Silly thread/topic names.



Just thought i'd throw a few "silly" or "stupid" threads/topics, or rather their names, here to make someones day just a touch more amusing. And to let others throw in their funny encounters with thread topics that just arn't, that witty. OR are. Who are we to judge. Well i'm Teh Seel but -who- are you? :p

One that always makes me laugh is:

"How many of you have left DAoC?"

Ok, so they may still frequent the boards but it's still a fun thing to ask. Also one good is:

"Anyone else having problems connecting to the net?"

Now that is quite self explanitory don't ya think. Here's a few mailtopics with no explaining whatsoever needed:

"Free access to porn with ony 3$ a month."

"No virus inside."

Hi my new "friend"!

That "friend" part just freaked me out :D

Also i've noticed that when people have no good idea for a threadname(which was taken apart in one of Teh Seel tells things i believe) they name it something like this:



or a bit more articulate even:

"What the fuck?"

"Oh my god!"

Also anything works well with three dots:



Then there are the mails that come with this as a subject:

Yeah that's right. Nothing. Sometimes i think the topics get lost like socks in a washer.

Well enough of my rambling, do post your own "funny" or "Stupid" or "Whatnot" mailtopics and threadnames.

Don't even think about putting that there...wiseass.


Usualy enjoy your posts seal.
But this one kinda lacked flavour


It's a snack Cush. Not ment to satisfy your needs, just there for a little pop into the mouth on it's way down to the warm embrace of the digesting system.

I'll put out a full lunch later on.


Originally posted by old.Tohtori

"Anyone else having problems connecting to the net?"

Don't even think about putting that there...wiseass.

think that one was mine:doh:

Glad it made you smile :D



I can't think of any gr8 topic names / thread names , but dont ya h8 it when u get Breast enlargement emails - and ur a man ?


Originally posted by tripitaka
I can't think of any gr8 topic names / thread names , but dont ya h8 it when u get Breast enlargement emails - and ur a man ?

It's about as amusing as when you get the blokes version of enlargement e-mails when you're a woman. :p

But hey, maybe they're planning on getting you to talk your gf into getting a breast enlargement. Like reversed psychology or something? :p

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