SM with +suppression



Just a quick newbie question. I'm playing a Spiritmaster currently and were wondering if it would make any difference to damage output if I had +suppression skill even when specced 50 in suppression. Would suppression 50+11 be better than just 50 suppression or are skill adds only useful if you haven't specced 100% in one line?


More damage, but not a lot.
Will be hitting cap more often too.


Actually if your talking about RvR it does nothing to have Supp over 50 - taking a spec over 50 only adds to damage v mobs over level 50.

This was stated in one of the grab bags a while ago.

Max out darkness for better baseline dd before messing around with extra supp IMHO.

Edit - Oh yeah and its Piety that lets you hit Damage Cap more often - i notice a real difference with a decent Shammy Acuity buff.


Ahh, thank you. That info will prove very useful.


another ? related to topic...

whats the bonus cap of darkness if you have 49 / 22 spec?

i got 49 + 11 and Dark 22 + 5 atm, just wondering if the dark can go any higher?

since dinging 50, my baseline DD has become very usefull, hit things for 150 - 200+ so i'd like to invest more into it if possible.... any info would be great :)


Originally posted by rynnor
Actually if your talking about RvR it does nothing to have Supp over 50 - taking a spec over 50 only adds to damage v mobs over level 50.

This was stated in one of the grab bags a while ago.

I assumed so too since it said it in grab bag. However, I tried this myself in duel with level 50 character, and damage was higher with more darkness. I don't remember the damages right now but I tried with 65 darkness at first and then with 6 less and there was difference (not huge but difference).

It's still probably good idea to get +darkness first and then +supp if you can't have both as the effect on +skill is bigger at lower specs.


If it comes to believing Belorfyn or Mythic I'd go with Belorfyn :)

The extra damage when you spec over 50 was how I understood it to work before they supposedly changed it...

So much for that change...


Originally posted by rynnor
If it comes to believing Belorfyn or Mythic I'd go with Belorfyn :)

The extra damage when you spec over 50 was how I understood it to work before they supposedly changed it...

So much for that change...

Yeah, that's how I always thought it worked too. Until that grab bag anyway. I'll be sure to try this again after patch to see if anything's changed there.


Originally posted by voth
Just a quick newbie question. I'm playing a Spiritmaster currently and were wondering if it would make any difference to damage output if I had +suppression skill even when specced 50 in suppression. Would suppression 50+11 be better than just 50 suppression or are skill adds only useful if you haven't specced 100% in one line?

You can always try it out with some (borrowed if you ain't got any) +supp items in duel. If you have 50 suppression, your damage variance should be very low or 0 so it's easy to see the results with just few nukes. For example, try 3 nukes first with 50+0 (from items, can't remove rr bonus:)) supp and then with 50+5 or as high as you can gather from your items.
Keep an eye on your piety, don't use items that give you different amount of piety on each test because piety affects damage also.


Originally posted by boomeruk
another ? related to topic...

whats the bonus cap of darkness if you have 49 / 22 spec?

i got 49 + 11 and Dark 22 + 5 atm, just wondering if the dark can go any higher?

since dinging 50, my baseline DD has become very usefull, hit things for 150 - 200+ so i'd like to invest more into it if possible.... any info would be great :)

I think the bonus cap from items is always +11 (at level 50), even if you hadn't specced that line at all. The effect will be same as if you had specced the total amount (except you don't get spells of course).
So it'd probably be useful for you to cap your darkness as well.
Also it's atleast equally important to have darkness focus in your staff, else you'll run oop fast nuking :)


The difference is very very minimal to yellow (RvR) targets but it gets higher with oranges and up. For a supp RM darkness is better as you cant always PBAE. I'd rather have +11d/5s than 5d/11s.


focus only affects specline spells (test it kids!) so if you're only casting baselines dark nukes there's no need for any dark focus at all.


I don't see anyone here talking about focus. We're talking about skill level. We may be kids, but at least we can read.


Originally posted by voth
I don't see anyone here talking about focus. We're talking about skill level. We may be kids, but at least we can read.

Quoting myself: "Also it's atleast equally important to have darkness focus in your staff, else you'll run oop fast nuking"

Anyways, I'm not so sure about what Kjel said so this kid is off to test it right now :)


Originally posted by kjel
focus only affects specline spells (test it kids!) so if you're only casting baselines dark nukes there's no need for any dark focus at all.



Spell used: Summon Spirit Champion, level 32 spell from Summoning baseline.
Power usage on spell information is 25%
Image on the top is with Darkness 50 levels focus staff, no other focuses.
Image on bottom is with Summoning 50 levels focus staff, no other focuses.
Images might not be in line but use Bubble Technique to see the difference.

Let's just say I'd been bit disappointed if my test had shown otherwise, for about year or so, I've been switching between summoning and darkness focus staves when summoning pet or if healing it alot :)


bah, I chain cast a whole load of af buffs I think, got the same with and without me focus stick. Will do more tests with debuffs or specline spells and stuff :)

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