So I just started this Ranger and I need some pointers.



Well, I have played this game before, but I only played midgard. I played a healer. Now I was thinking that I would make a ranger, so far so good, but Im not realy shure how to spec her (this is where you come in). :)

Can you recomend a spec and give me a few pointers on how to achieve that spec? (Train what skills at what levels etc)

Currently I have just been putting it all into "pierce" and "pathfinding". (Havent realy got a bow to use apart form the one I got at level 5 witch is too low for me now anyhow I think, so havent speced mutch bow). But I dont think that I have ruined this char, not yet at least :) :) But I need some help before I do :)

I will be greatfull for any tips or pointers that you guys can give me :)


My aimed for spec is

Stealth 20
Celtic Dual 11
Recurve Bow 35
Piercing 44
Pathfinding 46

spec atm

Stealth 20
CD 1
RB 33
piercing 13
Pathfinding 41

can't quite remember how I spec'd each level but I know I started off keeping bow maxed up until about....well lvl 33 tbh,

Didn't bother speccing stealth until about lvl 20 when I decided to slap some into it for RvR (at lvl 21 I did actually get into a group going to to remember this was before Hib even had a lvl 50.....Yes I'm THAT slow at levelling)

Piercing and path I think I used to alternate levels or somthing...kind of all mucked up abit though when we were granted full respec as I then dropped a hell of alot out of pierce and boosted pathfinding to max.

of course alot of peeps will laugh at my spec but I don't for me so far.



but what are these new "skills" that were added? Skills in the bowline? (other then critshot) and what levels are they?


Rapid Fire 1 is at bow spec 35, RF2 at 45.
Penetrating arrow 1 is at 30, 2 at 40 and 3 at 50 bow spec.

Rapid Fire lets you shoot very fast, for a bit more endurance then normal shots. Penetrating arrow let your arrows to pierce bladeturn to 50% dmg in lvl1, 75% in lvl2 and 100% in lvl3. It doesn't pierce self bladeturn.

As for spec, as i assume you dont have a buffbot - go for much bow and the 'sniper' style. avoid melee unless you have to finish your enemy off. without a buffbot you will be killed by any buffed stealther, even with purge and IP. so i would suggest something like:

32 stealth
17 CD
34 pierce (go blades if you plan to grp alot with stealthers, so your friends can be a str/con debuff buffer :p)
45 bow
36 pathfinding

should be good if you wont have access to a buffbot and want to play the 'sniper' style (if not, roll a nightshade ;))

for the early lvls and exping, spec pathfinding and bow - even if you max melee the dmg output wont be as good as bow at low lvls (somewhat up tp 30).


Originally posted by vintervargen
(go blades if you plan to grp alot with stealthers, so your friends can be a str/con debuff buffer :p)



ok thanks for the advice. I think that I understand the class a bit better now.


You want some advice... dont make a ranger. Noone wants themin RvR or exp groups so most of your time is spent soloing, so it is bloody boring :( Unless u manage to get into a guild that RvRs alot or does alot of guild hunts for exp, I'd suggest making a non stealth class.

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