Skald Spec help



Created a Skald for BG, as my main is on Hib/Excal. and I wont have the time to get to 50..
Eventually I will try :)

So really looking for a decent spec to aim for at 25 and a final spec for 50. Any idea's please :D

I've chosen Hammer as my weapon choice (dunno why :p)

The spec I worked out on Catacombs was 21 Parry, 44 Hammer 44 Battlesongs.

Also if any1 has any low lvl 10-20 Skald related items i'd be happy to buy them :)


For bgs, 24 in Songs, the rest in hammer and nothing in parry

For 50, 46 songs 44 hammer and 17 parry, you'll want the dmg add at 46songs (easily does 60 dmg on a slow weap) but nothing above 46songs is worth getting.


44 hammer ? whats on 44? Sledgehammer style ?
asking because I dont know. I do know that if its Sledgehammer style its number two in a chain that starts from behind :/

Maybe stop at hammer 39 (using items and realm rank to get to 50+ in skill) and then the rest in parry. The 39 style is used after parry and low con cost and a long bleeding.

You (the creater of the thread) go for swords like tons of other skalds, and swords I know *bip* about.


I would also definitly vote for 46 BS for the last dmg-song. The usual templates would then be:

46 BS -- 46 Weapon -- 10 Parry
46 BS -- 44 Weapon -- 17 Parry

No big difference, imho. I went for the bit more dmg and chose 46/46/10.

Btw, I think the reason to go 40+ in your weapon is not styles but dmg. In my experience getting descent items with +weapon is difficult so you can't count on them to bring your weapon-spec up. And as there is only parry to spec instead of your weapon (given the fact that anything beyond 46 BS is worthless) I would always go with a high weapon-spec.



Gromnir - a lot of what skalds do involves chasing people down from behind. I use those 2 styles all the time and I've only had them for a few lvls. Plus the first style snares which is nice when people are running from you/duing a zerg etc. etc.

Don't coun't on being able to get +11 hammer at 50. All I have atm is +2, from RRs :O. Altho with spellcraft u can easily get +11.

Edit: Thinking of respeccing to 46bs, 47weap(axe probably) and 5 parry. Parry sucks and I'd like the extra dmg.


For a non-main character that will rarely if ever go full-time RvR,

> 46 BS -- 44 Weapon -- 17 Parry

For a skald who will spend most of his played time in post lvl 50 RvR

> 46 BS -- 46 Weapon -- 10 Parry

There re other theories and I am quite certain mine will change when I learn more, but for now I consider those being best. The reason for the last template is that at lvl 50, you will want to use high quality crafted hammers. Until spellcraft gets implemented, those will have no magic bonuses. You will also want to use your item slots for other things than +weapon items. You will want to have your total weapon spec at lvl 50 tho, so you have to rely on realm rank bonuses. Getting realm rank 5 is doable. Above that.. its steep. So, for very long time, you are going to spend on rr5, you are going to have your weapon at 46+4=50.


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