Soldier Guild -VD



One of the well known soldier guilds in the US Vacuous Delirium has asked me to run the Europe VD. Since the Euro scene has pretty much no guilds..i decdied to give it a try in running it and see if it will benefit the community and players.

Basically the idea of setting up the euro guild is so that top soldiers can work together to improve themselves...start talking about tactics, ways of defending, offying, DMing etc. Once VD euro does get running...DM tournaments will be run (something that is really lacked over here, but peeps has expressed interests for it), and hoping that this new relationship between the US and Euro with the guild will help us learn about each others styles and way of play.

VD is looking for soldiers so anyone that thinks they are good and has an interest for this guild idle in #VD and ask for a trial. This guild is NOT about soldier DMing...we are looking for good soldiers generally and everyone will be given a fair chance to trial, its about ur soldier ability and attitude, not about your clan tag (but usually a l337 clan has l337 sollies )

Also plz idle in #VD cause we r trying to get a Q



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