I was just minding my own business in Muire Tomb with a partner, when all of a sudden a curmudgeon name Sleon'rk approached us.
At first he scared the hell out of me, because we were in the middle of a pull. To my suprise he started to talk to us and join in on the fight.
Finally we invited him to join our group and he did. After some questions we found out he thought he was a Firbolg like his parents were. Even though we tried to dissuade him from that thought he kept on believing to be a Firbolg.
It was quite a fun experience to fight with a curmudgeon Hero in the group, although he couldn't get touched by monsters. Even when our entire group was slain.
I've heard from other folks that they encountered him too. Has anyone witnessed the same?
(I'll try to post some screenshots tomorrow)
Jayco - Lurikeen Champion
Level 16, Prydwen
331 Weaponcraft
At first he scared the hell out of me, because we were in the middle of a pull. To my suprise he started to talk to us and join in on the fight.
Finally we invited him to join our group and he did. After some questions we found out he thought he was a Firbolg like his parents were. Even though we tried to dissuade him from that thought he kept on believing to be a Firbolg.
It was quite a fun experience to fight with a curmudgeon Hero in the group, although he couldn't get touched by monsters. Even when our entire group was slain.
I've heard from other folks that they encountered him too. Has anyone witnessed the same?
(I'll try to post some screenshots tomorrow)
Jayco - Lurikeen Champion
Level 16, Prydwen
331 Weaponcraft