Skald specs


Loyal Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Done some research but i am totally lost.

What skald specs are good for rvr.

Alot of ppl mention:

50 BS
39 Axe
17 parry

But some say go 50 sword to the back style.

A bit confused, anyone shed some light on this for me?


50 wep (sword)
43 bs
2 parry

you don't have use for 17 parry wich you get with 46 bs, 44 wep, 17 parry spec.. and you don't have use for lvl 46 bs dmg add and lvl 50 heal song in rvr.. but 46 or 50 bs is very good for PvE

The only thing you need is: insta mess and the dd's and speed song.. imo

but to bad with 43 bs spec you lose the lvl 44 dd what do 114 dmg.. so you rather have the lvl 26 dd with 69.. But you still have the 43 dd with 111 dmg :)

Take a look at this guide..
very nice imo..



Loyal Freddie
Mar 31, 2004
Tornfang said:
50 wep (sword)
(...) but 46 or 50 bs is very good for PvE(...)

I disagree - 50 BS is great for rvr also.
50 wepon is useful but you need to spec sword and should run in groups.
Hammer is best for solo/duo and you dont need to spec 50 to get all styles you need (wepon skill with 43 spec doesn't differ from 50 that much).

I was 46bs,44hammer,17parry before and i liked it but 50bs is awsome - especially with 15sec recast timer.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
I have 50 BS, 39 Axe and 17 Parry and I love it.
I have tried the 50 weapon and I must say that I don't see the big difference as a Skald. Most of the time, I'm not the one dealing out the damage. I'm interrupting, messing and snaring the alb/hib assist train.
IF I join our assist train I can do a lot of insta dam with my 2 DDs. Often I only hit once with my axe before the target is dead and 70% of the dam I made on him/her was from the DDs.
The best dam add is nice to have too both in RvR and PvE.
Ofc I would spec 50 Weapon if I soloed, but how often is a Skald soloing??

So to sum up. Weapon is secondary if you are in grp (imo).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
44hammer 46bs 17parry is great pve / solo rvr / group rvr, the instas still interupt casters/healers nm what the dmg is, hammer does pretty good dmg, in pve you parry lots (with crappy yellow buffs i can kill nightmares and be on around 70% or so hp some times - this is without nice artis/SC :p) so its pretty cool spec =)


Dec 24, 2003
With toa artifacts certain tuscarian items it is my belief that 44bs 43weapon 17parry hammer or axe is a best balanced overall spec.

50bs 39weapon is a little to weak weapon wise imo, you will get blocked, evaded and parried more in rvr. and do less damage, as resist rate is kinda high to skald DD´s.

And by having high weaponskill with +melee spd and melee dmg you will get more out of it all.

So either skipping parry to get higher BS to get weapon to 50 or doing the most tried out and overall most liked skald spec, 43/44/17 weapon/bs/parry is a nice thought through pve/rvr spec.

And with the right RA´s and toa items very naughty indeed.

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Herjulf said:
With toa artifacts certain tuscarian items it is my belief that 44bs 43weapon 17parry hammer or axe is a best balanced overall spec.

So either skipping parry to get higher BS to get weapon to 50 or doing the most tried out and overall most liked skald spec, 43/44/17 weapon/bs/parry is a nice thought through pve/rvr spec.

44weapon/46bs/17parry is the specc herjulf ;)

And my skald got that specc, and will probably not change it. He is hammer specc.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
46 BS/44 Hammer/17 Parry is what I'm aiming for with little Bayreuth, he dinged 30 last night. Skalds are a really fun class to play, wish I'd started one before.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
im still an old 50 sword 43 bs skald and still like it :D

btw look at skalds new ra's ... hf to solo ;) mythic makes skalds for grps, not solo imo


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
if made for groups why go max wep, skalds main job is to interupt stuff, not do yber dmg :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
50 bs is a waste... what u gonna use at lvl 50? rest song?? resists songs??, more than 46 its a huge waste of pts... and with 39 in weapon u will have hard times hitting most of tanks in game, and if u want to interrupt, u dont need to have 50 bs to do it... with 43-46 its enough, u have both dds + snare + mezz (4 interrupting stuff)

46 hammer 46 bs 10 parry <- for the win :flame: (red dmg BoF slayer)

(if i were sword user i would have 50 - 43, ofc)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
I've allways been hammer, so can't really comment on the other weapons.
So far i've tried:
46, 46, 10
40, 46BS, 21
48, 44BS, 10
44, 46, 17 (what i am now)

One of the reasons i'm 44, 46, 17 now is because of ToA and the endless PvE farming.
When i had 40hammer, 21 parry i was parrying a lot in PvE, but didn't notice that much of a difference in RvR, so i respecced to 48hammer, 44BS.
I wanted to see how the second best damage add was like and it wasn't that bad. Kinda liked the damage i did with my hammer though ;)

Two of the better specs for pure damage is probably 47, 46BS, 5 or 49, 44BS, 4.
In groups you'll keep speed on most of the time, so anything over 44BS is a bit of a waste.
50 sword is still a good group spec since your DDs wont do much except interrupting.
The people you're fighting will often have good resists and body resist buffs.
Even when i'm solo i often run into albs coming straight from TK, newly buffed and with +/-50% body resist. That is also one of the reasons i've never bothered about the 50DD.

Since i solo a lot i personally like a little bit of parry, but not too much =)
Will probably go back to 46, 46, 10 or 48, 44, 10 when i'm done with ToA.

A little more weapondamage here, a tiny bit more damage from DDs there. An extra hit parried during a fight...

Doesn't really matter :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 4, 2004
I respecced from 50 sword 43 bs to 50 bs 39 hammer 18 parry, and i love it so far, the dmg decrease isn't noticable at least not as yet... Ragnarok was really talked up but it seriously doesn't do THAT much dmg, i find Conquer does great dmg and slows them down. Not to mention the anytime style, Draw out (sword spec) uses ALOT of end, as does ragnarok, hammer anytime uses alot less which makes it great for soloing.

When i was specced sword i used to have to time my shouts so it wouldnt use all my end while fighting someone, now with hammer i just shout them off as soon as they are ready, and still have loads of end for styling. And the level 50 DD rocks, 200+ dmg - along with the red dmg add/resists/heal song, its a great group and solo spec.

Although end pots could be the answer to the endurance problem, i don't always carry them :)

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