will the PVP server actually work?



Is it basically a mass FFA? Is it still a big gank fest? Are there still safe areas to level? Can you still do quests? Will NPC's get killed? etc

I don't really understand how this server will work. Any information on this would be appreciated. Thanks.


you can only kill peeps not in your guild, besides that is a FFA.

I doubt NPC's can be killed, besides the ones that are killable already.

the 3 capital cities are safe, but that's it. no more "safe XPing"

I highly doubt they took out any quests, it's basically the same game, but now you can talk to everybody in the 3 realms (and go everywhere) and if you don't like em, you kill em.

there's a lot of info on the Camelot Herald as well, you might look around there


ok thanks.

best to get yer butt in a guild quick sharpish by the sounds of that. what's to stop people camping the release spots in town is what I wonder :/


the fun promised by PBAEing or GTAEing a busy bindstone is....
omg :p


Odd - edit page won't open, yet post page will?

a warning though - PvP server will be english language but you can bet your arse that 80% of the population will not be english :)
in fact, probably more like 90%. Excal is primarily non-english already, when you consider that we'll also have the french and germans...
s'gonna be crowded, and monolingual people really need not apply imho :p


There is a 90 Second immunity timer on all players when they /release, in which time they cannot be touched by anyone and they themselves cannot attack anyone, plenty of time to go buy back con, sell some loot and jump on the first horse to anywhere :)

Also there is the /release city option wherebuy it releases you to your capital city which is completely safe.

There is a very short immunity timer on Zoning also to prevent peeps from camping exits to Cities and Dungeons.

being in a guild doesnt mean people wont attack you, being in a strong fgroup or group of groups is the best bet, whether guilded or not.

Kill Tasking at lower levels is shit hard as guards are in or close to bind spots/popular locations.

Even the simple task of training after a ding is diffucult unless you do it in the Capitals, same goes for talking ti Quest NPC's esp those in towns with Bind Stones.

No crafter will level beyond level 9 as up to level 9 you are safe from all PKing and so can craft in Gna/equivalent non city area in peace.

Having good equipment is extremly important as any defficiences in yoru armour will be your downfall, and you will be kkileld by lower con opponents a lot.

Remember tohit modifiers have been removes, ie players have same chance to hit a Purple con nme as they do a grey con (players nme only, not mobs)

The level race in the first 2 days will probably define how the server evolves, fast leveling players will level even faster by the abundance of low cons about for them to "gank" and so in turn level yet faster.

XP caps for player kills are non existant and its not uncommon to kill red cons for 3x your usual PvE xp caps.

Hope some of this info has helped you decide on whetehr you will play PvP or not.


well it'll be worth a go at least, just not sure what class to pick now.


It's worth a go even if you don't plan to take it very far, just for the fun of being able to port to the other realms and wander around as an elf in Jordheim or a troll in Mag Mell. I have lowbies on Andred and Mordred, and it's amusing enough. I still haven't decided whether or not to seriously level a character on euro PVP.


Thanks for the link to the movies. I've just been watching a few of them now. They are really cool :)


I like "for Albion" the best.... haven't seen Hero yet, either

Nala Lionne

Originally posted by inqy
well it'll be worth a go at least, just not sure what class to pick now.

Welcome to the world of a thousand others :D

old.The McScrooges

As this server you'll need a level advantage wont as soon as it opens have every bugger, from all over Europe logging on?

Be a bitch getting to even level 5 if the zone keeps crashing.

And which class hmmm stealth, speed or healing?

Or what about a pet class....

But seems you need to get in a big guild.

"My GM is harder than your GM"
"Kill me and I'll get my GM"
"My GM is the SP4mm0RZl0rD. Yeah now yer running!"


Chanters rule the server due to their buggy pets. Lets all start an anti-chanter crusade and kill them when we find them! :D


Originally posted by old.The McScrooges
"My GM is the SP4mm0RZl0rD. Yeah now yer running!"

*hopes that wasnt sarcasm as he runs over on his slow ass thane*

fear not, for the sp4mz0rl0rd is here!

*tries to ae pull and kills everyone in the xp area*



Silly question

pvp server will be based on prydwen and excal database or just excal. :confused:


Based on databases? If you mean as in you're characters will be over there, well, they won't. You start from scratch.


Thanks to Solid for his informative post. Sounds like the most ridiculous take on DAOC ... likely to be full of griefers who will be benefitting from their grief play.

No thanks !

/em shudders and walks away

Nala Lionne

Originally posted by Turamber
Thanks to Solid for his informative post. Sounds like the most ridiculous take on DAOC ... likely to be full of griefers who will be benefitting from their grief play.

No thanks !

/em shudders and walks away

You always put down things before you try them.

I remember once you said you wouldn't have an alt because you couldn't go back to horses conning purple.... Don't they con orange to a 50 now? :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

Damnit... and I was so looking forward to meet Turamber on the PvP server...:(

'mon then, nancy boy... don't be a coward :flame:

old.The McScrooges

Originally posted by old.tRoG
*hopes that wasnt sarcasm as he runs over on his slow ass thane*

Oh okay...

So you're strolling leisurely away now then huh?


Originally posted by Nala Lionne
You always put down things before you try them.

I remember once you said you wouldn't have an alt because you couldn't go back to horses conning purple.... Don't they con orange to a 50 now? :p

Part of being middle aged dear... :(

As for the horses, to other level 50's they con grey but to paladins' they con orange...

Reading some more about the PvP server from other sources I can see some things that look interesting. It would give more room for roleplay, above the <yawn>worthy sexual innuendo, marriage and (?!) auctions we have in this version of DaOC.

But I can just see it becoming an almighty gank fest and that would not be any fun for me. Can you imagine taking my paladin down to Salisbury plains to rez the dead lowbies ... suddenly the whole of the Plains is hunting me. No good turn going unpunished methinks.

Where would be the support classes of the current DAOC - your rejuve clerics etc? Would anyone be brave or foolish enough to play one?! Got to doubt it.

Maybe I will have a look see, but only so I can say hello to dear Sicko :)


Do you think anyone that would dare to touch the rejuv cleric?

Gonna be hard to level without him ;)

I am still undecided for friar, warden, cleric or mentalist, gave up on the wizard idea.


I'd be more likely to go for a rejuv druid than cleric. At least you get a pet tree.

But it would be quite funny to wander around (with your faithful pet tree, Stumpy) and res everyone in sight.

edited to add: everyone except 'chanters. I just saw Dannyn's note on that :)


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