Solution to hacking of account



Just let us pick password ourselves like any game worth anything?

No one writes down a password they use everywhere, in other words you cant have it hacked. You dont have to have it on computer, email or where so ever.

This game BEGS to be hacked, and im starting to worry about how excellent cash people must get for hacking ;(
Not that many people who bothers to be arsed to remember a password like 9cFs5LklI3 seriously, in other words...they will in 50% of the cases be "desktop" and "password.txt" or something like that :(

Someone who knows where, please bring this forward to goa, they need to know this :p

Unless im mistaking, you can pick passwords yourself on US as well as AO/EQ/EAB and more or less any other mmorpg i have come across.


well, after typing in my password 100000000 times it's more like a rutine for me... My fingers know the password much better then my head does... really have to think to figure it out.

You will learn a rather hard password when typed it 100+ times ;p



course you do :p

but you still have it written down somewhere, dont you?

If not, most people have.
And its not worth loosing your level 50s for :)


Solution to hacking of account:

- Install a decent firewall.

- Encrypt your sensitive documents with PGP.

- Install recent security patches for your OS.

- Don't give anyone your password :rolleyes:

oh and ffs:

- IF YOU REALLY CAN'T REMEMBER YOUR PASSWORD, DON'T PUT A DOCUMENT ON YOUR DESKTOP CONTAINING IT!! Pick up a pen, write the PW on a piece of paper, and put that piece of paper in a safe place!



No one will do this :p

Copy/paste is the life of most people :rolleyes:
And firewalls dont help when you store the password on a hotmail account :D

Aule Valar

its not too hard to remember, and if you have to write it down, do so on the archic thing known to a selct few as 'paper'
course this can be a problem with siblings etc, but paper is damn hard to hack from the internet


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet
- IF YOU REALLY CAN'T REMEMBER YOUR PASSWORD, DON'T PUT A DOCUMENT ON YOUR DESKTOP CONTAINING IT!! Pick up a pen, write the PW on a piece of paper, and put that piece of paper in a safe place!

ooops :eek:

Who got a pen those days anyways? not me :p

An dyeh I agree with inu I hate those joUObuBIB97t7/U8989/BG passwords ffs


let ppl take their own passwords and they will be even easyer to guess, i cant count the times i've seen ppl use their pet name/gf name/p4ssw0rd as a password.
They are not that hard to remember after a week or 2 you know it by hart

Its simple when you get your password print it our or write it down, put the paper in your desk. remove all files containing it from your pc/ online mail acounts and you are safe.

If you lose your 4 lvl 50 RR8 chars because you left a password.txt on your desktop, all i can says is its your onw fault and nobody elses and dont expect any compasion from me


am sick, always remember my password/subs-password since the 1st time i typed it, never wrote it down anywhere, flash-memory or sth donno :-

sumtimes i have to try 1-2 times the subs password, anyway the only place in which i typed em is my daoc manual next to my daoc cd in case sum1 hits my head and i cant remember a thing ;P

f u have a file named password.txt in ur desktop, then its u the one begging to b hacked ;P


Originally posted by inuyasha

No one writes down a password they use everywhere, in other words you cant have it hacked. You dont have to have it on computer, email or where so ever.

Having one password for every thing is just plain stupid if one thing gets compromised everything is potentialy fucked


Originally posted by inuyasha
No one writes down a password they use everywhere, in other words you cant have it hacked.
If you use the same password everywhere, you are BEGGING to have your account stolen.

GOA's system of assigned, randomized passwords is infinitely better than letting people pick their own - it would be better still if they had included some non-alphanumeric characters like &+:-$ but you can't have everything.

Bure Ygg

if u choose your own password u have some basic rules thats good to follow, make the password atlast 5 sign long , no names or keyB pattern, make the password contain bouth numbers and letter in a rendom order



Its not easy to guess someones password, people might use their pets name and such but do you know HOW many different possible "obvious" things you can have as password? Anywys, having 5+ signs and at least one numeric as well, settle this one :D

I do not have CLOSE to photographic memory, i have access to more then one account, and i often take a month of daoc, i cant remember anyones birth dates OR their other words, i have to write it down somewhere. Im also rather messy, so have it on a paper and then leave daoc for a month = no more daoc ever, besides, its rather hard to copy paste from a paper as well as hack it :rolleyes:

No one can "guess" my chosen password :p

I cannot imagine ONE good reason to use a selected password like that, random and hard :D


passwords are suposed to be random and hard !!!

I logged on to a few things useing friends acounts without knowing the password, maybe takes 5 or so tries (yes they know i done this cause i did it to prove the point i am now trying to prove once again), now if i would have an argument with one of them i could have done that and gotten 'revenge' on em

Trust me on this 90% of user chosen passwords are crap.

GOA system is verry good, i just wish i could enforce the same on the (L)users i have to work with every day.

Leaving any password on your computer is like writing your pin code on your atm card


Inuyasha I know all you're passwords mwwwoohhahahaha....Some time in near future yo're chars will be gone....bwahahha!

j/k :p

Btw i have a file named daoc-password.txt with susctibtion pass and all in "my shared folder", it's safe there right? :m00:


Originally posted by old.Eternal[EW]
Inuyasha I know all you're passwords mwwwoohhahahaha....Some time in near future yo're chars will be gone....bwahahha!

j/k :p

Btw i have a file named daoc-password.txt with susctibtion pass and all in "my shared folder", it's safe there right? :m00:
yeah mail it to just to make sure :)


Re: feh

Originally posted by inuyasha
And firewalls dont help when you store the password on a hotmail account :D
Anyone dumb enough to use hotmal still deserves it to be haxxed. For that fact Outlook too. Get a decent mail client for your pop account, print off your PW files and delete all your old mails.

Cant afford or dont have a printer, try a "paper and pen", Im sure these are still sold in shops.

Oh and dont trade or lend your accounts.



lemme see...

You still cant copy paste those papers..

and oh yeah...we KNUW pop account stuff when we have never tried it =)


Re: well...

Originally posted by inuyasha
No one can "guess" my chosen password :p
They might not have to. If you are always using your favourite password for everything, then every time you sign up for something new you are giving your password to somebody else. Would you use your DAOC password to access the private forum on your guild web site? Easy to remember... and now your guild webmaster knows your password. That's why you should be using a different password for EVERYTHING.
I cannot imagine ONE good reason to use a selected password like that, random and hard
The reason is called "dictionary crack". :rolleyes:


Not that many people who bothers to be arsed to remember a password like 9cFs5LklI3 seriously

Stop posting my daoc password y00 haXX0r.


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet
- Encrypt your sensitive documents with PGP.

Remove yourself off the net is what PGP always does to me... Installed it twice, fucked up network connections twice, reinstalled Windows (2k & XP) twice just to get rid of everything it did.


Re: Re: well...

Originally posted by Alrindel

They might not have to. If you are always using your favourite password for everything, then every time you sign up for something new you are giving your password to somebody else. Would you use your DAOC password to access the private forum on your guild web site? Easy to remember... and now your guild webmaster knows your password. That's why you should be using a different password for EVERYTHING.

Or simply dont sign up with things you dont trust? :D


Re: Re: well...

Originally posted by Alrindel
Would you use your DAOC password to access the private forum on your guild web site? Easy to remember... and now your guild webmaster knows your password. That's why you should be using a different password for EVERYTHING.

I'm fairly fanatical about passwords, but I don't use a different password for everything.. Stuff I could basically care less about has a crappy easy to type password. I have increasingly difficult passwords for more important stuff.

However, there is one thing I'd like to add: if you reuse passwords, use them only in an entirely different community. For example, my webmaster account on our DAoC guild site is not the same as my game password, and all the forum passwords related to DAoC are different from both.

I might use my DAoC game password for my work e-mail though (I don't, but it's an example), since even if someone got my work password, they wouldn't know where else to use it on..


I do not have CLOSE to photographic memory, i have access to more then one account, and i often take a month of daoc, i cant remember anyones birth dates OR their other words, i have to write it down somewhere. Im also rather messy, so have it on a paper and then leave daoc for a month = no more daoc ever, besides, its rather hard to copy paste from a paper as well as hack it


This is SO me, its fecking silly! :D

j000 d000d

Well it's silly that if someone manages to get a hold of your Subscription pass, you're just screwed.


Originally posted by Gahldir
well, after typing in my password 100000000 times it's more like a rutine for me... My fingers know the password much better then my head does... really have to think to figure it out.

You will learn a rather hard password when typed it 100+ times ;p

3 lvl 50's....... dear god

shame on you



Dont mess with him, or you get karam'ed :D

Anyways, anything wrong with armsmasters? cept the fact they dont have spells or mooses? =)

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