Soloing on ywain


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
As much as small group and 8v8 is great I used to enjoy soloing on excal. So I tried this on ywain in euro prime time, and got zerged pretty much everywhere I went including well away from any hotspots.

Has anyone had any success on a visible? It doesn't seem terribly viable with the current server population, or am I just unlucky...


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
The problem is the only people who solo are on OP classes and normally high RR. Stealthers are an exception, but even then you find high RR stealthers grouping as you can earn more rp's.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I find it largely dependant on what realms have ports. Back just after Ywain opened there was a few nights of iRvR with all 3 realms having ports. Made for great solo action just because the iRvR attracted all the groups/zergs so you could go to one of the other frontiers or even the border keep regions of the besieged realm.

Last couple weeks have been kinda crappy though, mids frequently have ports in alb but I've not seen hibs take a keep and hold it for any length of time in ages.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Yeah the keep situation doesn't help. I wish people would chill out about the relics and allow irvr for a bit.

I'd agree that most of the soloers I did see where high rr (which is ok if hard mode at low rr) but unless you're somewhere truely in the middle of nowhere a 1v1 turns into a 1v8 or more despite there seemingly beeing only tumbleweed there before ;)


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004

It happens!

I was once soling in the middle of nowhere, somewhere absolutely random , where all of a sudden, a mini group of rr7+ turns up totally out of the blue and tried to go for me.

Me, being a little coward ofc, purge the mez, sosed away with them in hot pursuit.

After a few minutes of the chase, i led them near a bridge where I knew there were several stealthers camping.

The minigroup died, with me lolling hard! xD


Part of the furniture
Mar 28, 2009
Go solo in pennine // jamtland // breifine mate... Thats what i do and no its not xp ganking... Its probably me killing the roaming xp gankers :D
And if i meet someone looking templated i wait a sec to let him kill his mob and bow to him.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
From a hib persepctive, the area around the far side of ecb and the agramon bridges is usually bearable outside of US primetime. You should be able to find champs/heros/vamps wandering around looking for fights. Normally seems to mainly be mercs, reavers, skalds and the occasional warrior that turn up to fight them. There is the usual stealther-war stuff going on all the time.

Other than that you can always play "gank the gankers" i.e. head to an exp spot in your frontier, hide in a tree and wait for the gankers to show up and kill expers. Have killed quite a few high rr people using this tactic as the people who go after expers do not normally expect any sort of resistance =)


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
During prime do what Dvaerg said, used to be able to make a fair decent rp duoing/soloing around those areas.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Other than that you can always play "gank the gankers" i.e. head to an exp spot in your frontier, hide in a tree and wait for the gankers to show up and kill expers. Have killed quite a few high rr people using this tactic as the people who go after expers do not normally expect any sort of resistance =)
Yeah the inverted Horner approach. Hole up in some tower/keep within spam range of xp zones. Go off, read paper, do the ironing, shopping on eBay, etc etc. Check for spam now and then. When spam appears crawl out your hole and kill, then go back to reading paper. Sometimes it's slow, sometimes there's a fg mids xping at the fins who've just cleared the hibs out.

People moan about xp killing, but it does make for active RvR zones outside the usual zerg spots.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Yeah the inverted Horner approach. Hole up in some tower/keep within spam range of xp zones. Go off, read paper, do the ironing, shopping on eBay, etc etc. Check for spam now and then. When spam appears crawl out your hole and kill, then go back to reading paper. Sometimes it's slow, sometimes there's a fg mids xping at the fins who've just cleared the hibs out.

People moan about xp killing, but it does make for active RvR zones outside the usual zerg spots.

Last night was better, hibs had iRvR a fair bit. There was a decent ammount of solo fights hanging around beteen surs and t4 vs stealthers mostly.

As for xp areas that's a good idea. Actually killed a few would be gankers when I was pling a champ. Apparantly bodyguard takes a lot of people by surprise.


Nov 1, 2009
LMFAO Maeloch !!!! Grow some ballz !!!!

U forgot to mention the fact that the "inverted Horner approach" miserably failed 99.99% of the times LMFAO ... Step 1 : Kill the Xpers. Step 2 : Wait and kill the spineless public avengers. Step 3 : spam emotes and LMFAO !!!

Fucking LOL it aint the lowling xpers that brought the bazilion rps on my toons !!! its the gutless turds !!! Just to name a few : Maeloch, Coldballz, Galid, Vodkafairy, Netcode, Soulja, Illu.....

LMFAO the good thing is that these noobs always thought they could beat me , so they relentlessly came back to PAPA and fed me rps LMFAO !!! If they were smart, they would never have crawled out of their hole !!!!

God these turds loved the spanking, they didnt stop even after their asses felt numb !!!!

LMFAO and Vive la France !!!

The funny thing is that after raping so many British for so many years, I am now part of the Lloyd's network. I was at the Lloyd's dinner at the British Ambassador's home in Paris on September 15th 2009. I was invited by Sir Peter Westmacott and Lord Levene and even shoke their hand.

LMFAO how sick is that !!!!

OMFG if only they knew !!!!


LONG LIVE HORNER !!!!! LMFAO !!!!:lol:

Yeah the inverted Horner approach. Hole up in some tower/keep within spam range of xp zones. Go off, read paper, do the ironing, shopping on eBay, etc etc. Check for spam now and then. When spam appears crawl out your hole and kill, then go back to reading paper. Sometimes it's slow, sometimes there's a fg mids xping at the fins who've just cleared the hibs out.

People moan about xp killing, but it does make for active RvR zones outside the usual zerg spots.


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Horner sérieux, c'est quoi ton travail. Tout le monde c'est demandé pendant des années :p


Nov 1, 2009

It's top secret.:kissit:

Was in Kyrgyzstan few days ago...

During my spare time, I mod the euro servers, better known as Requiel.


Horner sérieux, c'est quoi ton travail. Tout le monde c'est demandé pendant des années :p

Fatload BoysDoCry

Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2006
As much as small group and 8v8 is great I used to enjoy soloing on excal. So I tried this on ywain in euro prime time, and got zerged pretty much everywhere I went including well away from any hotspots.

Has anyone had any success on a visible? It doesn't seem terribly viable with the current server population, or am I just unlucky...

What class are you "soloing" on?


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 14, 2004
I was doing it for 2 years on US servs, and the start on ywain.. you can't expect to not be ganked all night. That's what makes it rewarding when you finally find some good fights.. As you advance in rr's you'll be surprised that you can take down a good chunk of the stealth zerg or bad smallmans tho :) After you do it quite some time people will recognize you and cut you some slack aswell.. i had plenty of FG's from both opposing realms leaving me alone when i was out.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Aww poor horner wants attention, and resorts to thread necromancy...

Anyway, since writing this I've found some 1v1 on the various agramon bridges. Ofc you'll be fighting opted rr11s and FGs, still is good when you get a skalp. Dyvet while I still played was far superior solo, was a decent level of respect from the better FGs.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Only time you'd get to shake the ambassadors hand Horner, he'd be visiting the hosipital and they let you out your rubber room.

Yeah, your a real bigshot irl with nothing better to do but google yourself on christmas day to bump threads....


Resident Freddy
Oct 15, 2004
Only time you'd get to shake the ambassadors hand Horner, he'd be visiting the hosipital and they let you out your rubber room.

Yeah, your a real bigshot irl with nothing better to do but google yourself on christmas day to bump threads....

that made me laugh thanks :worthy:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
u can get a few solo fights on hib emain-agra bridge..myself has gottena few there.Sometime u can even see 3 realms standing unstealthed or not moveing waiting for a bow or so to do a duel..but stay of brynja..not mutch stealther place anymore but high rrs roam there alot


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 13, 2005
Only time you'd get to shake the ambassadors hand Horner, he'd be visiting the hosipital and they let you out your rubber room.

Yeah, your a real bigshot irl with nothing better to do but google yourself on christmas day to bump threads....

Hahaha , just LOL . Awsome Mael :D


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
be funny to see horner try run on ywain from low rr ... dont think he would do so well :p

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