sm specc order



right im creatng a spiritmaster and im going to spec to at least 23 in summoning to get that rez (yeah dont moan but i want it) im not sure what else to specc in but the prob i ma having is what order to spec? should i plug all points into summoning then specc the rest or should i alternate between it and my other skill? what spec should i ave at lvl 24 for bg? these r all quesions that need answers
thx in advance guys :)


Newbie forum is more for "how do i use the horses" than how do i spec my <blah>...
In this patch suppression is a bit gimp, next patch it has a heavy PBAE in it.
If you want to be able to be useful NOW, I'd say spec 23darkness and spares in suppression. Gives you the lifedrain at 23spec, the 2nd str/con AEdebuff from suppression, a 20sec single-target mezz and a 17sec PBAEmezz.
If you want to wait for next patch and be a PBAEr, well there's a PBAE at 20spec and the next isn't until 26spec.... so your options are a bit limited there.
Personally, if you're taking the char to 50, i wouldn't spec summoning at all to get the rezz. It's just not worth it, imho. Sure it's nice but being able to do a 10%hp 0%power rezz won't get you groups, especially since the majority of spiritmasters won't have it, so people won't expect it.


Healers Res.
Shamans res.
SMs, really shouldnt bother...
And as a "seasoned" shammie i can tell you i am gonna moan at you for wanting res ability....
All i shall say is permaneant ANON for me...all the time all the way.
You`ll see why.
SMs spec is pretty simple really depending on if you want PBAOE or simple Lifetaps.
Personally to have any sort of life in RvR you should go for Darkness.
My specs will be 47 Dark <uberlifetap> 26 supp 4 summoning.
Really summoing isnt worth it. which is why they put the ress ability there in the first place....


And if you want the rez, it means you can't have the 49 PBAE either, so choose carefully if you don't want to be pestered across zones for a rez (yes it happens, yes it's fecking annoying)


well cheers guys thats alot of help i think ill go with darkness :) ure right i suppose sod the rezz and go for some serious dmg! oh btw since u all seem to now lots about sms gimme the lowdown on the pet.
how much exp does he steal as ppl always moan at me to get rid of him when he can take a yellow on his own so he seems useful to me
and if i spec nothing in summon will my pet be crappy?



No your pet wont be crappy... I have 8 points yep! A total, whopping gigantic eeeeeeeeeeeeeeenormous 8 whole points in Summoning...and my pet can solo most yellows and even has soloed some oranges (when I have been involved in PMs and so on and forgotten about him fighting alone!)

In my opinion, despite the fact that he is supposed to steal xp, I think that this is only when HE kills the mob...if someone else kills the mob then the xp is as normal. And if your pet is killing mobs then your tanks should look at themselves ;) Seriously tho, I only call my pet up when Im solo or when Im in a small group which is tank light and there is the probability of adds or aggro. He can then act as peeler, thereby taking the strain off a tank light group.

If you specc in Summoning you will get more buffs for your pet which WILL make it quite tasty PvE but will make you a bit light RvR because most players with half a brain see a pet and look for the caster immediately.

My advice to ppl speccing a SM is to ask first... Will you play this char a lot? Or is it an alt you will use to farm with? If its the latter...go will solo kill mobs most if not all other classes just dream about soloing...but the keyword is SOLO...if you specc high Summoning expect to solo A LOT.

If you plan to level this char and go RvR then Darkness or Suppression as a main specc and put the rest in which ever of the 2 you didnt choose as a main specc.

Regardless...have fun....SMs seem to be flavour of the month at the moment, LOADS of people are rolling them...perhaps now with more SMs about it will be a hell of a lot easier for those coming up to get in groups than it was for me and many others who are (or are close to) level 50.

Good luck with your SM... :)


Im trying Mobius... I really am...almost terminal PC problems (See other threads) are keeping me from playing at the moment, soon as I can I will be back in Midgard...I promise :)

Thank you :)


about pet xp stealing:

If your (summoned) pet solos the monster, does 100% of the damage and kills it.

it gets 25% of the xp.

So if you sit on your arse you get 3/4 of the xp.

Needless to say - in a group it ain't gonna do 100% of the damage, in fact it'll do about 5% if even that... 5% of 25% is about 1.25% which is not a lot of xp at all.

Charmed pets get double that (50% if it solos it) so a massive 2.5% xp in a group :)

next time someone says 'kill the pet! it steals xp' put em right, if they still whinge, boot em or find another group :) the anti-pet lobby annoys me :p

(saying 'control your pet better - it keeps breaking mezz' is fair enough, 'kill the pet' is a stupidity left over from beta and misinformation)


Speccing an SM for the battlegrounds you'd do pretty well with 24 Dark for max ranged damage and good low resisted PBAOE Mez.

In the BG you want to hang back in the crowd hitting F8 then blast any enemy that comes in range -pretty effective I found.

You might want to split some points into Suppression instead to get a better single target mezz - tho the level 1 one would probably serve.

Once PBAOE Damage comes in suppresion looks pretty tempting :)

Roo Stercogburn

Hehe I actually specced summoning to 15 for the damage shield... then realised how crap it is (it gets fixed soon though) so I'll be respeccing the points into suppression soon.

I'm told SMs that don't spec the rez in the US get a hard time from a lot of other players but I won't be speccing for it. I'd be interested to see how other SMs get on with their primary abilities when they've lost points into summoning to that level.

Based on coming patches 2 choices based on how you want to play: go darkness for good ranged attacks and area mezzes, or suppression for pbae nuke, single target mez and better life transfer.

Its really hard to mess up speccing an SM so don't worry :)

Old Nicodemus

Early levels spec darkness for good nukes. Put a bit into summoning so you can get your PBT then stop there. Suppression is fine, but worth speccing later.

I will admit to being a complete nutter and speccing summoning to 23. It has it's advantages and it's drawbacks.


My pet (Jeeves) is a very effective peeler. ( have used Jeeves to peel in malmo )

With better buffs hits harder than a normal spirit. (A saracen archer made a big mistake over the weekend.. got more than he bargained for.)

With better buffs it Procs more (lovely to see a yellow con tank get hit, stunned, cold dd and life tapped by my spirit. Health bar to 50 % before I have to do anything :) )

You get a ghetto rezz.

You can Solo very effectively.


You take away from other more useful specc lines.

Can lead to being less useful in RvR.. ( well you do get the feeling that you are a personal RP Cow for all things that wear armour )

You will get the Rezzers curse, with every muppet in the realm demanding you to rezz them and then abusing you when you say you won't ( you being in emain and them in Malmo ) and when they do get that Ghetto Rezz will probably complain that it is crap compared to a Healers or Shamans Rezz.

You may find that you are left out of grps as you are deeemed not useful enough.


There are respeccs available in the next patch. So if you do find out that what you are speccing for is useless then you can respecc to a more useful line.

Most Sm's go Darkness first and foremost. At the moment it is the specc line that is viable. In the next patch Suppresion will be become more valid. Not everyone is going to give up everything for Suppresion nukes. Not all that useful in open field battles.

In the end though it's up to you in how you want to play your SM. I play mine as a Jack of all trades. Good Darkness, Good Suppresion, Good Summoning. It works... to a degree. ;)

I'll give the rezz a go.. if it doesn't work out I'll respecc summoning into supp or Dark. In the end it's all about having fun. Achieve that and your SM is a success..

Spiritmaster in funky epic clothing! Yay!
Moooooo! RP COW! :m00: Hit me!


hey you stole my pet name :p

oh well don't play my cabbie enough anyway :)

as for getting hassle for not speccing for ress - that's like getting hassle for not running from llyn barfog to Lyonesse to ress someone ;)


hehe tis is easy dont tell anyone how u specc'd , so only peopel u usaly group with will remember u have a rezz ;)


sm = Midgards spirit master? SO THEY REALLY EXIST??? :eek6:

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