go inside, quickcast root.. move to the edge on the other side and start to attack..
You got 10+ mins on you. i did it with my 44 shammy, then the mob is red, had a guy putting fop up there, walked inside, missed root. had to bash him, hit hit hit, go outside, heal, inside again hit hit hit.. and over till he had like 8% left, then he ported down and i had the encounter.
Killing him makes you not receive credit. I killed him in 3 hits with my dark sm and no credit, went up, nuked to 20% , melee'd down to 8% and got credit.
Did it with my Sm about a month ago, maybe 6wks ago and killed him, got credit.
Did it with my warrior (22/08/04), killed him no credit, 3rd try I left him at 6% health and got credit once he teleported. There was a chatwindow just before he teleports, but its only up for a second before he goes.
It seams you can't leave the ring from 1.69. That's was causing the problem I think. If you leave you don't get the credit.
You could try:
- The Pet trick,
- Start the step unbuffed, then buff before you go up.
- Use Spread Heal from outside, LoS.
- Take him down to <50% then let the step expire (5min?) and get credit.
The pet idea works best, get a BD/SM to take a pet up before you activate the fella near the pool, then as soon as he/she has aggro and stay on pet, activate the step, you then tell the pet owner to stop at 10% then finish the mob off. Also take Power pots ect... with you!
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