Slash inf.. givf some advise :D



Hey j00..

Well me inf is 48.5 atm will ding thise weekend i hope...

me spec is gonna be:

50 Slash 44 Crit 32 env 35 stealth rest DW


50 Slash 50 DW 32 env 35 stealth

Im counting on the last spec since i dont want any DF spam etc.. i just want pure fast melee kills... cuz i've played while on mid/pryd and met the uber inf of all... :D spec was like the first one.. she had sidi weap tho... but thats not a big deal, think i can handle with a crafted one atm...

so discus and try and gimme an advice on whats the best


didn't the second template is called "Mercfil"? Kinda like the ShadowZerk for midgard. I dunno, prolly high RR that mercfil is nice :) but i'm also about to ding an infil and planing for the first template (well almost)


i wouldnt sat its only good for high RR if u know how 2 use ur inf and how ur "PA" must be.. cuz with the Mercfil spec u dont have any and 90% of ur fights are vs stealthers and not as easy as it seems to get off ur PA...

So when ur a mercfil ur prolly hit ur enemy with a side style called Flank wich makes him hindered and then Shadow's rain with makes him slowed... and thats pretty nice if u think of it like that..
tho PA dmg is alot higher and its a good start imo...

i'll see how it works and wich styles are nice 2 use when u dont have CS


DW @ Higher RR because;

More chance to hit with both weapons due to RA's and +x from RR bonus.

Doesn't mean it DOESN"T work @ RR1 so to speak, but it works a lil bit less effective then CD would do.


u will need ur PA / CD cus of lower rr and that's ur only stun

But tbh ask Pin :d
You can ask it also at Ghostly or Nessajah they played slash infils so ;d


Originally posted by Gregstah
Hey j00..

Well me inf is 48.5 atm will ding thise weekend i hope...

me spec is gonna be:

50 Slash 44 Crit 32 env 35 stealth rest DW


50 Slash 50 DW 32 env 35 stealth

Im counting on the last spec since i dont want any DF spam etc.. i just want pure fast melee kills... cuz i've played while on mid/pryd and met the uber inf of all... :D spec was like the first one.. she had sidi weap tho... but thats not a big deal, think i can handle with a crafted one atm...

so discus and try and gimme an advice on whats the best


all so sad ...

so ... so sad...


think someone will clap cuz u so proud n brave to go out without df?

pff what is a BWwhinecreated char?

ur exaclty what u should not...

first u say :

to like fast swing... that is thrust

n before ull be able to "spam" df succesfuly trust me ull need a quite long period ov trainig...
btw "spamming" make it worthless... 1 df than harsting chain.

with that spec u goin to be fully debuffable wile not able debuff decentently ur enemy...

and Again

DW spec is for quite Hig rr inf...

since u need to have 2 skill at 50 to be effective, but lacking other skill will make u even more weaker than every normal one

wait till rr6/7 to become a mercinf... maybe is not the way u like now... not the breed ov the moment but if u wont to get bored by not been able to do anything, wait and spec ur inf such like this

weap 50 (thrust or slash)
crit 44
ste 35
env 35
dw 18 (22 if have done full autotrain)

maybe many others have somthing similar to that... but u will get some fun... later when rr will rise ur stealth and evenom, than consider the respec...

o well maybe u just like to zerg arround in that case, just need hig stealth (i suggest 40 atleast) must not been spotted as first target,
hig weapon hig dw (think, will u be able to zerg/jump using positional or only ammy?) no need ov envenom or crti...
rest ov ur party will do the rest... just let em attak first than stik an spamm...

howtf this post made me so upsett pff

btw have fun


A more balanced template i feel is
50 slash/thrust (would go for thrust at the moment, mostly cause there seems to be more and more ns coming out to play)
35 envenom
35 stealth
39 cs
rest dw (I believe 28)

Nessajah is now I believe a slash mercfiltrator, but not 100%. Ghost has switched I believe, but it has been a while I spoke to them.
With the above template, you can get best dot at rr5, have 50 stealth, and you can raise dw by buying Dualist Reflexes (3% per lvl) RA. RR5 is pretty to obtain if you put in the work.
Regards, Glottis


wow an infiltrator who dosnt want to be over pwred with dragon fang kudos ^_^


I went the balanced way and like it a lot.

50 slash
34 env
34 stealth
34 cs
37 dw

That's with autotrain upto 40 or 44 can't remember.


Man Sillezio STFU.. u know shit about this game...

i just moved from Hib/exc where i had a rr7 NS dont try and tell me how 2 play a stealth class ffs... i just wanna give more dmg whtout needing stunn.. u rest cant do without tbh...

and no Mercfil's are just as good at high RR as at low.. if u know how 2 play em that is... dont come on my thread and fucking flame me... Fuck the fuck off u tard... when u learn who u speak 2 and why u say such stuff u can reply on my thread again... dont wanna hear shite from u... i wanted an advice from ppl not how 2 play becouse i dont know it... u should give me examples if u know what that is...

like "Dont go merfil 2 start with becouse ur dmg on Dual Shadow's(lvl 50 DW style) will be xxx dmg and not enough 2 kill a NS or a SB... becouse their resist bla bla bla... but since u dont know shite dont speak up plz...

Learn how 2 post ffs


Originally posted by Gregstah
Man Sillezio STFU.. u know shit about this game...

i just moved from Hib/exc where i had a rr7 NS dont try and tell me how 2 play a stealth class ffs... i just wanna give more dmg whtout needing stunn.. u rest cant do without tbh...

and no Mercfil's are just as good at high RR as at low.. if u know how 2 play em that is... dont come on my thread and fucking flame me... Fuck the fuck off u tard... when u learn who u speak 2 and why u say such stuff u can reply on my thread again... dont wanna hear shite from u... i wanted an advice from ppl not how 2 play becouse i dont know it... u should give me examples if u know what that is...

like "Dont go merfil 2 start with becouse ur dmg on Dual Shadow's(lvl 50 DW style) will be xxx dmg and not enough 2 kill a NS or a SB... becouse their resist bla bla bla... but since u dont know shite dont speak up plz...

Learn how 2 post ffs

Full quote becaus is worth to post it all :great:

here, is your chocolate puppy now smile and go back playing with your toy :fluffle:
shhhhh no need to worry mommy will buy you the new teddybear and some stikers too... op op...

hehehe funy thing is, i told u much more important stuff than single style damage, heheh
u had a rr7 ns... is that hig? was a blade shade or pirce? if it was pirce u still dont know anything bout the real effect of full debuffed WS... ask to all thos SB arround who does not have a choice on weapon spec... (all slash all str based) or even ask to a blade shade or slash inf... greater enervating on str only ws hurt alot... and hurt more at low rr becouse you have less realm abilityes to boost ur damage n WS and less rr+ bonus to keep it hig...

been DW Inf at 50 and low rr isnt a good way... not because ov the damage (thrust or slash spec either) but cause your other skill
stealth envenom ecc will be too low (u need to put lot point in dw to have it 50 as for wspec) 32 stealth at rr 1 even rr 2 or 3 is too low... everyone will see u from distance n pic u as first easy target
now is plenty ov archer arround and im sure they will pretty pleased to sfaetly spot a low rr inf from a good range :)
haveing low stealth will either meens that other assassin will be able to to pa/bs u alot or anyway starting the fight, Debuffing u First... (edge down)

u will lose pa/bs chain, thos great styles n help alot an assassin
dealing quite heavy damage in a short time, with a stun component too; u will even lose Harmsting leaper rib separation (over all the first too) wich give hig damage with wee endurance cost...

and about damage... you will deal some more damage only against sb and only if the dont beduff u first
ns r resistent to ur damage... and nowdays... are the ns the most u rill find arround

if u have a rr7 and u played it from lvl 1 to 50 rr7 u should know all this stuff, but from your post rlly seems not

everyone here suggested u to not spec dw at low rr
but seems u wont (cant?) undestand
you also picke the hardest spec for a starting inf "dw+slash" were u get more disadvantage than enithing else

and btw who are you?

a surgeon who save lives every day?
or a chemist who has found the cure for hiv?

thb u looks just like a lil fat spoiled kid talking bout his Bigbro toys n what his Bigbro can do than shouting and offending everyone arround who think different by him

your are nothing and no one, you have no right to decide who can or cannot reply to you;

i plainly expressed my opinion wile you just full filled a post ov offence showing ur hig lvl ov education and intelligence

now finish your breakfast and go back to ur homework op op lil boy

how sad :(


haha.. never seen a twat as huge as u tbh...

i cant even read.. plz try and READ my post first then reply..

spec will be 50 Slash 50 DW 35 STEALTH 32-34 envenom...

so at rr wich i will get pretty fast i will have the last debuff and if u know the styles of DW and styles of Slash wich 2 use when 2 get the best debuffs in then u will prolly be on my side cuz then u will know that Flank>Shadow's Rain got a hindered then a slowed debuff wich gives me a huge advantage on wining most fights... its side based, but think of it like this.. 50% of the times inf's or any1 that know u are around will never face u or stand turn their back on u.. they will try and stand 2 the side.. there comes my debuff's and then pure melee duel from there on... its not as hard as it seems ...

my NS spec was 50 Pierce 33 stealth 33 envenom 39 CD 15 CS

i was a Shademaster... thats the spec i've allways played and i dont need PA since i dont camp mtk or htk to kill some1 running unstealthed.. plz learn 2 play and know ur class and styles before u start talking.. CS aint all that and with CS u dont have any anytime styles u can use out of 100% fights u will get PA off in 30% MAX of them... know what a stealther is!!

dont start flaming ppl...tard


The thing with slash infs is that you don't NEED to spec 50 slash, the reason thrust infs spec to 50 is for DF but since you won't use the 50 slash style (unless you have some magical perma-end) you could spec to 44 for sapphire slash.

As for your comment on how it's too hard to get off PA, so instead you're gonna use the side/back positionals .....WTF??? :eek7:
PA is positional as well you know, and you'll find alot more enemies running head on towards you than side strafing for you to flank them.

If you don't go CS spec, you won't have a stun available to you and probably find it really tough at lower RR. If you manage to land PA/CD on an SB even when you're low RR, the extra dmg you have from slash means you have a very good chance to win.

Anyway, the choice is yours. I'll expect to see you pop out of stealth and sprint halfway across emain with all the other noob infs to get that uber 50 RP :great:


Originally posted by Gregstah
haha.. never seen a twat as huge as u tbh...

i cant even read.. plz try and READ my post first then reply..

spec will be 50 Slash 50 DW 35 STEALTH 32-34 envenom...

so at rr wich i will get pretty fast i will have the last debuff and if u know the styles of DW and styles of Slash wich 2 use when 2 get the best debuffs in then u will prolly be on my side cuz then u will know that Flank>Shadow's Rain got a hindered then a slowed debuff wich gives me a huge advantage on wining most fights... its side based, but think of it like this.. 50% of the times inf's or any1 that know u are around will never face u or stand turn their back on u.. they will try and stand 2 the side.. there comes my debuff's and then pure melee duel from there on... its not as hard as it seems ...

my NS spec was 50 Pierce 33 stealth 33 envenom 39 CD 15 CS

i was a Shademaster... thats the spec i've allways played and i dont need PA since i dont camp mtk or htk to kill some1 running unstealthed.. plz learn 2 play and know ur class and styles before u start talking.. CS aint all that and with CS u dont have any anytime styles u can use out of 100% fights u will get PA off in 30% MAX of them... know what a stealther is!!

dont start flaming ppl...tard

full quote again :) to save this pearl (n btw ur flaming not me)

i know u r just tring to post farm a bit wont help in that but some ppl could take as good ur words :) wile thos arent...

point by point now
Originally posted by Gregstah

spec will be 50 Slash 50 DW 35 STEALTH 32-34 envenom...

so at rr wich i will get pretty fast i will have the last debuff

with suc spec u can get no more than 32 envenom, 34 with full autotrain

for greater enervating (lvl47 poison)

with 32 env = rr5
with 34 env = rr4
not that fast ;) (unless ull get rp pled )

Originally posted by Gregstah
so at rr wich i will get pretty fast i will have the last debuff

mmm at? wich? wich rr ull get pretty fast? :)

Originally posted by Gregstah
and if u know the styles of DW and styles of Slash wich 2 use when 2 get the best debuffs in then u will prolly be on my side cuz then u will know that Flank>Shadow's Rain got a hindered then a slowed debuff wich gives me a huge advantage on wining most fights... its side based
Slash styles good too use for inf
Amethyst Slash and back slash (wich is back positional)
enrage+saphire could be good to... but in the same time u can land 2 ammy wich have n higer to hit bonus...
and for DW u suggest flank+ shadowrain (PLS remeber u r not a mercenary) because they give Hindered and slow effect,
can u explain me wher is the huge advantage to Snare (Hindered)
an enemy wich does not wish to flee?
and the attak speed debuff (slow) is so short n low % that would be pretty insignificant cept for the 2h sb wich could apreciate that short damage increase :) if u rlly wish to slow em use crafted poison... and be sure that the reduced swign speed ov ur enmey rlly give us an edge been faster before doin that...

Originally posted by Gregstah
but think of it like this.. 50% of the times inf's or any1 that know u are around will never face u or stand turn their back on u.. they will try and stand 2 the side.. there comes my debuff's and then pure melee duel from there on... its not as hard as it seems ...

mmm generaly if im a stealther im stealthed :)
an if somene know im arround ... he cannot see me till im so near to hit (cept ts archer)

they will try n stand to the side? mmm /face ? walking bakward?
if u ar talking ov ganking ok (but in that case every positiona style eve cs stealth chain goes in) but 1v1 thers no way unless stunned or afk someone would let an enemy turning arround him...
yess u go on theyr side and snare em... and? pure melee?
u meen anytime spam right? since dw evade chain is pretty weak
an u dont have harmsting+... just dual shadow (front positonal) will be pretty good and bit more than an anytime spam
now again pls... explain me again how a (short)snare effect could help u against an higer rr ns or sb :)

Originally posted by Gregstah
my NS spec was 50 Pierce 33 stealth 33 envenom 39 CD 15 CS

i was a Shademaster... thats the spec i've allways played and i dont need PA since i dont camp mtk or htk to kill some1 running unstealthed.. plz learn 2 play and know ur class and styles before u start talking.. CS aint all that and with CS u dont have any anytime styles u can use out of 100% fights u will get PA off in 30% MAX of them... know what a stealther is!!

*cough* happy u liked it... hig weap spec hig ws that is good n more good cuz Pierce is not all affected by str...

but now now... you are hurting me too much...

U dont need PA because u dont need to run unstealthed n meele someone down? *cough*
cs does not have anytimes... ???
Pa only 30% ov the fight?

AND IM THE ONE who should learn how to play his char n what a stealther is?

u need to be stealthed to PA, that require bit more reflection and brain than /stick n style

CS anytime...
grw lvl name f d t d effect
0.75 18 Garrote H H M -M No Anytime Target is Hindered

slash anytime
0.62 29 Amethyst Slash M M H+ - Anytime -

have to admit ammy is pretty nice due to medium end usage higer to hit bonus...
but garrote also have higer damage higer grow rate and that great Snare effect u like so much

and watch what comes of
1.05 25 Achilles Heel M H M - No After 'Garrote' Target is Slowed
follow up ov garrote
u see an anytime chain with the same Effect ov ur dw side positional chain but thos in cs last for more and the wole chain is repetible +bit higer grow rate...

and pls go watch ur self bout Harmsting chain :)
yess is evade opening but as n inf it happens pretty often in a fight

yes cs is rlly crap :)
and i need to learn alot bout stealther...
allways toguht isnt a class wich run an melee
but have to jump others by surprice using vaious skill an ability...
but maybe im wrong... u teached me...

everyon stop using pa/bs and evade chain all the word spam anytime and side snare pls if we dont melee anyothers down we r not stealtehr...

that skill is only usefull to avoid the zerg an been part ov the stealth zerg
*hear my word safe ur souls wile u can*

u aint know wich char i play n how r they specced :)

maybe ive an hig slash dw inf n find it good
but maybe i know that is harder n not confortable at lower rr
i know my char
wile u talk still not haveing it nor tested on the field

now stop... grow up a bit... wait more... breath... reflect...
read again... and memorize the usefull part ov this post...

than wait wash ur face... breath deeply

(again without any offence, show me ur education one more time)

edit: Read emelia wise words, only one think more ws is allways needed ;P


50 weapon is a must. Especially for a slasher, low weapskill kills you (like we see from NS & SB speccing 4 weapon etc).


hmm let's see imo going slash at start isnt a smart move,
low RR slash infs hit hard yes but are more killable than a thrust 1 after a good dose of enervating ;)

As SB (semi-reired) i can tell u that i had much more easy times against slash infs than thrust, DF it's a feature of your class, a big advantage, wrong or right it sound pretty stupid at low lvl to don't get it.

Slash Mercinf is a strong template sure but at low RR isnt a viable spec to my eyes (ie. no stun=inf in trouble).

Originally posted by Gregstah

i was a Shademaster... thats the spec i've allways played and i dont need PA since i dont camp mtk or htk to kill some1 running unstealthed.. plz learn 2 play and know ur class and styles before u start talking.. CS aint all that and with CS u dont have any anytime styles u can use out of 100% fights u will get PA off in 30% MAX of them... know what a stealther is!!

PA is quite a must for u infils that can count of loads of points, it hit hard & kill quick, also dont forget the fact that w a bit of skill u can even double PA w Vanish o_O( yep it require some skill...)
Not many can stand PA/CD/SS combo and if they do, well they are much more softer than b4, nice add-on to start, surprise is our 1st weapon.

I see Shadowzerker and Mercinfil more FOTM oriented other than "skillfull", like u all infs said about pre-nerf Dfrost spamming ppl, i see no skill in going stealthed-butcher tbh.

So thrust me (pun intended ;D) dont go mercinf till u r RR5, loow RR slash mercinf are defenseless after a PA/CD combo and all the SZ i know now have respecced to CS oriented template now, so, unless u wanna grant us FREE rps ( thx ;D) dont do it now, this is a friendly advice not an attempt to mislead u. Good luck out there!!

Know what a stealther is!! (u said that)



Greg go Slash inf, come to DL and let me kill you for teh rp!! :)


u want it u got it sista!

ok listen...

1) Garrote and Archiles Heel eats endurance like shit and doesnt outdmg amathsyt>dia slash chain am i right?

2) its not hard 2 get a side chain in if u know how 2 play once agani.

3) the Shadow's rain got dmg spd decrease at 30% wich takes about 10-15 sec to go off..
In that time ur enemy is allmost dead... am i right? i am right

then think of it like this... i dont need stunn since im prolly gonna duo with a mate who is a mincer.. there is my stunn and when i solo the stealth will not have a big chance 2 stunn me..

btw guys.. ever heard of purge?! o_O
smth new? ohh.. thats the one..

purge = everything in RvR

stunn's get purged most of the time.. i got purge up, i purge the stunn if ever i will get stunned.. and by who and how long? lets se.. SB about MAX 7 sec.. and NS about MAX 5sec?! haha ok lets say DF is 9 but im not gonna fight Inf's in RvR mates.. think i will start off with some SB's then go to NS's

so please once again tell me i am right!


why even ask for advice when u know evertyhing smartarse? i doubt your ever right.
And please solo at that RR free rps are most welcome.


Ye Lorric is right dont make sense to go on asking stuff puking insults on ppl that dont tell u what u wanna hear, childish attitude dude...very.

All in all i dont care do whatever u want, sun will still shine...

I dont play much anymore but i'm sure w/out doubts that many will thank u out there in emain :) the end.. go to hell u and your slash mercinf :)



Originally posted by Gregstah
u want it u got it sista!

ok listen...

1) Garrote and Archiles Heel eats endurance like shit and doesnt outdmg amathsyt>dia slash chain am i right?
no you aren't.

Originally posted by Gregstah
2) its not hard 2 get a side chain in if u know how 2 play once agani.
guessing you aren't going to solo then. not surprised tbh.

ah, here it is:

"then think of it like this... i dont need stunn since im prolly gonna duo with a mate who is a mincer.. there is my stunn and when i solo the stealth will not have a big chance 2 stunn me.. "

skill-less zerger then?

Originally posted by Gregstah
btw guys.. ever heard of purge?! o_O
smth new? ohh.. thats the one..

purge = everything in RvR

stunn's get purged most of the time.. i got purge up, i purge the stunn if ever i will get stunned.. and by who and how long? lets se.. SB about MAX 7 sec.. and NS about MAX 5sec?! haha ok lets say DF is 9 but im not gonna fight Inf's in RvR mates.. think i will start off with some SB's then go to NS's
Purge is on a 30 min timer, so unless you ( I somehow think you will though ) limp back to atk to rest until purge is up - it won't be up all the time.

Originally posted by Gregstah
so please once again tell me i am right!
I would if it wasn't a lie.


Originally posted by Gregstah
i just moved from Hib/exc where i had a rr7 NS dont try and tell me how 2 play a stealth class ffs... i just wanna give more dmg whtout needing stunn.. u rest cant do without tbh...
so that's why you will be teaming with a mincer then?


i d start with 39 cs. 44 cs is too much for low ranks you dont have enough points to put dw so therefor you have a low dmg over time when you start meleeing down your oponent


expect him to call u names jua afterall he knows better.


Somehow i get the feeling this NS he talking about is named "envenom" ;)

I also recall him playing the zerker called "Morkai" 1 month ago maybe.

When he played Morkai he made this insane whine threads on mid forums about mids not listening in rvr and he always was the best MA :)

so dont take this guy serious =)

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