Signs of an upcoming event



Its all about 2 strange mobs. Cylian and Narve

Narve drops nothing, is aggro to casters and graycons and chickenshit (new status type) to lvl 50ies, especially fighters. Pretty simple-minded mob , can be located and killed easily

On the other hand, Cylian is aggro to exping players, both Solo and groups, and the aggro range is maximized whilst he/she/they are busy fighting mobs.Cylian is also aggro to graycons. Harder to track down and kill.

Cylian and Narve mobs have both been seen wandering around the fields in emain.
They spawn near the Tower close to castle exca and Alb Df entrance accordingly.
This strange behaviour has lead me to the conclusion that something is up....

If anyone finds anything about this, drop me a msg here.


Shit I'm dumb. Took me a 2nd read before I figured what you meant :)

old.The McScrooges

Has anyone tried speaking to them? Tried to find the key words?

Perhaps; [git], [bugger] or [again!]?


Originally posted by old.Purificator
This strange behaviour has lead me to the conclusion that something is up....

Aye. Also the increased number of so-called 'whiners' indicate that things are a little out of the ordinary.
Whiners can be found on barrysworld forums and what they generally do is they find something to whine about and they type lengthly messages which usually gives a slight hint that "somebody got pwned".
Whether the whiners phenomenon is related to the 2 mysterious mobs you mention is to me unknown. Maybe someone else can shed more light over these things?

We are living in strange times indeed.... :)


Originally posted by kr0n
Freia... Warm cup of stfu should cure you?

Would you make one for me? You are soo sweeeeeeet!! :fluffle:

On a serious note though:
Im not sure if it would help us to clear out the mysteries of the event. It might be possible to apply it to the whiners to get some kind of positive reaction, I do not know but somehow it seems logical.

Hey common kr0n, wasnt it a little tiny bit funny atleast? I put some effort into that post damnit! :(


"whine" is a word oftenly linked to Antiwhine, which is as bad as whine. So thus you using the W word, means you're doing W aswell. Thus making you a hypocrite. And thus, the cup is already warm. Come and get it... if you dare...
*lures Freia into his Lair*


Originally posted by kr0n
"whine" is a word oftenly linked to Antiwhine, which is as bad as whine. So thus you using the W word, means you're doing W aswell. Thus making you a hypocrite.

zzzzz :sleeping:
Ever heard of humour? (and what does that make your post? anti-anti-whiner?)

And thus, the cup is already warm. Come and get it... if you dare...
*lures Freia into his Lair*

Oi!! Coming, coming! :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Freia

Ever heard of humour? (and what does that make your post? anti-anti-whiner?)

pr0n is too daft for humor... and he is leet.
Never forget just how leet he is...


Heey u might just be right about that, for a long time we have had the same thing here in Midgaard but our signs of of an upcoming event, are called Venemous and Kreig these 2 have almost same behaviour. e.g. jumping players that are trying to exp ( venemous ) and lets talk Kreig who is the king of grey ganking :)
Yes this must indeed be a sign of an upcoming event.


Didnt even bother read the post after the first Whine word... My bad yes... Shouldve used different word tho ^^

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