Skill Points Advice



Hi All,

Right I am slowly working my paltry firbolg backside up to level5 when I intend to choose the path of focus and become a warden. Should I spend my skill points now, whilst relatively weak, or should I wait until I get to level5 as then I will know what I need to spend skill points on and I should have more to spend.

At the moment I am level 2.5 and have a small amount of skillpoints from my level up, which I have saved.

Thanks for the help



I would spec some points into the weapon you intend to use when you hit lvl5, and would keep the remaining to points to specialise at lvl5. I find the slight bonus you get for a weap style makes the journey to lvl5 quicker ( slightly ) but also less boring :)

As a naturlaist, I would not bother speccing into nurture or regrowth prior to lvl5, as you get an improved heal at 4 automatically, and some new buffs at lvl3 iirc.

Hope this helps


hmm, I just remembered naturalist classes cant spec into anything but nurture or regrowth prior to lvl5 lol....

So, don't spec anything until lvl5 hehehehe.

Just bash blues on the head...repeatedly


Thanks penny..

Looks Like I could have spent my skill points better.... I plan on being a healer anyways so it shouldnt be too much of a prob in the long run :D

Thanks for the help folks...

I just need these servers now so I can get meself up to lvl 5 :D



I wouldnt and never personally spend any spec points until I've hit lvl 5 and chosen my specific class.

As for hibs - I have a high lvl druid on US and I advise you to go Druid over Warden anyday. You'll be in demand for groups and RvR, will level quick and have fun. You can solo too with decent spec in pet/DoT etc.

You are right about a wardens bladeturn - this is the sole reason a lot of groups will take you. Heals weaker than a druid and not able to tank - hmm I would never pick a warden, same as I would never pick a shaman on mid. Still good luck if you do.

Try a druid alt see what you think?



Ok so I have some good advice there.. thanks

I lobbed all em extra points into empathy and sommint else neways so I am not gonna be the quickest fighter in the world..

I think I might well go druid :)

sorry granny for some reason I called u penny DoH!

I'll be honest - all I knew when I took my naturalist was that I wanted to either go druid or warden...

I am gonna have an alt on Mid/exc which will prolly be either a troll fighter of some kind or a dwarf priest (again I will prolly go for a priest)

I dont really like solo-ing tbh.. I would much rather wander round in a group - heal ppl up and dish out the odd smack here and there :)

THanks for all the help...

Revor (theDruid)

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