Single Server Experiment?



Hey all,
Forgive me if this has been said before, but here goes.

We all know that BW BF1942 servers suffer from being empty all the time. I was wondering if we could possibly conduct and experiment for a few days which might improve this. The experiment is really simple.

Shut down all but one server.

Any thoughts? It couldn't really make things worse could it?



To be frank I don't see how it would help at all. As things stand nobody is going to go and sit on one of the empty servers if there are people playing on another. 4 servers or 40 - makes no difference. What's needed are more players - simple as that.

The bookables provide a way for subbies to do a bit of pimping and that's what I'm doing now. I'm not keen on doing it but I cba waiting any longer for game to do something to improve the situation so I'm using ADSLguide to try and organise games on the bookables. Along the way the players get to know about (I can't get used to calling it that) and realise that they could book servers and organise games too. After Thursday's little blast I know that at least 6 of the 21 players are going to sub (3 have done it already I think) - not bad considering 3-4 of the players were existing subbies.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's fucking ridiculous that I should have to do this in the hope of actually getting some use from my subs. However anyone reading posts in here is either already a subbie or has no intention of becoming one - either way they know what's on offer so there's bugger all point in trying to drum up enthusiasm in here I reckon.

Anyway at least a couple of times a week I get a decently populated bookable which is 95% fuckwit free :D It's still a PITA that I have to do this though.....


We are putting in motion things to help you get more out of your subs on the subs only servers, from the admins I have spoken to so far a lot of them want to see fewer servers but more structure to what is there so i will be discussing this with the server admins.


I can't comment on the admins/servers situation as I obviously have no idea of the specifics of what is being discussed.

You'll have to forgive me if I take your other comments with a pinch of salt as I've been hearing them for months now. I realise systems take time to put in place but the bottom line is that the vast majority of your subbies just haven't got anything (gaming related) out of their subs at all.

The liaisons seem to spend their time in here "preaching to the converted" so to speak and from what I can make out getting bugger all response as everyone has got so apathetic over the last few months (which is understandable). I'm not having a pop at anyone here and I have to confess I don't fully understand the liaison<->admin<->server peeps relationship either.

However I've got people on ADSLguide who are stunned about the fact that you can get up to 4 hours bookings a week for £12.99/year. I don't think they've worked out the range of games on offer yet though :D The comments on the Teamspeak servers prior to the game would have been funny if they weren't so true - "Why have we never heard of this"; "Do they not advertise" etc etc etc

At least I get a couple of half-decent games a week now and you're picking up a few subbies each time we run an organised match. It's not exactly going to set the world on fire but (IMHO) it's better than sitting on my arse waiting for something to happen.


Originally posted by adslrizla

However I've got people on ADSLguide who are stunned about the fact that you can get up to 4 hours bookings a week for £12.99/year. I don't think they've worked out the range of games on offer yet though :D

Spread the word on adlsguide - they're a good bunch of peeps, and perhaps they need to be educated in the ways of a GSP.

Stick a post up, and I'll reply :)

*chants* ADSLGuide is my friend. Broadband is my friend. BF1942 is my friend. BW is my friend.


Stick a post up? FS - look at the gaming board! It's been 95% taken over by posts about this for the last week :D

I'm gonna get in trouble again for monopolising the board - this happened last year with MoHAA too. Ah fuck it :D


I personally don't see how less servers will solve the problem of having 4 empty servers. If there are 4 servers and one server has 6 people on, then you are going to join the server with 6 people, not go to an empty server and thing gee this is fun.

We should keep all the servers we have because when this place does get busy I bet it will be harder to get them back than it will be to take them away. As it stands I think BF1942 has just the right amount of servers, we have 1 FF and 1 non FF for both RtR and Standard versions of the game.


I agree.

I actually think that having more bookables would help draw people into subscribing - BF1942 is only good when you actually exclude the feckwits that TK/camp for planes/etc etc. The people last night were blown away by how good it was - hell even Chameleon is getting into it ;)

I've pointed some of the new subbies at your Monday night game mate - some say they'll be there but most seem have problems with Monday and may or may not be there :( I dunno why but when we ran organised MoHAA games on our Barryserver then Thursday seemed to be the day when most were free.

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