Guild dueling (8v8 in a arena with seats and pie!)


Originally posted by kr0n
Ain't the whole idea of GTAE and PBAE to be able to ignore LOS? With restrictions of course... GTAE was created to counter PBAE, especially in keep defenses and such.

no, the idea of gtaoe is you target the ground and hit that rather than clicking on a possibly moving target.

pbaoe is just high damage with no range.

They happen to have turned into keep defence and counter-keep-defence but that's just a by-product :)

The Real Redi

- Siege Towers
- An Arena or Stadium in each realm for tornaments/ceremonies
- the ability to emboss armours and robes with patterns and designs
- See hidden removed from assassins and given to archers instead.
- IP nerfed
- Buffs ranged
- scouts able to "track" an enemy (able to /face even if they go out of range to a certain extent, but no weapon range increase)
- Hunters able to "set traps or snares" - only scouts/rangers/hunters able to detect them: static roots/snares that can be placed where you choose
- Minstrels to get resist songs
- Mercs to get Rocket Boots
- Heros to get 1 Rocket boot each :lol

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by kr0n
Ain't the whole idea of GTAE and PBAE to be able to ignore LOS? With restrictions of course... GTAE was created to counter PBAE, especially in keep defenses and such.

Nope. According to Mythic, GTAE falls into the same LoS issue as Necro nukes.

<runs off whining about all the "bug abusing" Runies and Alb mages that GTAE'd his Lurikeen through keep walls/doors.>




1 arena for each realm where you can place bets and stuff where brave warriors fight big nasty monsters.

1 arena that all realms have access to where we could fight each other in 1vs1 or FGvsFG and so on.

Catapults that can throw kamikazefolks into enemyarmies :)


More spells dammit!!

More Gfx for armors and weps, i want spiky armor!!

Make bots restricted

Tone down all active RAs and implement more RAs in general

Allow crafters to make more custom gear, for instanse allow wepcrafters to make a 16.5/7.0 sword if they want to. Or a 16.5/1.0 if they want that. Daoc is too restricted as it is imo, a crafter should be able to make what the customer wants, not some silly model that applies for all crafters.

More colours on stuff, armor and weps and stuff like that

Make chars grow beard over time (not females ofc)

Implement seasons!! tired of the evergreen Emain that the sun never goes down totally in.

Darkness should make all ranged attacks suffer a bit in hit/miss ratio.

More quests that are worth to do for lvl50s

and so on



Chanter pet LOS issues have been a bug exploit for ages and Mythic are always telling us they going to fix them.

But I am pretty sure from everything I have read that GTAE was specifically designed to be non-LOS based. I am pretty sure that was in the description of GTAE when it was first introduced over in the U.S.

Here is an idea for RvR, not sure if it has been suggested before.

Sprite Collision.

By this I mean that toons represent barriers in the same way as trees or rocks. If a tank is standing in front a caster or healer you cannot just run through him and hit the caster - you would have to run around the tank... or kill him. With my Hero in BG3 I have found it easy to just run straight through the tanks protecting a group and start pounding on a caster. With SC armour and the moose I am very hard to kill which leaves the enemy tanks no chance of protecting their casters or healers. This may cut down in higher RvR with more of the stun styles available... but it still seems very unrealistic and unsatisfying. A tank is a meat-shield - but can't shield anything.

I just think this type of basic change would make tanks feel a bit more useful in RvR, especially shield tanks. It may actually introduce extra tactics like defensive formations, shield-walls etc. it may even cut down on all the zerg tactics. 50 people charging around like loons on speed 5 might stop to think if they will know they will bounce off the first shield wall they come to. This will have a knock-on effect with casters who will be more protected and thus have less chance of dying in the first five seconds of combat.

This would make tanks more vulnerable to CC spells,... but then if you mezz a wall of tanks, they are still an impassible wall of tanks rather than an insubstantial graphic.

What do you guys think.


A level 1 RvR arena where lvl 1 chars can go battle it out. No RP cap.



Originally posted by Shike

1 arena that all realms have access to where we could fight each other in 1vs1 or FGvsFG and so on.

Copycat :(

Brannor McThife

Hairlock, Collision Detection is one of the biggest WANTS in all RPGs. I've wanted it from Day 1. But the problem is simply that it requires a lot of CPU cycles to handle an 80 person fight, with lag, using CD.

I like some of Shike's ideas, and they shouldn't be too hard to put in.

Custom armour skins (within limits) so you can play with a lot of stuff.
And yes, there just aren't enough variations in the craftable items.
I really like the darkness playing a part in Ranged attacks.

And yes, a higher variation in in character models. Allow males to grow beards and braid them etc. Same with female models. Allow changes and styles in hair colour. Also, I'm sure some of the ladies would like to have models that are NOT 34F. :rolleyes:

An Arena is a nice idea, where you can pay a fee to challenge a creature. From yellow to red. And the creature and its abilities are random.

Agree with with the whole RA thing. Been discussed a lot. Give a bigger GENERAL variety of RA's that would result in far less "cookie cutter" classes.

ADD IN A /FACTIONS COMMAND! Nothing worse than running off to farm one faction, only to have to run across 6 zones to find out if your faction has changed with the enemy faction.

More spells, definately. Just arb stuff too, like ye olde cantrip (flowers, twinkling lights (fireworks), names in lights). Or how about one for some casters: Cast FETCH, creates a miniature spraggon (Hib), tomte (Mid), mephit (Alb) that runs off to collect any loot that is YOURS within a certain radius. Hell, who hasn't watched hundred of diamond seals go to waste.

Bah, this game is tooooo RvR focussed. :p



Originally posted by Brannor McThife

And yes, a higher variation in in character models. Allow males to grow beards and braid them etc. Same with female models.

rofl Bearded Ladies!

Cavex ElSaviour

ladders would be a great improvement. so tanks can do something in a keep defence instead waiting to be zerged or go outside and die.


Make it possible for the infils/ns/sb to open the gate from the inside.


i'll settle with ladders

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