So near but so far



I think I should appologise to the little Green Keen who I ganked last night within sight of his borderkeep.

Being a Sorc I tend not to solo the frontiers but due to a LD I lost the rest of the group I was in.

All alone in the bowl I decided to go for a wander around emain and see what i could see.

After passing a few interesting new creatures (Bloodletters are nice) I found myself at the gorge just by the Hibbi Border Keep.

I was just about to cross to the otherside to continue my world tour when I noticed a green con Keen running up the valley.

Nuff said i Mezzed and 2 shotted him, all within sight of the borderkeep and its eager gaurds.

Maybe I will wander there again, maybe not, but it was fun and I didnt encounter that many Hibbs on the way there.

Due to a rather large Purple con, I took the express route home.

Teach me to hang around the gorge to long ofter a ganking.

well, we live and learn.

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