Some ideas for the game


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Bored at work atm so I started thinking of what I would like to see in future patches. Flame or hail them. Will prob come up with more ideas during the day.

Game changes

- Melee and magic now only cancel spell being casted. Caster being interupted may instantly recast spells.

- Quickness soft cap has been removed

- Spells now have a cast time cap of 1.5s

- Group size have been upped to 12 people

- New siege equipment
Siege towers have been added to the game in the siegecraft line. There is 3 versions of siegetowers for use on different keep levels.

- Small siege tower
- Battle siege tower
- War siege tower

- Focus
A new ability have been granted for all caster classes. This ability gives the caster a chance of not being interupted while casting a spell.

Level 10 - 10%
Level 20 - 20%
Level 30 - 30%
Level 40 - 40%
Level 50 - 50%

Style changes

- Dragonfang now have a 7s stun
- Anihilation now have a 7s stun
- Ice Storm now have a 3s snare effect
- Slam now have a 7s stun
- Brutalize now have a 9s stun

Class Changes

New styles have been added to the armsman.

42 - Cripple
From side of target
Area of effect short duration snare
Duration 5s

48 - Whirlwind
Pre-req Cripple
Area of effect short duration stun
Duration 3s

New spells have been added to the wizard.

48 - Firewall
A gigantic firewall spreads out over the battlefield
GTSAE (ground target side area of effect)
Range 800
Area 600
220 D
Cast time 2.5s

45 - Supernova
The wizard cast a supernova, burning up their targets defence
Damage and ABS debuff
Range 1500
171 D 20%

New spells have been added to the Valkyrie.

Odins Will
50- Return from Valhalla
The valkyrie saves a mirror of target and upon that class death the valkyrie may use this ability to ressurect the target with same status as when mirror was used (all buffs,resists,charges will be the same as when the mirror was taken).
Can only save 1 mirror at the time.
Cast time Instant
Reuse timer 5min


- All spells being casted on necromancer will now affect the pet.

- The pet will now use their masters dexterity for determening casting speed.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Agree with most of it, only one I doubt is the hole Firewall thing, don't fell like that would fit into DAoC, maybe just me


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
- Melee and magic now only cancel spell being casted. Caster being interupted may instantly recast spells.

So a 400+ dex eldritch spamming nearsight can basically do it even if under attack. Not the best idea imo. Only DW tanks would be able to kill casters solo.

xxManiacxx said:
-Quickness soft cap has been removed

Giving huge advantages to certain races.

xxManiacxx said:
- Group size have been upped to 12 people

Meaning you have at least 24 people in a fg v fg fight + adds = zergy!

xxManiacxx said:
- New siege equipment
Siege towers have been added to the game in the siegecraft line. There is 3 versions of siegetowers for use on different keep levels.

- Small siege tower
- Battle siege tower
- War siege tower

Don't understand what these do.

xxManiacxx said:
A new ability have been granted for all caster classes. This ability gives the caster a chance of not being interupted while casting a spell.

Level 10 - 10%
Level 20 - 20%
Level 30 - 30%
Level 40 - 40%
Level 50 - 50%

Mixed with previous caster interrupt change...very overpowered. Sorcs would be even more unkillable.

xxManiacxx said:
New spells have been added to the wizard.

48 - Firewall
A gigantic firewall spreads out over the battlefield
GTSAE (ground target side area of effect)
Range 800
Area 600
220 D
Cast time 2.5s

Promoting zerging, massive AE interrupts, and quite overpowered being able to interrupt an entire battlefield constantly.

xxManiacxx said:
45 - Supernova
The wizard cast a supernova, burning up their targets defence
Damage and ABS debuff
Range 1500
171 D 20%

That's a nice idea.

xxManiacxx said:
New spells have been added to the Valkyrie.

Odins Will
50- Return from Valhalla
The valkyrie saves a mirror of target and upon that class death the valkyrie may use this ability to ressurect the target with same status as when mirror was used (all buffs,resists,charges will be the same as when the mirror was taken).
Can only save 1 mirror at the time.
Cast time Instant
Reuse timer 5min

Sounds good.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
im glad your not involved with mythic/goa decisions as your basically gimping tanks and overpowering casters.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
on the more group spots - what do people think?

Personally I think if you had 10 or 12 group spots you'd just fill them with more primary healers/banelords and not the hybrids that "we have no room for" at the moment ;)

If anything a larger group means you can specialise more and need less hybrids...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Well consider everyone always tells me its all about the zerg why not make it work towards that :)

What I meant with towersieges is that small siegetowers are only high enough for lets say lvl1-3keep, next is for 4-6 and largest is for lvl 7-9 keeps.

lvl 10 keeps will be to "high" for the use of siegetowers.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Bahumat said:
im glad your not involved with mythic/goa decisions as your basically gimping tanks and overpowering casters.

Gimping tanks? Making casting speed cap at 1.5s and removing qui soft cap which leads to high qui races can use slower weapons and still come close to swing cap speed.

Even with a 50% chance of not being interupted would you like to stand still trying to cast when a 2h meleer swinging at u in 1.5s speed? I wouldnt :D

Edit: The firewall spell is taken from Diablo 2 :D Makes the wizard a good siege defender both in ice and fire specc.

Oh and notice the Focus is only for caster classes. That means not for seers/hybrids :D. Taken from Lineage2 more or less.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
only bad thing about bigger groups is that you destroy the chance to heal even more. I would love bigger groups if the removed assist command but consider like 3 zerkers and 2 savages with celerity in a assist train. Try to keep up the healing w/o DI2, bof ml10 abilitys and other stuff.....

Over all I must say it looks kinda okey but you missed the big part of problems for the support with that. Even if u take in 2 extra support you won't be able to heal fast enough. :mad:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
True, assist command I didn´t even think of tbh.

This is ofc just some of the ideas that have been popping in my head and most of them I have already discussed with RvR TL. But considering I play lots of different MMOs I always come back to "this I would like to see in daoc to make it even better" :)

But hybrids are so hard to change because u cant really focus on 1 part because then the whole "hybrid" thing goes away :D

Was thinking of putting a reuse timer on all spells like GW/L2 have as an idea but don´t think it would work in the DAOC world.

So lets say spell have a casting speed of 2.5s and it takes 3s for the spell to be ready again (which means 0.5s where u can use the spell). Then if you get interupted at lets say 2s u still have to wait until the spell has been "recharged" before using it again.


Apr 5, 2004
Way too much loving for casters, basically. Try playing as a tank group now and then come back and tell me you think those changes are necessary.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Jjuraa said:
Way too much loving for casters, basically. Try playing as a tank group now and then come back and tell me you think those changes are necessary.
Or a hybrid, this would nerf them even more.

IMO, cast times should be like weapons, the faster you cast the less damage you do and should reflect staff speed as well like mellee does, ie fast staff = fast casts less damage.

45 - Supernova
The wizard cast a supernova, burning up their targets defence
Damage and ABS debuff
Range 1500
171 D 20%
To be followed up by:
50 - Global Thermonuclear War (WOPR)
Wizard stands in Camelot, and launches missile from secret bunker in Cotswold.
Decreasing damage circle, closest to blast radius have their accounts terminated, at the extremeties suffer radiation poisoning for life, or perma disease, all artifacts and champion weapons will now degarde at 20 times faster.
Range realm.
30,000,000 plus infinate ABS debuff.
Reuseable every 24 hours or after the devs get kicked out of the pub on a heavy night of stella drinking.

The group size thing will make RvR less fun, groups not getting the benefit of finding 12 players will be automatically zerged. Soloers will have even less fun that ever. 1fg will now consist of standard 8 man group plus 4 more DI bots, making hib groups now have 10 plus 2 chanters, and Theodon will run with 11 bots.

The tower thingy, erm....why?

The new MoC thing...again...why? At present theres MoC, and tbh these days most casters seem to be doing OK without it.

I didnt grasp the valk thing at all, is this a "get out of death free" card, seers have PR etc, I dont think this is really something for a fighting class liek valks, although more utilty for valks/thanes/vales/friars etc would be nice.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Daoc is all about interrupts as it is now. The main reason you cast ae spells (except initially) isn't for it's primary effect (cc/dmg) but for the secondary effect of causing interrupts on enemy casters. With very little effort some classes can completetly incapacitate all enemy casters in range forcing them to rely on insta-spells or expensive RAs (moc).

This is a very poor game design in my opinion and I think a rock-paper-scissors approach would have been much better. I.e. if you want to completely prevent a caster from casting you should have to use a spell/style specifically for that purpose, something like silence/nearsight or kick/stun. Forcing players to choose their spells and styles based on what effect they want and not blindly spamming the nearest button knowing that any effect will stop an enemy caster. For damage use damage spells, for cc use cc-spells etc.

xxManiacxx said:
Game changes

- Melee and magic now only cancel spell being casted. Caster being interupted may instantly recast spells.

- Spells now have a cast time cap of 1.5s

- Focus
A new ability have been granted for all caster classes. This ability gives the caster a chance of not being interupted while casting a spell.

Level 10 - 10%
Level 20 - 20%
Level 30 - 30%
Level 40 - 40%
Level 50 - 50%

I don't think a spell should be canceled completetly but it's casting time increased with the number of people attacking the caster and/or it's effect reduced. Sort of like passive MoC which kicks in when the caster is in combat. Something like this:

1 attacker - 125% cast time / 75% spell effect
2 attackers - 150% cast time / 50% spell effect
3 attackers - 175% cast time / 25 % spell effect

Of course any major changes like these would have to be carefully tested on both server types (classic/toa) independently. Perhaps the best would be to have separate patches for classic and toa since the game will inevitably evolve in different ways on the two server types with every patch.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Real Siege engines would be fun

Ones big enough to get people over the first wall etc, but very vunerable to siege weapon damage.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Bubble said:
Real Siege engines would be fun

Ones big enough to get people over the first wall etc, but very vunerable to siege weapon damage.

Exacly. That was the idea and RvR TL have presented it to Mythic but as a ability in the warlord line though.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Jjuraa said:
Way too much loving for casters, basically. Try playing as a tank group now and then come back and tell me you think those changes are necessary.

have played multiple tanks in RvR and it´s not hard to keep a caster out of the game most of the time unless he MoCs as it is now.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
xxManiacxx said:
- Melee and magic now only cancel spell being casted. Caster being interupted may instantly recast spells.
As much as I would like that being a caster and all it would be very overpowered. You will be able to cast spells in melee. If you have casted just over half a spell the spell will go off no matter if you get hit or not, so if you want to keep a caster interupted you will have to hit him at least once every second.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Zebolt said:
As much as I would like that being a caster and all it would be very overpowered. You will be able to cast spells in melee. If you have casted just over half a spell the spell will go off no matter if you get hit or not, so if you want to keep a caster interupted you will have to hit him at least once every second.

That would be changed ofc. You havent finished your cast and gets interupted = canceled spell. Even if it´s 0.01s left on the spell (lag etc may cause a problem ofc)

So 1 meleer with slow swing spedd may ofc have problem with a caster but that´s in a 1on1 and not what the games balanced on :D

A caster in a group having 2-3 meleers on him will still have alot of problem and the cap of 1.5s casting speed will lower the dps slightly from casters.

well it works in L2 atleast but they have the recharge timer that I wrote about aswell. And their %chance of not being interupted is much higher at higher levels. In L2 casters "rule" the 1on1 scene more or less and meleers "rule" the group PvP and AE rule sieges :)


Apr 5, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
have played multiple tanks in RvR and it´s not hard to keep a caster out of the game most of the time unless he MoCs as it is now.

you clearly havnt been playing against good casters then :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Jjuraa said:
you clearly havnt been playing against good casters then :)

used to keep 1-3 casters interupted with my skald when I played that in RvR group. Not that hard.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
xxManiacxx said:
well it works in L2 atleast but they have the recharge timer that I wrote about aswell. And their %chance of not being interupted is much higher at higher levels. In L2 casters "rule" the 1on1 scene more or less and meleers "rule" the group PvP and AE rule sieges :)
Yeah it works in several games on the market but then you usually can't 2-3 shot tanks which is possible in DAoC, or am I wrong?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Zebolt said:
Yeah it works in several games on the market but then you usually can't 2-3 shot tanks which is possible in DAoC, or am I wrong?

well i have been 2-shotted by casters in l2 aswell but not that common consider critchance is much different :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
- New siege equipment
Siege towers have been added to the game in the siegecraft line. There is 3 versions of siegetowers for use on different keep levels.

- Small siege tower
- Battle siege tower
- War siege tower

only thing i agree on.

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