Skilling Up Crafters make yourself known

  • Thread starter Madonion Slicer
  • Start date

Madonion Slicer

Do we have any SC or Alc skilling up that are open to low level orders, if so would be handy to know who you are.

In fact anyone crafters that are open to low level orders please make you self known.

i will start the ball rolling with:

Eviin Smith - 510 Fletcher always willing to help


Melodia <Purple Warriors>, 601 alchemy - just starting to skill on BG weapon procs, any low level stuff is sold at cost because it's rewarding to help out the young 'uns. :D

Gmip Purple <Purple Warriors>, LGM ACer - primarily crafting BG suits on request, although I only log her on once in a while. Markup is usually minimal but I'm sympathetic to players who might find it difficult to scrape the cash together at such an early level (i.e. subsidised suits).

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