Small apologie



First of all thx for all who stayed up late enough to take a shot at the remaining 2 power rellics, we had a small force and all did extremely well not breaking mezz and going through the UBER guard pulls. Reason whe we died is cause i missed the puller saying "repop" in group chat so i gave the order to advance. only to find a lot of uber guards between the regular guards resulting in a preamture end of the siege. All i can say, we all learn from our mistakes. My sincere apologies to all who were there.

GM <Exiled>

Herbal Remedy

ignore arth hes talking total bollocks
i missed he missed hell the whole army but vanity missed it it was 7 bloody am

ps do this again and i will kick your arse - no appologies for easy mistakes at that time of the morning

pps god damn we got our relic back we did bloody well
14 rams collected at 4 - 5 am in the morning gathering alot of lvl 40+ who where tired as hell we did brilliant, relic raid planned in an hour at 5am in the morning ffs be cheerfull for once yer miserabl old sod

ppps ignore arth its damn early and hes talking bollocks


So the fact that my bro tipped me out of bed at 5am for me to aoe you and him to mezz you on a guard pull didn't count.

Methinks you should lose herbal and you'd do alot better, The hot air coming outta her must break your mezzes.

Oh and no-wonder you had a small force - IT WAS 6 BLOODY AM

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Spudgie
So the fact that my bro tipped me out of bed at 5am for me to aoe you and him to mezz you on a guard pull didn't count.

Methinks you should lose herbal and you'd do alot better, The hot air coming outta her must break your mezzes
Oh and no-wonder you had a small force - IT WAS 6 BLOODY AM.

lost plenty of times m8 just keep on getting back up and having another go
as opposed to the raid ulot did at 2 am? - times irrelivant stop moaning and grow up


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy
times irrelivant stop moaning and grow up

Grow up lol, Im a hibbie that means im more than 16 years old

Oh well least we now know what time of the day to expect your serious attacks.


Don't apologize, we all make mistakes. I had the same situation 30 mins before that, we just had too few albs to kill the guards, when we killed a few, some more popped already. Just was undoable I think.

Just a word about the leading thingy: some people blame the leaders for making mistakes. Leaders are people too, they make mistakes. It really isn't that much fun being a commander, offcourse, it's an honor to lead an army, but it's just hard work. When people moan to a leader, after a time you had enough, and you stop being a leader. The same happened to Finster and Gregorian, Finster completely left Albion because of people blaming him when things go wrong, and I haven't seen Greg being an active leader for a long time. So just some words to those people: have some respect for those willing to step at front, and do their best to make things go right.

Still, all done a very nice work, especially at this time of night. You made me proud, too bad we couldn't get those other 2, but we'll get them, some time....

Herbal Remedy

Originally posted by Spudgie

Grow up lol, Im a hibbie that means im more than 16 years old

Oh well least we now know what time of the day to expect your serious attacks.
ummm that would be any time then :D oh and being hibbie makes u older than 16? how realm has fuck all to do with same people from same sorts of back grounds playing all 3 realms

methinks someones a wee bit upset at being woken up to find the albs kicking the front door in


Originally posted by Herbal Remedy

methinks someones a wee bit upset at being woken up to find the albs kicking the front door in

dam right I can be real grouchy to get out of bed :)



First off like to say grts to u all

Second get a life herbal just accept we took the relics u took em back end of m8. dont matter that it was 7am in the morning or 8 in the evening fact is we took 2 relics u got yours back no dout
this will change for both realms at sometime its called RVR


Grats to all you fellow albs who were up that long - I cannot believe how you did it.

As the only Brethren around I promised to stay up and contribute by scouting in Collory from 2:30am till 4am GMT.

Unfortunately sometime after 3:30am I fell asleep face-down on the floor only for my wife to find me and ask what the f*$£ I was doing on the spare room floor!! Had to sheepishly retreat to bed at that stage and so missed all the fun !!

On a side note. I wish everyone would drop the whole time of day crap. It is up to each and every individual when they choose to play this GAME, and it is an utter irrelevance when raids are made.

Soon all you students will have all summer off and can play 24/7 while most of us are at work - I aint gonna complain - just kick your ass another time.


Galerrand is right, time of day/night is irrelavant.
I think the raid was a great succes, us doing well being a low number for a relicraid, even an undefended one.


Arth stfu there was nothing wrong bout the raid.. it was done to perfection .. almost ^^..
In the end we DID get something out of it so no use in looking down on it.. cheer up (I know its hard for u being a gimp pally and all :eek:)

Look go ingame and do a /relic -- Were not doing badly and u organised it well along with kcini and sharp.

ps who doesnt make mistakes?:m00:



Originally posted by Gunnerr

ps who doesnt make mistakes?

The original Winter :p

Well not exactly true but he'd never admit to them ;)

U seem to nice to play Winter though Gunnerr, the original was a bit of a git that loved to taunt Midds and Hibbs.

Think he must be going nutz when he looks at these forums and sees he's in GoL as well, not his favorite guild for some reason mid 20's (Seen old.Winter at the top of the forum page so think he still pops in from time to time).


hey at least we got the relics huh :) just well done guys , mistakes r mistakes , they happen but its nice of u to say sorry anyway , instead of just forgetting about it..just show u care for Albion huh :p

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