Early in the evening yesterday a few trolls did run solo from mtk to mmg. We as 1fg of Albs just enterd from mmg to look at mtk when the first came just over the hill, we thought he was part of a group so engaged it, he did sit down, but was to late and he got ganked. Few min later we did meet another troll who did the same.
I try to let solo (none stealthers, none skalds) go past, but in a group its hard to see it in time if they are part of a larger force. Still I do feel sorry for these 2 trolls. They had no chance, and where solo.
For you 2:
I try to let solo (none stealthers, none skalds) go past, but in a group its hard to see it in time if they are part of a larger force. Still I do feel sorry for these 2 trolls. They had no chance, and where solo.
For you 2: