Social Networking Games...


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
How hard are they to make? - Habbo Hotel, Club Penguin, something like that? - how hard are they? ie, could someone do it on their own, or would they need a team?


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
How hard are they to make? - Habbo Hotel, Club Penguin, something like that? - how hard are they? ie, could someone do it on their own, or would they need a team?

Can't do it without a Bonedancer"!!!


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
Surely that would depend on your ability?

I imagine if you have a history in coding/game design/game creation its probably not that difficult.

If you are a qualified Dentist with zero pc skillz its going to be more of a challenge.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Surely that would depend on your ability?

I imagine if you have a history in coding/game design/game creation its probably not that difficult.

If you are a qualified Dentist with zero pc skillz its going to be more of a challenge.

Anyone wanna be my business partner? Paying 50k p/a


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
If you truly believe you have a good idea then approach an established company with the design/information. If its shit they will tell you to fuck off, if its not then winnar.

Im not sure you need a partner for that.

If you want to pay me 50k for suggesting the obvious however I could be available.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
If you truly believe you have a good idea then approach an established company with the design/information. If its shit they will tell you to fuck off, if its not then winnar.

Im not sure you need a partner for that.

If you want to pay me 50k for suggesting the obvious however I could be available.

But its a little bit more complex than that - say, it would be a service for another company that would get money over time


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
fundamentally those games consist of three things:

database to hold the state of the game. ie the number of carrots and sheep you have, your money, etc etc.
the logic of what you can do with what (ie sell carrots for money or send bob a message or shag your neighbours wife for 20 quid). This would be exposed via an API.
A frontend, probably written in html/javascript that talks to the backend API.

In terms of time to create, the front end is probably the slowest as it is 100% tedium. The API follows as you have to embed all the game logic and then the db(state machine) is the easiest as it's probably just a lump of tables with relations.

For a game that's non trivial you're looking at probably a good couple of months solid work from one person who can do all three things (art, db and server side code). Otherwise you might split it into db+api and site with one guy doing each and reduce the time by about 30% (not 50%, life aint fair).

/edit - at market rates, you'd be paying someone about 300-400 a day for the db+backend and maybe 200-300 for the front end (it's less skilled, frankly). That's GBP, in London, hiring freelancers. If you went to a body shop or agency, you can expect to pay a couple of grand a day.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
In short; not as easy as you think.

As a carrot; it's possible solo if you're willing to put in a lot of time. A. Lot. Also demands coding, graphics, design and marketing knowledge to START with as a solo product.

Main fundamental factor in social gaming is pure luck; right product, right people interested, right time to make that particular product and enough people buying all three.

Take angry birds, one of the best selling casual games. It's not THAT good of a game, the concept is half-copy, half-simplicity. But, big butt...and cannot had the goldie locks zone when it launched.

I'd say about 75% of the casual games out there don't even break even, even larger % for innovation casual games.

So, summary type, well...if you think it's good enough, go for it, but don't put your eggs in the basket and that your product will not even see the light of day. But you never know if you don't try.

Oh yeh, 11 years in game dev here, 4 or so of those in mobile casual dev, all platforms etc. If that matters on your perspective on my opinion.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
It depends on the game, you could make something pretty simple within a few days max.. that's if you had the experience.

But if you want to make quite a complicated game (2d or 3d) with little skills, try out Unity, it's free and I wouldn't be surprised if pretty much everyone was using it within a few years. Not to mention you can distribute unity games as an exe or a web application, much like you can with java based games. And I expect most mobile phones to have a unity player on quite soon :p


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
It depends on the game, you could make something pretty simple within a few days max.. that's if you had the experience.

But if you want to make quite a complicated game (2d or 3d) with little skills, try out Unity, it's free and I wouldn't be surprised if pretty much everyone was using it within a few years. Not to mention you can distribute unity games as an exe or a web application, much like you can with java based games. And I expect most mobile phones to have a unity player on quite soon :p

You suck at coding gtfo!11


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Just do what mobile phone game designers do and rip off classic old games like Sim Tower


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 4, 2010
Just do what mobile phone game designers do and rip off classic old games like Sim Tower

Talking about the game industry here.

Every game is a rip off of something :).. every game!

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