So far, you albions are fun :)



/Diary start/


Been working on my friar for around 5 or 6 days now, and main part of the enjoyment does come form playing a class I think is really cool, but certainly it's also because of the people.

I've only experience lower level groups, highset I ever grouped with was 24, but I've been in a ton of different groups both in mithra, sailisbury plains and keltoi, and I am so far very positively surprised.

I spec rejuv, and allways assume healer role, but accidents do happend and people do die, but I think only once or twice have people gotten angry over a death, people generally take it very relaxed.

Sure there's been a few skirmishes here and there, but that doesn't cloud my overall very positive look on albion, excalibur. Sure it can change later but right now I am really enjoying it. Some high level players even ran by and dropped some really nice stuff on me as gifts (At least it was nice items to me).

So, so far I am really happy that I started a char on albion, excaliber, because all the people I meet seem to be very friendly. Maybe it has to do with the server maturing some, not making each and every action or exp point valuable, I dunno, it just generally seems like a very nice place :D

\Diary end\


Plenty more fun come to mate stick to it :)


Originally posted by -Lonewolf-
Plenty more fun come to mate stick to it :)

Nice pun ;)

Heh get it ? Stick ... to.. it ? Friar uses stick ?
gah nm :D


whats brown and sticky...

Yeah, first time I logged on some guy gave me some what I thought was Uber gear. Turned out it was shite he had picked up in a armor merchants. Its the thought that counts though..

Jarahl Valinor

I usually think that us here in Albion are generally nice, but so Mids on Prydwen, which are the only ones I can compare with :)

Anyway, enjoy your lvl'ing cus thats what I found the most amusing, getting to know peeps and stuff... when u come RvR with us, u will get chocked :p

Happy lvl'ing ;)


Yes, albion is funny place, but when u hit 40, and u go pass that "loose brains" spot ( u place nekkie of mid or hib, or u open gates to forest sausage) . then u will wonder how on earth is that possible =)


Originally posted by _skaven
whats brown and sticky...

Yeah, first time I logged on some guy gave me some what I thought was Uber gear. Turned out it was shite he had picked up in a armor merchants. Its the thought that counts though..

Well, someone gave me molded leather boots which look pretty sweet regards to af, qual and such.

Someone else gave me a dark shod staf rom keltoi, something I still use because of the bonusses on it (Let's me evade&parry more aggro when they do go for me).

A thrid person gave me a cloak with bonus to pie and other, level 38 req, + some sort fo leather robe with even better stats than the molded boots.

So hardly any crap given to me :D


Well i think people are nice cause they are alts 50% of the time of 1-2 lvl 50 chars

and don't care if they die below lvl 30...since you get the xp back in no time

The guilds that have been around since the start also don't know where to put all the drops they that might explain too :p

Best of luck to you with us in RvR....besides the Zerg....well...euhm....good luck :)

Good thing more and more people are willing to leave the Zerg...and go on small 8 group trips on RvR :clap:


Originally posted by old.FIN
Yes, albion is funny place, but when u hit 40, and u go pass that "loose brains" spot ( u place nekkie of mid or hib, or u open gates to forest sausage) . then u will wonder how on earth is that possible =)

naw fin, it's the tanglers that does it ... they spend 6 levels killing goblins at the house, then move all the way over the road to spend anogher 5 levels killing tanglers.

By this point there's even less between their ears than started...

Tanglers are fun the first couple of times admittedly ;) (and probably quite amusing to AoE... one of these days...)
but they get very old very fast.


u r forgetting those desperate faces on tweeeessss

need rezz spot 1, spot 2, yawn...

i been doing tweees couple times, both time i almost slept..

and yes tanglers RVR letter course when ordered is little bugged


Originally posted by Fingoniel

naw fin, it's the tanglers that does it ... they spend 6 levels killing goblins at the house, then move all the way over the road to spend anogher 5 levels killing tanglers.

By this point there's even less between their ears than started...

Tanglers are fun the first couple of times admittedly ;) (and probably quite amusing to AoE... one of these days...)
but they get very old very fast.

GOblins? Tanglers? Where are these mobs you speak of? :)


Yup. Albion is a fun place. There's only a few hardcore players that actually get uptight about anything and invariably they'll post on these forums. This makes everyone think 'Albion is in pieces!!! They are all arguing!!!'. Bollocks. We're fine and dandy. Just have to ignore the select few who want everyone to play the game their way :)

Much Kudos to you mate. I guarantee it'll stay fun :D


Glad to see you're having fun.
May i ask what you call a 'rejuv friar'? :)
My own friar is going to have 25 at lvl50, currently 18 at lvl36...
I do a lot of <cough> ranting about how all friars should at least be able to heal a bit ;)


Right now I am at 22 rejuv at level 22 :)

Basically I was thinking of stopping rejuv 25 the spend the rest around staff, enh and parry.

I hope the excal DB gets on gorre a while tho, so I can play with respec and try what all staf, all enh is like.

But for now he is pretty much all rejuv :D

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