Please sign here if you want to stop Rakdhin from extensive "u"-abusing!
With every additional signature, you'll help with stopping Rakdhin from writing things like "Suuuuure" and "yeah suuuuure".
Everyone who signs here agrees that Rakdhin is rescricted to only use one "u" per word (that would restrict him from words like "unatural", too [which could be helpful at another point of time]).
so please sign here if you can't bear the abusive using of the poor "u"'s, too.
With every additional signature, you'll help with stopping Rakdhin from writing things like "Suuuuure" and "yeah suuuuure".
Everyone who signs here agrees that Rakdhin is rescricted to only use one "u" per word (that would restrict him from words like "unatural", too [which could be helpful at another point of time]).
so please sign here if you can't bear the abusive using of the poor "u"'s, too.