After 14months, nonstop fun, frolics, friends and flirting, the Prince of the Shadowed Night, is bowing out. Not sure when the account runs out, but when it does, thatll be it.
You can blame Nicodemus, Trigali and Roo for my next project, as the company of these middie barstewards has brought a smile to me on many occasions, and so I've taken the plunge and bought the new account. I could never delete Shaeffer, its like chopping my arm off
Should be good. Change of scenery, the people have been great so far <surprisingly all my enemies are keen to meet me - trap?!> and its just given me the spark that I think most people have noticed being missing.
There's seriously too many people to even think about making a list of those to thank..you all know who you are anyways I would however just like to say a special thankyou to the majority of the Templars for giving shaeffer life, and giving me an experience that i dont think any other guild or game could emulate. We've had some good adventures, and I hope youve enjoyed Shaeffer as much as I have. The Rigante also deserve credit for...well...just being the rigante. bunch of nutters.
Officially my residence is now Midgard, thuogh I may still take the occassional foray into Albion as and when. Anyone who is worried about me potentially being TEH SPY!!!111! should wake up and smell the roses. Hopefully my rep will prevent such things I'll prolly get the rigante to remove shaeffers /as say and hear if people start moaning <shrug>
So erm...I guess theres not much to say except take care of yourselves. The Forest is, and always will be, mine however.
Expect to see Kjamis the savage, and Shaeffers Eviltwin the shadowblade sometime soon.
Be good
Definitely not a LOL!! moment
You can blame Nicodemus, Trigali and Roo for my next project, as the company of these middie barstewards has brought a smile to me on many occasions, and so I've taken the plunge and bought the new account. I could never delete Shaeffer, its like chopping my arm off
Should be good. Change of scenery, the people have been great so far <surprisingly all my enemies are keen to meet me - trap?!> and its just given me the spark that I think most people have noticed being missing.
There's seriously too many people to even think about making a list of those to thank..you all know who you are anyways I would however just like to say a special thankyou to the majority of the Templars for giving shaeffer life, and giving me an experience that i dont think any other guild or game could emulate. We've had some good adventures, and I hope youve enjoyed Shaeffer as much as I have. The Rigante also deserve credit for...well...just being the rigante. bunch of nutters.
Officially my residence is now Midgard, thuogh I may still take the occassional foray into Albion as and when. Anyone who is worried about me potentially being TEH SPY!!!111! should wake up and smell the roses. Hopefully my rep will prevent such things I'll prolly get the rigante to remove shaeffers /as say and hear if people start moaning <shrug>
So erm...I guess theres not much to say except take care of yourselves. The Forest is, and always will be, mine however.
Expect to see Kjamis the savage, and Shaeffers Eviltwin the shadowblade sometime soon.
Be good
Definitely not a LOL!! moment