So what does this same client/billing mean?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
So, like quite a lot of people I've got EU and US accounts.
My intention is to use EU account for main, US for Bot and vica versa for different realms/toons.

However, it begs the question, if I wanted to level a bot before the server transfer takes place, whats the best way to do it??

A) Create a bot on my US account on Excal/Pry and lvl it, then hope that when the server transfers kick off that I will be able to transfer the bot to Ywain.
This has the advantage that you can use /level on Excal/Pry and its not very busy.

B) Create my bot on my US account on Ywain and get a friend to level it on his Ywain account

Obviously B) is the safer option but I'd prefer A).
Any guidance from Mythic here?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2005
it's up to you mate.

But you can create a toon/bot on Ywain with the EU acct now anyway.

depends where you have the best chance/equiped chars to PL, Dyvet is PL heaven at the moment you can PL in NF free from hassle as no one is out there.

With just my ranger as pl'er I've pl both a vamp and celt NS in the last week, nothing levels faster as a single char than an archer class now.

With standard shot you can fire until the mobs run out (which they do a lot) and when the crits in pve the damage out put is insane.

Somthing of a laugh I worked out the other day, on transfer I will be able to run three rangers at once, on US acct, EU dyvet one and my classic one.

And I'll have more bots than I could shake a stick at, could group 4 druids etc.

I'd say, use the /level command on EU (tho all all honesty in PL those levels go in like 30 mins anyway) and get it equiped and ready for the transfer. As far as I know no restrictions are in place on the numbers of chars for transfer.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
But what I'm concerned about is I'll PL a bot on my US account on Dyvet, then find I

a) Can't transfer it to the same Ywain server I've got my other accounts on that realm
b) Don't actually get the option to transfer any toons on my US account from Dyvet to Ywain


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2005
But what I'm concerned about is I'll PL a bot on my US account on Dyvet, then find I

a) Can't transfer it to the same Ywain server I've got my other accounts on that realm
b) Don't actually get the option to transfer any toons on my US account from Dyvet to Ywain

I can only find the following info on the herald!

Posted By: Andy Belford
2010-03-24 11:47:06

We’re pleased to announce free character transfers for our European Dark Age of Camelot Players!

Since moving the game to Mythic, we have been working hard on our goal of moving all players onto one account center, keeping EU players updated to the most recent version of the game and ensuring everyone can join in on Realm Pride. With all those moving parts, our current plan is to allow free transfers in early April, however please note that this timeframe is subject to change. Once the transfers are enabled, we will continue to monitor populations as things progress and adjust the source and destination servers as needed.

Please read on for more details

Below is the list of servers and where they will be able to transfer to:

Transfer to Ywain, Kattraeth, or Glamorgan

Transfer to Ywain, Kattraeth, or Glamorgan

Transfer to Ywain, Kattraeth, or Glamorgan

Transfer to Ywain, Kattraeth, or Glamorgan

Transfer to Mordred

Transfer to Kattraeth, or Glamorgan

We will consider transfers from other servers as we move forward.

For the last month the DAoC EU Community has been enjoying a free month on their new servers. As you may have heard by now, we will be turning on billing beginning March 25th. If you haven’t already, please visit the EU Account Center to update your account and purchase game time codes.

Please be sure to watch the Camelot Herald for updates regarding a finalized plan of the free character transfers.

Thank you for your continued support and we’ll see you in the Frontier!

As for having your bot and transfered EU toon on the same Ywain server...wont really matter.

If, for example, your bot is on Ywain 3 but you transfer to ywain 7 all you need to do is use one of the channel/teleporter NPCS that allow you to swap between clusters. For example, at the moment we can port between Excal + Prydwen on the Dyvet cluster server depending on who is where and how you want to XP/farm. The places to do this are in the main citys or the frontiers (both of which are shared zones on any cluster server). I think you can also do it in the housing zone but dont quote me!


Loyal Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
As for having your bot and transfered EU toon on the same Ywain server...wont really matter.

If, for example, your bot is on Ywain 3 but you transfer to ywain 7 all you need to do is use one of the channel/teleporter NPCS that allow you to swap between clusters. For example, at the moment we can port between Excal + Prydwen on the Dyvet cluster server depending on who is where and how you want to XP/farm. The places to do this are in the main citys or the frontiers (both of which are shared zones on any cluster server). I think you can also do it in the housing zone but dont quote me!

I appreciate this, however, as the archaic client doesn't allow you to swap between characters on different servers, I would prefer to have all my toons on the same server on the same realm on Ywain, otherwise its a ball ache.
Anyway, given the announcement about the server transfers being available on the 27th, its not important anymore. :clap:

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