Smite Cleric



Right, im respeccing my cleric to a smiting spec, as its rare i play her in RvR. And i need advice,

Do i go for :

44 smite
29 enhance
11 rejuv

gets me last smite dd, insta ae mez, 2nd to last AE dd, while the rejuv gets me decent buffs and another damage add, and autocast in melee


44 smite
30 rejuv
8 enh

this gives me the spread heal and the best DD and the last pbaoe mes.

49 smite :)D)
22 enh
5 revuj

realy what i want to know is is the last AoE DD worth it.

i think a high enh may be better than high rejuv because of the dex buffs to get the high cast time down a bit.

any suggestions apart from leaving ym cleric at its nice ballanced healing spec as it is :D



wtf are you going smite spec for if you're NOT going to RvR? You want to PL something that's on the same acc as your necro, or something?


50 smite, dont use the leftovers thats teh ubar


the biggest concern about smite spec is the fact that RvR is over so fast that a cleric can hardly get a smite in before the person is dead, so id go with the medium enhance to get high dex. Those 3.0 spd spells are really slow, so you'd want the highest possible dex there is


dont spec in anything, you will be the most über cleric in this game

- Pathfinder -

44 smite/30 rejuv anyday for RvR - and you better hope your group has a second cleric or you'll be the gimps of Alb RvR. As for pvE, uh, uhm, who seriously uses a cleric in PvE for anything BUT buffbotting :D


Ok. Most going to say not worth speccing smite, But if you realy want to, Best option imo would be to.................

Smite 43
Enhance 30
Rejuv 12 (coz thats whats left)

Reasons being.

Greater holy fury was lowered from 48(?) smite to 43 in the spec line when smite was rebalanced[tm]. This is by far the best damage you'll do. At 44 the aoe mez gives an extra 5 secs but at the cost of better Dex/Qui buff and 1st single target instant. Ok 1st instant is only 40% hp, But may save your life more often the 5 secs extra mez. With this you'd have Last single target DD, Last pbaoe DD, 2nd to late aoe castable DD, Instant mez (25 secs) and 2nd to last damage add. Also add in 2nd damage add in enhance line and first proccing heal. Better dex/qui for cast times.

Just my opinion tho.


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
44 smite/30 rejuv anyday for RvR - and you better hope your group has a second cleric or you'll be the gimps of Alb RvR. As for pvE, uh, uhm, who seriously uses a cleric in PvE for anything BUT buffbotting :D


I´ve been saying that for 3 months now

and people wonder why rejuv clerics are so rare (try grouping us people, it might help!!)

Hit ^_^

43smite rest reju
then add a full enha buffbot...

then 44mezz aint worth it whit the 5MIN recast time...

if you dont have a buffbot got for 23reju No less. rest enha..


what about

43 smite
25 reju
20 enh

imo thats the most balanced one

Aule Valar

if your gonna smite you should be aoeing for max farming/annoyance

Hit ^_^

then just make a cabby.

bug i guess a cleric has more hp/chain so he lives longer and enemies wont die as fast so he gets to anoy ppl longer...


As Cleric I have gotten quite a few remarks regarding my spec. Many offensive ones too.
In the beginning I was pure smite as in 50 smite and rest rejuv. That was back in the good old days when smite was still worth speccing. PPl mocked me because they couldnt understand why I didnt become a wiz. Answer was simple really. Wizzies dont wear chain :) I was indeed uber as solo char - not usefull in grps tho.

After they nerfed smite (cant remember which patch) I had a break from the cleric because I believed that a healing cleric had to be kinda boring. However, im a man of extremes, and decided to go for 50 rejuv, 20 enhance.
Thats the best thing ive done yet.. did it months ago and still excited about it. With 20 enh my buffs arent great but there, which really isnt a problem considering all the buffbotts around - let the buffbotts buff and the active clerics heal.
The 50 in rejuv gives me the power to cast bigtime heals over and over again. And yes, I often use the lvl 50 heal spell in fights, especially since its faster to cast than the lvl 40ish spec heal, but also because it often heals 900+ hit points without critical heals.
Ofcurse my RAs are chosen from a healing perspective too

My point is that its all about what u wanna do. Listen to advice but decide for your self when speccing your cleric.


Originally posted by Hit ^_^
then just make a cabby.

bug i guess a cleric has more hp/chain so he lives longer and enemies wont die as fast so he gets to anoy ppl longer...

Read tilda's sig. See the cabby there? :)




Originally posted by bob007
Ok. Most going to say not worth speccing smite, But if you realy want to, Best option imo would be to.................

Smite 43
Enhance 30
Rejuv 12 (coz thats whats left)

Just my opinion tho.

Tempting, can anybody give me figures for how much the lvl 49 aoe smite hits for?



Originally posted by jaina
what about

43 smite
25 reju
20 enh

imo thats the most balanced one

this looks like an almost grp friendly smite spec :eek6:

but honestly, i think that all clerics should have the 2 instant heals for sure (1 grp). and it doesnt seem like you need to go above 43 smite either.

me dreams of having a smite cleric on prydwen... =) i remember the insane damage finster used to do to me those long months ago when he was still orange+ ^^


complete and utter waste of a lvl50 char

in bg1 sure smite is fun, but FAR from uber, let alone big boys rvr


waste of a respec stone imo...

you will try it, think its uber for about 2 days then cry at hib resist rates and wish you never did it...


44 smite
17 enhance
26 rejuvenation

A very good spec, you get final pbaoe mezz which no matter what most say, is very useful in RvR. It can be used as a shock mezz against enemies as it's on a different timer to sorc/mincer mezz that can overwrite it. The final ae smite isn't really worth it, nor is the second one before it.
In RvR grp's it's only used as leeching and at wall fights as the enemies charge but still, once they start to charge in either situations, your range will mean you get hit too quickly in these situations. Your enhancements are not great but as some1else said, at least they are there as backup.
If you get in a grp with a rej/enh cleric then you really have an ideal spec as your enhance buffs arent important then if they buff spec and you buff baseline.
Your rejuvenation means that you get a 426 heal, more with mastery of healing which isnt bad. But in PvE, smite clerics are a LOT more useful then rej clerics. Small heals are more mana efficient then larger heals, even with high rej (tho the higher the rej, the smaller the difference). You can smite well at fast pace since patch and take a lot of hits as being a chain wearer. Your 17 in enhance will give you the first melee dmg buffer in close quarter combat, for example being jumped by SB's.
You get both insta heals and a half health/quarter mana res which is very useful.
As smite cleric with instas up, I can sink any class (havent tried against zerkers tho) as far as I know solo, and thats without the melee buffer until I get a respec stone. Smite cleric hurt lots now as well as being mediocre healers and secondary buffers. A good class/spec no matter what some people say ;) As it stands, IMO, smite clerics are much better then fire wizards in a group. Okay so the damage over time isn't as high but you can be hit for about 4 times as much, you have 2 instas, STUN, an emergency/shock mezz, reletively okay melee damage (about same as standard tank non-styled) as well as buffs etc. Just ask the tanks in duels I have killed, smite clerics are, since the patch, well and truly underestimated in groups.


if you got 2 cleric's in group i think albs would think better about smith clerics.. but atm there is so few cleric's that 1 cleric in a group is a good group ...

and if he smites and let group members die well.... every1 know the story..


aoe DD ain't worth casting unless it's pbaoe.... dropoff is just stupid.


So Tilda, you now own:

Necro (now gimped, and a bit dull)
Inconnu Reaver
Smite Cleric
Cabalist (respecced from body)

What's next, avalonian merc?


How about 43s,32r,6e? best DD, 1st spead heal, and a 500 point single target heal. I reckon that would make a nice 2nd cleric in a grp along with a rej/enh one.


44 smite(best smite n damage adder)
23 rejuv( both 2 instant n good heal)
21 enha( decent spec buff green/blue first damage add)

perfect enjoyable


I was gonna be a smite cleric - but u want good buffs for ureself (to solo) so having low enh is a bit lame imo. I think you should go for an all round spec like me :D - can buff grps reletively easy can heal ok and can deal out some dmg (solo'ed skald and then an sb :p). Im 36 smite 26 rejuv and 30 enh (should be 35 smite 31 enh and 26 rejuv - was at 36 smite before i decided to change).


Originally posted by Eggy
So Tilda, you now own:

What's next, avalonian merc?

Hmm reminds me to go make my Avalonian Polearmsman :cool:

As a Rejuv/Enhance cleric I always like it when a smite cleric or friar joins the group. Very complementary


Originally posted by Eggy
So Tilda, you now own:

Necro (now gimped, and a bit dull)
Inconnu Reaver
Smite Cleric
Cabalist (respecced from body)

What's next, avalonian merc?

nah, you've just got to have an avalonian 2h thrusting paladin ;) (and I defy any of you to think of a more gimped class/spec than that ;))

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