small query...


The Real Redi

I was wondering, and i've had a stroll around and a good look, but speccing a Fire wizzy, i have noticed that fire is actually the most stunted spell range anywhere. Are there any plans to expand the range of fire spec spells at all, as at the moment we get the our own personal PBT at 17spec (or something) apart from that we are limited to Bolt, DD and AoE DD... and THATS IT?

I know this is ignoring buffs, but a fire specced wizzy has very few defensive spells at his disposal, accept the baseline root (cold) which is pretty naff imo.

Perhaps a couple of fire spec debuffs, instead of the nasty earth spec searing wind crap? Maybe a speed buff at a slightly lower season? perhaps even a shorter cast time on the roots?

I have seen the plight of a caster in RvR now, and i swear, Redis shield is going into use, as of right now (even if its crap, it'll block on or two when im guarding ;) )


Fire wizzies have long suffered the 'dd everything' problem, and it certainly isn't changing in the immediate future. They supposedly have the best DD in the game to make up for the lack of versatility, but resist buffs (and heat resist being one of the most common, in particular) mean the reality of the situation is very different.

Oh, and the self BT is at level 19, baseline fire.


The BT is not pulsing. Fire wizzies have no utility spells to make up for being the highest damage dealing class about :rolleyes:. Root is pretty worthless in RvR and most other casters can out damage them spell wise. The bolt is their hardest hitting spell but rarely lands leaving them with an average DD.

I think they should have some form of heat resist debuff, maybe an insta single target on a timer. They are certainly lacking something.


Fire wizzies have no utility spells to make up for being the highest damage dealing class about


You honestly believe they do the most magical damage? Heat damage is the worst in RvR, maybe after spirit vs group of hibs with a good warden.

The Real Redi

well, ive heard rumour, and i think ive seen it going on once, that if specced right, its possible for a wiz to have three seperate bolt spells. Two of these i know of are the fire and earth ones (they appear to have a bolt line, but its lame?) but looking at both earth and ice specced they have without a doubt got the rosey end of the stave, and not the end i scrape the boogey poop off of my boots with.

hmm... im still relatively new to casting, and fire n brimstone and all that, so ill go carry on trawling to see if were due any love in the near future...

Patch notes from sanya (patch 7.3b)
Since reviewing Paladins, we have decided to strip them of all their chants and give them the RA "Holy Cow" (was scheduled for an earlier patch, but until we implemented the new Wooden Armour for them, we felt they would feel hard done by) Holy Cow allows you to drop a bovine onto an enemy, causing instant -200 to con, which must be bought back by a healer (and seeing as the entire realms gold supply is held in two conglomorate characters, owned by Coca-Cola and IBM respectively, you will have to apply to the new NPCs in camelot and gothwaite - Loansharks are located next to every single class trainer.)

oh, yeah, fire line has had the DD respecced, to give you 60gold each time you use this spell line, as an incentive for at least one person to play this lame class after its epic was changed to "Dungarees of doom" and the matching "Candy stick stave" We'll keep you posted as to how the test go, but the new class "APOCOLYPSE" profession, 'World dominator' has been identified as a little overpowered, and is to be revised along the Minstral spec. Then again, we love it, so we might just pretend it doesnt happen.


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey

You honestly believe they do the most magical damage? Heat damage is the worst in RvR, maybe after spirit vs group of hibs with a good warden.

Notice the rolleyes? i was being sarcastic. As me and the wife were new to the game when she started a wizzy we believed what we read, to say she is dissapointed at 50 is an understatement :(.


Redi - delete or respec ... but come over to the Cold side, its a lot more fun than DD, DD, DD repeat until dead. Fire IS easier for levelling though, and much better for soloing in PvE.


why do people keep forgetting earth spec wizards, they have AOE nuke/snar GTAOE, DOTs and Bolt. they are great in RvR and would be a real assest when we trying to attack and defend our keeps. Poeple keep going on about not having a spec DD or GTAOE doing rubish damage but thats not there role.


Earth spec wizards are good at keepraids and pretty much only there, and thats if they can team up with 3-4 other earth wizzies. 100-200 damage on GTAOE isn't enough to send an opposing force packing.


What Meatballs said - Earth spec is not fun. Specline bolt that gets the bugged in-melee message half the time and a single target dot are their sole form of spec single target damage.

GTAOE, AOE root, AOE dd/snare are admittedly quite handy in situations where the enemy get bottlenecked (milegates or keeps), but other than that they're really not all they're cracked up to be.


I was fire for a very long time and used to enjoy it in the golden days (rose tinted spectacles mode) but now with the advent of most people having capped resists not to mention the rest its just not really a very bright character to play. Re-specced to Ice a few months ago mainly for the PVE side of things but have to say its also a lot of fun in RVR, highly recomended until Fire Wizzies get a little more 'something'.

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