Ok! template questions first extra AF is a good thing i guess what resists do you think i can afford to drop as a soloer? was thinking matter myself.... warlock will screw me over anyway as a solo pally sooo... gifv advice on solo templates anyway
Spec question! ok pally.. not the "hardest" hitting class in the game... i was wondering if i'd get away with 29 slash on a solo pally? not gonna hit stupidly hard anyway so............ ;> advice in that area also pls! ta
finally! race for a soloer? was thinking saracen myself heh
Edit: my paladin will be fully auto trained
Spec question! ok pally.. not the "hardest" hitting class in the game... i was wondering if i'd get away with 29 slash on a solo pally? not gonna hit stupidly hard anyway so............ ;> advice in that area also pls! ta
finally! race for a soloer? was thinking saracen myself heh
Edit: my paladin will be fully auto trained