So... Albs... Relics...



Does anyone really care?

Or does the "ohh thats a lot of mids cba with this zerging, logging" attitude pervade the entire realm? That along with the "relics changing hands makes the game more fun" attitude...

Is being two-shotted by zerkers and shadowzerks fun?
Is spending hours preparing a relic raid only to be slaughtered at the gates fun?

In fact, PLEASE just point out to me where the fun is at all in not having the relics.


I'm defending'em as we speak, been on several attempted keep raids too.

Some albs SUCK.

Others are reliable and loyal.

Don't judge everyone because some are pathetic.


definitely one of those "wow, im ashamed of my guild" moments then...


Did defend all Sunday, as did most HB.
Just the lag last night was insane, along with zonecrashes.
The 30 mins I played, I went to Emain.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
Does anyone really care?

Or does the "ohh thats a lot of mids cba with this zerging, logging" attitude pervade the entire realm? That along with the "relics changing hands makes the game more fun" attitude...

Is being two-shotted by zerkers and shadowzerks fun?
Is spending hours preparing a relic raid only to be slaughtered at the gates fun?

In fact, PLEASE just point out to me where the fun is at all in not having the relics.

I was in the group bringing trebs to Eras when it was being used by Hibs to farm.

I did a check last-night on Bold to see how many Mids there where and to see if the CS was up already.

After trying to form our 'normal-RvR'-group someone in the group said he didn't wanna go Bold because he didn't like the idea of pressing a button and waiting 7 secs to see the spell. He also disliked the fact I was warping from Excal to the GK and back. So we all agreed on NOT defending and go Odins instead to annoy the crap out of Mids there. Killing a few guards, denting the keep-doors (hey, we didn't have rams, cleared inventories because of the trebs, ooooops).

After getting zerged @ a keep in Odins I decided to log since I had a splitting head-ache.

And if Mids keep up with this 'OMG, there is an Albion Medallion of Passage too!!!!! let's check it out' and lag complete Albion up to Lyonesse we really don't need much defenders. Zone-crash will already happen with less then 100 Albs in Sauvage :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Most of my Alliance ie Reign of Chaos, Dark Knights, DDS and Prime Evil have been defending the frontier like little troopers so, umm, find someone else to blame.


Add to that Covenant of Zak, Humberton Guard, and may others from the fellowship (only 2 fellowship guilds I saw during my short time on-line, soz to others), my guild m8's where there defending and retaking and repairing doors all evening.

Who exactly is it who doesn't care btw?


not that its anything wrong with it (firmly believe everyone can play how they choose) but since u guys went on the record for having a non-alb-defense policy its not much of a surprise?


I definately wanna defend the keeps and the relics and have been doing.... but some days i just need to hunt in Avalon because i'm not 50 yet :(

When i hit 50 you can expect to see me in the frontier's ALOT especially when our keeps/relics are under attack.


It gets on my tits that peeps keep comming on here and :flame:
The fact is, there was a defence, it took a while to get sorted,
yes peeps did stay up all night! and comming on here flaming away,
makes all their efforts and time spent, look like it was for nothing.

It makes me :puke: the way people just say well there was xxx on
and only xxx here, sod it, people were there, people do care,
there is a thing called real life, jobs etc, which have to come 1st.

I am lucky with my job atm, i can play all night at times.

So from me a big :clap: to all those who did help all last night.


Yeah...real-life...still owns Daoc

If i could i would stay up all night during the week also..but got a feeling my boss will not like it when my work isn't properly done.

boss: mmm you look tired, do you get enough sleep?
tazz: not really, damn mids & hibs keep attacking our keeps
boss: euhm? what?
tazz: well you know...the ugly little bastards want our relics
boss: are you on drugs or something?
tazz: no nonoooo don't you understand? they want our relics and will raid us all night with the help of corpse summoners. I just HAD to defend untill 5 a.m, don't blame me..blame the mids
boss: me thinks i'll just start looking for someone else to do your job
tazz: Oh great...not only do Mids get our relics..i loose my job also :(

well....maybe this little dialog makes it clear why not EVERYONE is defending...

it's not like we don't want to...somethimes it just isn't possible when you got a job.


Oh yes Wildfire I'm very ashamed at the guild for providing 10 odd members to defend the relics till 5am on a work night (yourself included) and for being one of 2 guilds along with BF with the capacity to claim and upgrade a keep at that time in the morning :rolleyes:

Saracism aside, I'd like to thank everyone who was involved in the defences throughout the night and a big :touch: to Mids for making me so zombified at work today :flame:


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
definitely one of those "wow, im ashamed of my guild" moments then...

Eh? If you're referring to our guild not having a full group still out at 3am it was because most of us logged between 1 and 2am as we had work first thing today having been defending our frontiers since 8pm ;)

Just a shame mids picked a work night to seek their revenge - atleast we picked a weekend. But then again, guess they don't have school this week...


(tongue firmly in cheek btw)


Dunno who the comment was aimed at so wont comment


Comment was aimed at FC, who showed gross apathy towards the whole situation until it became apparent that the mids weren't going to have a go at excal after all (following their wipe at ren).


[16:47:13] [Aussie_away]: you rr every day :D
[16:47:15] [Osy]: in 1.60, i mean
[16:47:32] [Osy]: no Aussie, mids never intended to have a go at relic
[16:47:37] [Osy]: designated farm
[16:48:00] [Osy]: and albs bought it (*** wow that's new - lemme guess from who they got this idea***)
[16:48:04] [Osy]: glad they did
[16:48:29] [Aussie_away]: rofl
[16:48:36] [Aussie_away]: fyi albs had 1 keep this morning
[16:48:43] [Aussie_away]: with ~80mids attacking renaris
[16:48:55] [Osy]: yes aussie i was online
[16:48:58] [Aussie_away]: that's farming right? :D
[16:49:02] [Osy]: yes it is
[16:49:13] [Aussie_away]: well you got farmed at renaris xD
[16:49:18] [Osy]: mark my words: they didnt intend to go at relic
[16:49:31] [Osy]: dont care if you believe me or not
[16:49:34] [Osy]: ....
[16:49:49] [Aussie_away]: ofcourse, i will also attack a keep with 50 albs inside
[16:49:52] [Aussie_away]: just for 'farming'
[16:50:02] [Osy]: FUN Aussie
[16:50:08] [Osy]: know that word ?
[16:50:08] [Aussie_away]: oh now it's fun
[16:50:14] [Aussie_away]: at 7.30
[16:50:17] [Aussie_away]: ^^
[16:50:20] [Osy]: yes, its fun to push back albs
[16:50:27] [Aussie_away]: oh i c


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

haha, Mids just wanna have fun :D fun at that hour, is not infront of the computer, but in bed...

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